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Preview Main Idea / Reading Focus Radicals Views of Government The Reign of Terror

Preview Main Idea / Reading Focus Radicals Views of Government The Reign of Terror. Radical Days of the Revolution. Radical Days of the Revolution. Main Idea In 1793, the revolution entered a radical phase. For a year, France experienced one of the bloodiest regimes in its history.

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  1. Preview Main Idea / Reading Focus Radicals Views of Government The Reign of Terror Radical Days of the Revolution

  2. Radical Days of the Revolution Main Idea In 1793, the revolution entered a radical phase. For a year, France experienced one of the bloodiest regimes in its history. • Reading Focus • How & why did radicals abolish the monarchy? • Why was the Committee of Public Safety created, and why did the Reign of Terror ensue? • How did the excesses of the Convention lead to the formation of the Directory? • How were the French people affected by the revolution?

  3. The French Revolution and Napoleon Witness History Audio: The Engine of Terror The Monarchy is Abolished News of mounting deaths in the war with Prussia caused anger with the King, who many thought was on the side of Prussia. In what has been called the “September massacres,” citizens attacked prisons that held nobles and priests and killed many of them. The Assembly gave the vote to all male citizens and the newly elected legislature was full of radicals who seized nobles’ lands and sentenced the king to death. Section 3: Radical Days of the Revolution Note Taking Transparency 77 1 of 5

  4. Tightening Control • Committee of Public Safety set up to manage military defense • Drafted all able-bodied men between 18 and 45 for service • Established the Revolutionary Tribunal to protect the Revolution • Transforming Society • Leaders wanted to erase connections to old ways of life • Clergy members lost positions; churches closed in Paris • Robespierre created the cult of the Supreme Being • Metric system was introduced

  5. Explain Why did the National Convention want to change French government and society? Answer(s): It saw the old government and systems as oppressive and it wanted to create a better society.

  6. The French Revolution and Napoleon Terror and Danger Grip France The Convention, or legislative body, created the Committee of Public Safety and gave its 12 members almost absolute power in response to the threats from inside and outside the country. Under the leader, Maximilien Robespierre, this Committee set out an a Reign of Terror—during which suspected enemies of the state were hastily tried and often put to death by guillotine. Section 3: Radical Days of the Revolution History Interactive: The Reign of Terror The Revolution Enters Its Third Stage Moderates took over after the Reign of Terror and the Convention produced the third constitution since 1789. Inflation and the resurgence of royalist feelings caused politicians to rally around war hero Napoleon Bonaparte. 2 of 5

  7. Robespierre

  8. The Reign of Terror • Course of Revolution • Revolutionary leaders feared counterrevolution and took drastic actions with accusations, trials, and executions. This period was known as the Reign of Terror. • An Outbreak of Civil War • Peasants, essentially conservative, only wanted an end to feudal dues. • Remaining devoutly Catholic, the Vendée region opposed the Revolution in a civil war. The government put down the counterrevolution to regain control. • Accusations and Trials • Robespierre used the Revolutionary Tribunal to rid the country of dissent. • It started with the Girondists, but soon anyone who had ever criticized the Revolution, or who had connections to the Old Order, was in danger.

  9. The French Revolution and Napoleon Revolution Brings Change The revolution brought loyalty to the nation, instead of to a monarch. This new nationalism was celebrated with festivals, dances, and songs. Revolutionaries pushed for various social reforms and religious toleration. Section 3: Radical Days of the Revolution QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency 3 of 5

  10. The Terror’s Victims After the Terror • No one was spared • 8% were aristocrats, 6% clergy, 14% middle class, and 72% were workers or peasants • Peasants and laborers affected • Danton and Robespierre • 40,000 executed in 10 months • France started over with new constitution in 1795 • Voting limited to property owners • The Directory established • High prices, bankruptcy, and citizens’ unrest continued • Power vacuum developed No Escape from the Terror • Death by Guillotine • Most common sentence - death by guillotine • Condemned paraded through Paris in open carts • Mobs watched at scaffold; executions took less than one minute

  11. Summarize Why was the period of mass executions called the Reign of Terror? Answer(s): It was a period of accusations, trials, and executions that led to a wave of fear.

  12. The French Revolution and Napoleon: Section 3 Note Taking Transparency 77 4 of 5

  13. The French Revolution and Napoleon: Section 3 Progress Monitoring Transparency 5 of 5

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