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Unit 2 Review Colonization

Unit 2 Review Colonization. Colonization Review. 1. 8. 6. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 12. 13. 9. 15. 10. 11. 14. 16. 22. 23. 19. 20. 17. 18. 21. 24. 26. 25. 30. 28. 31. 27. 29. 32. 40. 36. 37. 38. 39. 33. 34. 35. What is a patroon?. ANSWER.

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Unit 2 Review Colonization

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  1. Unit 2 Review Colonization

  2. Colonization Review 1 8 6 2 3 4 5 7 12 13 9 15 10 11 14 16 22 23 19 20 17 18 21 24 26 25 30 28 31 27 29 32 40 36 37 38 39 33 34 35

  3. What is a patroon? ANSWER

  4. Why did colonists smuggle? ANSWER

  5. What is a “common?” ANSWER

  6. What does Jamestown and Plymouth have in common? ANSWER

  7. What geographic feature lies west of the New England Colonies? ANSWER

  8. What was unique about the colony of Pennsylvania? ANSWER

  9. What is the difference between a royal colony and a proprietary colony? ANSWER

  10. Why was Georgia founded? ANSWER

  11. William Penn founded Pennsylvania so which group could practice freely? ANSWER

  12. What were Roger Williams beliefs? ANSWER

  13. Why did people want to go to the Middle Colonies? ANSWER

  14. What was the purpose of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut and the Mayflower Compact? ANSWER

  15. Why did the slave population grow in the Carolinas? ANSWER

  16. What were the reasons people chose to come to the new world? ANSWER

  17. What are the provisions of the Navigation Acts? (4) ANSWER

  18. Name the most important cash crop. ANSWER

  19. What important right was upheld in the John Peter Zenger trial? ANSWER

  20. Define dissenter ANSWER

  21. What was the economy of the Southern colonies? ANSWER

  22. TRUE or FALSE King Philip’s War was a Native American uprising against Puritan colonies. ANSWER

  23. TRUE or FALSE The Quakers began publishing antislavery statements and petitions in the late 1600’s ANSWER

  24. TRUE or FALSE Most farmers in the Middle Colonies practiced subsistence farming ANSWER

  25. TRUE or FALSE German and Dutch immigrants to the English colonies settled mainly in the Backcountry ANSWER

  26. TRUE or FALSE The Navigation Acts required European imports to the colonies to pass through English ports ANSWER

  27. What document is known as the first Constitution of America? ANSWER

  28. Who wanted to break away from the Church of England and start their own church? ANSWER

  29. What was the economy of the New England colonies? ANSWER

  30. What were the factors in the decline of the Puritans in New England? ANSWER

  31. What was forbidden under the English Bill of Rights? ANSWER

  32. Who benefited from the Magna Carta? ANSWER

  33. Explain what caused the shortage of workers in the 1600’s. ANSWER

  34. What did Bacon’s Rebellion and King Philip’s War have in common? ANSWER

  35. TRUE or FALSE Because of their wealth, artisans gained political control in the South ANSWER

  36. TRUE or FALSE Enslaved Africans were transported to the West Indies where they were exchanged for iron and rum ANSWER

  37. TRUE or FALSE The growth of trade made Boston the fastest growing city in all of the colonies ANSWER

  38. TRUE or FALSE The Scots-Irish formed large clans that settled throughout the Backcountry ANSWER

  39. TRUE or FALSE Two important cash crops in the Southern Colonies were rice and tobacco ANSWER

  40. A person rewarded with a large land grant for bringing 50 settlers to New Netherland GAMEBOARD

  41. Colonists smuggled to avoid paying the high taxes placed on imports and exports. GAMEBOARD

  42. Shared land where public activities took place GAMEBOARD

  43. They both went through a “starving” period GAMEBOARD

  44. Hudson River GAMEBOARD

  45. Quakers could practice their religion freely GAMEBOARD

  46. Proprietary colonies were governed by single owner and royal colonies were ruled by the king’s appointed official GAMEBOARD

  47. To help protect the English colonies From Spanish Florida GAMEBOARD

  48. Quakers GAMEBOARD

  49. He believed the Puritans should not impose their beliefs on others GAMEBOARD

  50. Fertile soil, mild winters, religious tolerance GAMEBOARD

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