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OOBLECK. By : Grace. Cornstarch in a microscope. QUESTION?. Is an O obleck Solid, Liquid , or Gas?. Oobleck is an Non-Newtonian Fluid. Sir Isaac Newton said liquid flows at a consistent predictable rate. Cornstarch and water is a Oobleck .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OOBLECK By : Grace Cornstarch in a microscope

  2. QUESTION? Is an Oobleck Solid, Liquid , or Gas?

  3. Oobleck is an Non-Newtonian Fluid. Sir Isaac Newton said liquid flows at a consistent predictable rate. Cornstarch and water is a Oobleck. Oobleck comes from the Dr.Seussbook “Bartholomew and the Oobleck”. RESEARCH ISACC NEWTON

  4. HYPOTHESIS I thought that the oobleck would get hard like play-doh.

  5. EXPERIMENT crust You need… ½ cup of water 1cup of cornstarch Bowl Spoon And a Dish

  6. Conclusion It feels like a solid but can be a liquid as well.

  7. RESULTS This experiment is an example of SUSPENSION. The cornstarch becomes a solid with pressure. Pick it up the cornstarch turns into liquid.

  8. Sources For more information on Oobleck go to: www.sciencebob.com http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ID3UuCFZgvQ/TnKsS_k3l7I/AAAAAAAAAQI/6hiyQAIRBfk/s1600/play+doh+banner.jpghttp://newspaper.li/oobleck/http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=oobleck&num=10&hl=en&biw=677&bih=819&tbm=isch&tbnid=9Tohkf-6K7MBoM:&imgrefurl=http://www.misskonar.com/Oobleck.htm&docid=DZgc9v4JjeZjgM&imgurl=http://www.misskonar.com/bartholomew_and_the_oobleck.jpg&w=343&h=475&ei=_-2iUOOjE6W_2QWGsYG4Dw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=1&sig=103903079977601076414&page=1&tbnh=143&tbnw=109&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:78&tx=18&ty=52 http://herd.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83451e1dc69e20147e2cb6ae9970b-800wi

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