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Using the Library Media Center

Johnson County High School. Using the Library Media Center. Lesson Organization. 21 st Century Standards Video /Student Activity/Handout Answer the question: How do books and media in general inspire society to change? Layout of the LMC Patron Expectations and Procedures LMC Policies

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Using the Library Media Center

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  1. Johnson County High School Using the Library Media Center

  2. Lesson Organization • 21st Century Standards • Video /Student Activity/Handout • Answer the question: How do books and media in general inspire society to change? • Layout of the LMC • Patron Expectations and Procedures • LMC Policies • DESTINY • The final quiz

  3. 21ST CENTURY STANDARDS Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. 4 Main Goals and Objectives

  4. Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge. Student Activity • Think about these items • How does the book and the video relate to each other? • How does a fiction book inspire change in our society? • Can you think of other books/events that have created controversy because society wanted to ignore the truth? (Banned books – ALA classic list)

  5. When fiction inspires change~Discovery Streaming A farmer and his two sons during a dust storm in Cimarron County, Oklahoma, 1936. Photo: Arthur Rothstein(Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dust_Bowl

  6. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. Student Activity • Think about these items • How does the book and the video relate to each other? • How does a fiction book inspire change in our society? • Can you think of other books/events that have created controversy because society wanted to ignore the truth? (Banned books – ALA classic list) Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge.

  7. Other controversial books

  8. Summary • 21st Century Standards • Video /Student Activity • Answer the question: How do books and media in general inspire society to change?

  9. Next Topic

  10. Goal: To establish the learning parameters of the Library Media Center. This PowerPoint is to help familiarize patrons (students, teachers and community members) with the Johnson County High School Library Media Center.

  11. Policies and Procedures • Selection Policy • Challenged materials • Team of experts • Checkout Policy • 2 weeks • Overdue fines • Lost book fines • eBooks • Checkout Procedure • Choose a book • Bring it to the circulation desk • Wait for your receipt • Name • Title of book • Due date

  12. Procedure for students when first entering the LMC

  13. Please: Do not reshelf books. Must have a signed “Acceptable Use Policy” on file in the office to use the desktop computers. For research Ask questions!!! . Technical assignments Read Use computers May come in during lunch May search for books For enjoyment STUDY For assignments Use iPads

  14. FINDING A BOOK(stand at the circulation desk and look towards the front door)

  15. DESTINY Provides TWO Options for searching for titles:

  16. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. LIBRARY SEARCH • Scroll down the JCHS homepage and hover over the Library Media Center link until the JCHS online library links comes up • Choose Johnson County High School • Type in a search term in the search box and choose which way you would like to search

  17. DESTINY QUEST Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society.

  18. Quick Quiz • I f your last name has more than 5 letters, please stand and point to the fiction section. • Now, if you were looking for a paperback where would you go? If you have blue eyes, please go and stand there. • Those with painted nails, go quietly to the reference section. • If you like to read, go to the circulation desk where you would check out a book. • As you take your seat, everyone find the nonfiction section and tell your teacher.

  19. Last questions • How do books and media in general inspire society to change? • List your favorite book(s), magazines or authors. • How has the Internet changed our way of gathering information?

  20. THANK YOU!!!

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