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Craig, Heritage of World Civilization, 6th ed.

Introduction. About 2000 B.C.E. Greek speaking people settled the lands surrounding the Aegean SeaContact with Egypt, Mesopotamia, Asia MinorGreeks forged their own unique ideas, valuesPolis - city-state - foundation of Greek lifeConflict with the Persian empireExtraordinary cultural achievemen

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Craig, Heritage of World Civilization, 6th ed.

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    1. Craig, Heritage of World Civilization, 6th ed. Chapter 3 - Greek and Hellenistic Civilization

    2. Introduction About 2000 B.C.E. Greek speaking people settled the lands surrounding the Aegean Sea Contact with Egypt, Mesopotamia, Asia Minor Greeks forged their own unique ideas, values Polis - city-state - foundation of Greek life Conflict with the Persian empire Extraordinary cultural achievements Eventual fall to Macedonians Expansion in Hellenistic age

    3. Minoans - 3rd and 2nd millennia Minoan civilization on island of Crete Major influence on early Greeks Named after Minos, legendary founder Early, Middle, and Late Minoan Cnossus - extraordinary remains Early forms of writing Evidence of early form of Greek Trade with the Mycenaeans Eventually fall to Mycenaeans

    4. Mycenaeans ca. 2000-1100 Earliest Greek-speaking society Influenced by Minoans, but very different Mycenaeans were warriors Independent, well-organized monarchies Tholos tombs Wanax - title of Mycenaean king Height of power - 1400-1200 B.C.E. Sacked Troy around 1250 B.C.E. Inspiration for Homer’s Iliad, Odyssey

    5. Age of Homer - 10th-9th cens. Greek “Middle Age” - 1100-850 B.C.E. Homer wrote of Mycenaeans But reflected age he lived in - 10th-9th cens. Kings less powerful than Mycenaean rulers Limited, constitutional government Sharp class divisions - society was aristocratic Values - physical prowess, courage, protection of one’s friends, property, honor and reputation Arete - courage, manliness

    6. Polis and Hoplite Phalanx City-state Characteristic Greek institution Thought of as a community of relatives Agora - marketplace and civic center Heart of Greek social life Hoplite phalanx Dominant military force in Mediterranean Phalanx and polis heralded the decline of kings Bond between aristocrats and farmers

    7. Expansion of the Greek World Tremendous expansion by 6th century B.C.E. Macedonia, southern Italy, Sicily, Spain, southern France, Black Sea, north African coast Magna Graecia Relieved pressure and land-hunger Safety valve for poleis to escape civil wars Panhellenic (“all-Greek”) spirit Common religious festivals - Olympia, Delphi Encouraged trade and industry

    8. The Tyrants ca. 700-500 B.C.E. Economic expansion brought social pressures Tyrant - monarch who had gained power in unorthodox but not necessarily wicked way Strong one-man rule - might be popular Expelled aristocratic opponents Public works projects, land division Tyrants disappeared - some outrages Mainly - concept of tyranny was inimical to ideal of polis

    9. Life in Archaic Greece Features of Greek life coming into focus Increasing role of merchants, artisans Farmers - simple, hard life Aristocrats - rich enough to employ Hired laborers, sharecroppers, slaves Symposion Athletic contests Running, long jump, discus, javelin, pentathlon, boxing, wrestling, chariot race

    10. Gods Zeus - father of the gods Hera - Zeus’ wife Poseidon - god of the seas and earthquakes Hestia - goddess of the hearth Demeter - goddess of agriculture and marriage Aphrodite - goddess of love and beauty Apollo - god of the sun, music, poetry, prophecy Ares - god of war Athena - goddess of wisdom and the arts

    11. Religion Religion did not inspire great emotion No hope for immortality Justice lay in paying one’s debts Cult of Apollo at Delphi very important Priests preached moderation “Know thyself” and “Nothing in excess” Sophrosyne - self-control Hubris - arrogance Leads to divine vengeance

    12. Sparta Second Messenian War - 650 B.C.E. Fear of Helots Transformation of society Control exerted over each Spartan from birth Powerful commitment to polis Ambition - glory and respect by glory in war Spartan girls had greater freedom Mixture of monarchy, oligarchy, democracy Leadership of Peloponnesian League

    13. Athens - Early Tensions Initially an aristocratic polis No written law code Areopagus - council of nobles Elected magistrates, archons Agrarian crisis Economic and social pressures Many debtors pledged family as surety Many defaulted and enslaved Solon elected archon in 594 B.C.E.

    14. Solon - ca. 639-559 “Shaking off of burdens” Canceled current debts Forbade future debts secured by person Freed Athenians enslaved for debt Expanded citizenship Included immigrant artisans and merchants Divided citizenry into four classes Third class - serve in council of four hundred Thetes - fourth class - voted in assembly

    15. Pisistratus - 605?-527 B.C.E. Seizes power as tyrant in 546 B.C.E. Increased power of central government At expense of nobles Public works projects Supported poets and artists Hippias - r. 527-510 B.C.E. Son of Pisistratus Exiled when Sparta invaded Brief revival of noble power under Isagoras

    16. Clisthenes and Democracy Central aim of Clisthenes’ reforms Diminish influence of noble factions Four tribes become ten tribes New council of five hundred Final authority in all things in assembly of all adult male Athenian citizens Debate in assembly was free and open Any Athenian could submit legislation Or argue merits of legislation

    17. Persian Wars Asia Minor fell under Lydian then Persian control Greek city-states on Ionian coast in rebellion Persians under Darius invade in 490 Marathon - 490, Greek victory under Miltiades Xerxes - r. 486-465 B.C.E. Massive invasion in 481 B.C.E. 150,000 men and 600 ships Greek victories at Thermopylae, Salamis

    18. Delian League Victory in Persian Wars - leads to 150 years of intense, almost unmatched cultural achievement After victory - two sources of power Sparta - head of Peloponnesian League Athens - head of Delian League Reasons for split Need for protection from Persia Desire for revenge and reparations Leadership of Cimon

    19. First Peloponnesian War Collapse of Cimon’s authority Supported positive relations with Sparta Rebellion of Thasos against Delian League Thasians appeal to Sparta for aid War began when Megara switched sides from Sparta to Athens Athens suffers defeat in Egypt versus Persia Athenian leader Pericles Agrees to thirty years truce with Sparta

    20. Athenian Empire and Democracy Reign of Pericles - best and worst in Athens Athens bullies other city-states Freest government world had ever seen Citizenship was key Every decision approved by citizen assembly Collection of people, not their representatives All public officials subject to scrutiny No standing army or police force No way to coerce people

    21. Women of Athens Women excluded from most aspects of public life Always under control of male guardian Married very young Divorce difficult to obtain Main function was to produce male heirs Carefully segregated from men Men could seek sexual gratification outside marriage with prostitutes Ironic - strong women in Greek tragedy/comedy

    22. Great Peloponnesian War Thirty Years’ Peace lasted ten years Spartan strategy - invade and crush army Athenian strategy - raids on coast Athenian decline after death of Pericles, 429 Peace of Nicias in 421 Alcibiades - ca. 450-404 Athenian disaster at Sicily in 413 Spartan leader Lysander Athens surrenders in 404 B.C.E.

    23. Struggle for Greek Leadership Spartan hegemony Handed Ionian Greek city-states to Persia Lysander installs “Thirty Tyrants” in Athens Loss to Thebans at Leuctra in 371 B.C.E. Theban hegemony Generals - Pelopidas and Epaminondas Second Athenian empire Repeat mistakes of Delian League Return to disorganization and warfare

    24. Fifth Century B.C.E. Culture Two sources of tension fueled creativity Pride in accomplishments vs. fear of hubris Hopes of individual vs. limits of state Socrates, Plato, Aristotle Architectural achievements under Pericles Pericles - Athens as “school of Hellas” Temples to honor city’s gods Projected Athenian greatness

    25. Attic Tragedy and Comedy Tragedy Religious observations in honor of Dionysus Role of chorego Questions of religion, ethics, morality Aeschylus - 525-456 B.C.E. Sophocles - ca. 496-406 B.C.E. Euripides - ca. 480-406 B.C.E. Comedy Aristophanes - ca. 450-385 B.C.E.

    26. History Herodotus - 484?-425? B.C.E. “The father of history” - studied Persian War Attempted to explain human actions Draw instructions from them Thucydides - ca. 460-ca. 400 B.C.E. History of the Peloponnesian War Used evidence to try and discover meaningful patterns of human behavior Understanding of history - guide to future

    27. Fourth Century B.C.E. Culture Middle Comedy Turn away from life of polis Towards everyday life, family, satire New Comedy Meander - 342-291 B.C.E. Tragedy faded - revivals of classics Euripides becomes a favorite Psychology of individual human beings Sculpture - ordinary, real, individual

    28. Macedonian Conquest Kingdom of Macedon Philip of Macedon - r. 359-336 B.C.E. Admiration for Greek culture Undermined Athenian control of Aegean Demosthenes - 384-322 B.C.E. Battle of Chaeronea in 338 B.C.E. Role of Philip’s son Alexander End to Greek freedom and autonomy Philip assassinated in 336 B.C.E.

    29. Alexander the Great 356-323 Alexander’s personality Invasion of Persia in 334 B.C.E. Battle of Granicus River - 334 B.C.E. Battle of Issus - 333 B.C.E. Battle of Gaugamela - 331 B.C.E. Fall of Persepolis - 330 B.C.E. Alexander enters Indus Valley - 327 B.C.E. Alexander’s place in history Man of vision vs. murderous tyrant

    30. Alexander’s Successors Ptolemy I - 367?-283 B.C.E. Ptolomies - Thirty-first dynasty in Egypt Seleucus I - 358?-280 Seleucid dynasty in Mespotamia Antigonus I - 382-301 B.C.E. Antigonid dynasty in Asia Minor and Macedon Tremendous trade and prosperity Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia One single political, economic, cultural unit

    31. Hellenistic Culture Significant turning point in Greek literature, philosophy, religion and art Dominant role of polis is lost Arrogant Greek humanism gives way to Resignation to fate, helplessness Plato’s Academy Becomes center of skepticism (Pyrrho) Aristotle’s Lyceum Center of literary and historical studies

    32. Epicureans Epicurus of Athens - 342-271 B.C.E. Goal was happiness, not knowledge Achieved through a life based on reason Gods took no interest in human affairs Goal was to liberate people from the fear of death, the gods, and the supernatural Hedonistic - identified happiness with pleasure Absence of pain and trouble Ataraxia - condition of being undisturbed

    33. Stoics Zeno of Citium - 335-263 B.C.E. God and nature are the same Humans must live in harmony with themselves Logos - divine reason Guiding principle in nature Source of misery is passion Apatheia - freedom from passion World is a single large polis All people as children of god

    34. Literature and Sculpture Alexandria - center of Hellenistic world Museum - great research institute Library - great body of past Greek literature Half a million books Study of history Eratosthenes - ca. 275-195 B.C.E. Tremendous demand for sculpture Sentimental, emotional, realistic Laocoon

    35. Mathematics and Science Euclid - 3rd century B.C.E. Elements - plane and solid geometry Archimedes of Syracuse - ca. 287-212 B.C.E. Theory of lever, invented hydrostatics Aristarchus of Samos - ca. 310-230 B.C.E. Heliocentric theory of universe Ptolemy of Alexandria - 2nd century C.E. Eratosthenes of Cyrent - ca. 275-195 B.C.E. Circumference of earth, treatise on geography

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