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Sensation and Perception: The Process of Receiving and Interpreting Stimulus Energy

This lesson introduces the concepts of sensation and perception, exploring how our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energy. It delves into the processes of bottom-up and top-down processing, highlighting their roles in analyzing and interpreting sensory information. Additionally, it discusses the importance of contrast in understanding sensation and perception.

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Sensation and Perception: The Process of Receiving and Interpreting Stimulus Energy

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  1. Myers’ PSYCHOLOGY (6th Ed) Chapter 5 Sensation James A. McCubbin, PhD Clemson University Worth Publishers

  2. Today in Class 10/30/2014 • You will need your book and your notebook for notes. • You need something to write with. • Record your homework: Homework – Fact or Falsehood • Read and outline pages 197 – 203 • Vocab – 1st 15 on page 235 (sensation – hue) Quiz Monday (vocab.) • At the end of class, if time permits begin your homework.

  3. Read the following • Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in what order the ltteers in a word are, the olny iprmoetnt thing is that the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the human mind deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe.

  4. Sensation • Sensation • a process by which our sensory receptors and nervous system receive and represent stimulus energy • Perception • a process of organizing and interpreting sensory information, enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events

  5. Sensation • Bottom-Up Processing • analysis that begins with the sense receptors and works up to the brain’s integration of sensory information • Top-Down Processing • information processing guided by higher-level mental processes • as when we construct perceptions drawing on our experience and expectations

  6. Introduction to Sensation and Perception Video • http://www.learner.org/series/discoveringpsychology/07/e07expand.html • View this video and make notes as the terms noted below are discussed. Be prepared to answer questions pertaining to the introduction. • On a note card • 1. Contrast sensation and perception. • 2. Explain the difference between bottom-up and top-down processing.

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