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Big Bang Theory

Big Bang Theory. Investigative Science. What is a Theory?. Well-established idea that is supported by scientific evidence. Theory statements can be refuted, but not verified, no matter how strongly we believe in the truth of a theory. It is always possible for it to be falsified.

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Big Bang Theory

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Big Bang Theory Investigative Science

  2. What is a Theory? • Well-established idea that is supported by scientific evidence. • Theory statements can be refuted, but not verified, no matter how strongly we believe in the truth of a theory. It is always possible for it to be falsified.

  3. How do we measure distances in space? • Astronomical Unit (AU) – average distance between the Earth and the Sun • About 93 million miles • Light-year – the distance that light travels in a year • Used to measure distance to stars and galaxies • Nearest stars are several light-years away

  4. What is the size scale in space? • Put the following in order from smallest to largest: • Galaxy • Universe • Planet • Star • Comet • Solar system • Asteroid

  5. What is the size scale in space? • Put the following in order from smallest to largest: • Comet • Asteroid • Planet • Star • Solar system • Galaxy • Universe

  6. What is Hubble’s Law? • Hubble then noticed a correlation between the distance of the galaxies and the speed at which they are moving away from us • The farther away the galaxy, the faster it is receding (moving away) from the Earth.

  7. So if the universe is expanding, then it must have had a beginning.

  8. What is the Big Bang Theory? • Universe formed 12 to 14 billion years ago • At “time zero” universe was an explosion of a primeval atom. • Temperatures extremely high at beginning • Expanded rapidly, temperatures dropped • Matter formed from original energy

  9. What evidence is there for the Big Bang Theory? • Cosmic background radiation: radiation left over from the initial moments of Big Bang spread evenly around the universe. • Red Shifted galaxies indicating that they are moving away from our galaxy. • Galaxies and stars formed from cooling energy. • Leftover heat from the original explosion

  10. Big Bang model describes our current understanding of the universe. • New discoveries, such as dark matter and accelerating expansion (Dark Energy), lead us to refine our model, but there is no crisis in our understanding (yet). • Science is an ongoing process - forcing us to test our model through prediction and observation. The more tests it passes, the greater is our confidence in it.

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