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The EU’s new Research Framework Programme (2007-2013):

The EU’s new Research Framework Programme (2007-2013): focus on food agriculture and biotechnology. Meeting of the CEI Working Group on Agriculture FAO Headquarters, Rome, 22 May 2006. François Constantin Project officer European Commission - DG RTD E.3 francois.constantin@cec.eu.int.

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The EU’s new Research Framework Programme (2007-2013):

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  1. The EU’s new Research Framework Programme (2007-2013): focus on food agriculture and biotechnology Meeting of the CEI Working Group on Agriculture FAO Headquarters, Rome, 22 May 2006 François Constantin Project officer European Commission - DG RTD E.3 francois.constantin@cec.eu.int

  2. Overview • From FP6 to FP7 • TheERA-Net scheme • TheTechnology Platforms • FP7 outline • Overview • Theme 2 “Food, Agriculture & Biotechnology” & the Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy • Perspectives for International Cooperation • The Standing Committee for Agricultural Research (SCAR)

  3. Integrating European Research FP6 (2002-2006) Anticipating S/T Needs Priority Thematic Areas Scientific support to policies New and emerging S/T needs Food quality and safety Life Sciences, genomics & biotechnology for health Information society technol. Sustainable development ... SME activities Citizens & governance Nanotechnologies ... Aeronautics and space International cooperation JRC Structuring the ERA Strengthening the foundations of ERA Research & Innovation Training & Mobility Research Infrastructures Science & Society

  4. Food intake Health and well-being of Consumer Safe, high-quality foods Production Processing Environmental factors Food Quality and Safety Fork-to-Farm 685 M€ over the four years (EU15)

  5. A wide range of instruments in FP 6 COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH • “New” Instruments • Integrated Projects (IP) • Networks of Excellence (NoE) • “Traditional” Instruments • Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) • Coordination Actions (CA) • Specific Support Actions (SSA) COORDINATION OF RESEARCH – ERA-Net scheme • ERA-Nets should support the cooperation and coordination of research activities that are: • strategically planned (programmes) • executed at a national or regional level • financed or managed by national or regional public bodies

  6. ERA-net activities Examples of ERA-nets in Agricultural Research • European Research Area on plant genomics (CA); • Towards sustainable integration of animal welfare in food production (SSA); • Processing for food safety (SSA); • Towards a European-wide exchange network for improving dissemination of integrated water resources management research (SSA) • Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming (CA) • Agricultural Research for Development (CA) Reinforcement of ERA-Net in FP7 • Continuity of ERA-NET as the scheme providing a framework for the coordination of public research programmes (new topics) • Broadening the partnership and scope of ERA-NETs • Deepening the activities towards mutual opening of programmes

  7. Technology Platforms - Overall Concept Stakeholders, led by industry, getting together to define a Strategic Research Agenda on a number of strategically important issues with high societal relevance where achieving Europe’s future growth, competitiveness and sustainability objectives is dependent upon major research and technological advances in the medium to long term Stage 1:Stakeholders get together and define a common vision Stage 2: Stakeholders define a Strategic Research Agenda Stage 3: Stakeholders implement the Strategic Research Agenda

  8. Technology Platform on Plant Genomics & Biotechnology • “Plants for the future” vision paper launched on 24th June 2004 by representatives of research, biotech and food industry, farmers, consumers and other stakeholders • Produce better quality, healthy, €, diverse foods • Enhance agricultural and environmental sustainability • Increase competitiveness of European agriculture Actors: EPSO, EUROPABIO Participants: wide range of stakeholders Home page: www.epsoweb.org

  9. Other Technology Platforms in Agricultural Research Areas • Forest Resources • Animal Breeding • Global Animal Health • Food Technologies • Water Sanitation • Sustainable Chemistry incl. White Biotechnology • Bioenergy • ….

  10. FP7: What’s new ? Main new elements compared to FP6: • Annual budget doubled (initial proposal) • Total: EUR 5 billion ►10 billion per year • Basic research (~ EUR 1.5 billion per year) • Simplification of procedures • Management • ERC (Basic Research) • Logistical and administrative tasks transferred to external structures • Joint Technology Initiatives, Research Infrastructures • International cooperation will be implemented under the Co-operation Specific Programme in each thematic area and across themes

  11. FP7 structure (2007-2013)Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Human Potential Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom

  12. Cooperation – Collaborative research 9 themes • Health • Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology • Information and Communication Technologies • Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies • Energy • Environment (including Climate Change) • Transport (including Aeronautics) • Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities • Security and Space


  14. Pillar 1:Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest, and aquatic environments • Enabling research (‘omics’, converging technologies, biodiversity) for micro-organism, plants and animals • Improved crops and production systems incl. organic farming • Sustainable, competitive and multifunctional agriculture, forestry and rural development • Animal welfare, breeding and production • Infectious diseases in animals, including zoonoses • Policy tools for agriculture and rural development

  15. Pillar 2:“Fork to farm”- Food, health and well being • Consumer, societal, industrial and health aspects of food and feed • Nutrition, diet related diseasesand disorders • Innovative food and feed processing • Improved quality and safety of food, beverage and feed • Total food chain concept • Traceability

  16. Pillar 3:Life sciences and biotechnology for sustainable non-food products and processes • Improved crops, feed-stocks, marine products and biomass for energy, environment, and high added value industrial products; novel farming systems • Bio-catalysis; new bio-refinery concepts • Forestry and forest based products and processes • Environmental remediation and cleaner processing

  17. International Cooperation in FP7 PARTNERS for the EU Third Countries: Industrialised countries Associated countries International Cooperation Partner Countries: • Countries neighbouring the EU (Mediterranean partner Countries, Western Balkans, Eastern European and Central Asian countries) • Developing countries (ACP, ASIA, Latin America) • Emerging economies (China, India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa…)

  18. International co-operation in FP7 Cooperation – Collaborative research: RULES OF PARTICIPATION - DEFINITIONS • “International cooperation partner country” means a third country which the European Commission classifies as a low-income, lower-middle-income or upper-middle-income country as identified in the work programme addressing international cooperation activities (= previous definition of “INCO targets” in FP6) • “Third country” means a State that is not a European Union Member State

  19. CAPACITIES PEOPLE COOPERATION IDEAS International Cooperation in FP7A coherent strategy International co-operation will be implemented in each FP7 Specific Programme International Cooperation in FP7

  20. Cooperation – Collaborative research • International cooperation will be implemented under the Co-operation Specific Programme in each thematic area and across themes Collaborative research (Collaborative projects; Networks of Excellence; Coordination/support actions) Joint Technology Initiatives Coordination of non-Community research programmes (ERA-NET; ERA-NET+; Article 169) International Cooperation

  21. International co-operation in FP7 Cooperation – Collaborative research: IMPLEMENTATION International cooperation in the “Co-operation - Collaborative Research” Programme will be implemented directly in each thematic area through: • The opening of all activitiescarried out in the thematic areas • Specific co-operation actionsin each thematic area dedicated to third countries in the case of mutual interest in co-operating on particular topics.

  22. International cooperation in FP7 Theme 2 Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology • The opening of all activitiescarried out in the thematic areas • Specific cooperation actionswith priority target regions / countries: 2.1 Regional dialogues, bilateral agreements, neighbours and emerging economies: based on mutual interest and benefits 2.2DEV countries: taking into account their needs 2.3 Global challenges: multilateral cooperation for global challenges

  23. International cooperation in FP7 Theme 2 Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology • 2.2 For DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Research of specific interest for developing countries will be supported, taking into account UN Millennium development goals and already ongoing activities. • eradicating extreme poverty and hunger (under theme Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology) • ensuring environmental sustainability, including access to safe drinking water (under themes Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology and Environment) • combating HIV/AIDS malaria and other poverty related diseases (under theme Health)

  24. International cooperation in FP7 Cooperation – Collaborative research: RULES OF PARTICIPATION (draft) • Opening of all activities the minimum number of participants shall be3independent legal entities established in three different Member States or Associated countries (Third countries can be partners) • Specific co-operation actions Article 5. Minimum numbers of participants and their place of establishment: …the minimum number of participants shall be4independent legal entities of which: • at least2are established in two different Member States or Associated countries and • at least2are established in two different international cooperation partner countries

  25. International cooperation in FP7 Cooperation – Collaborative research: FUNDING (draft) • A Community financial contribution may be granted to: • any legal entity established in an international cooperation partner country, • any legal entity established in a third country other than a country covered by subparagraph (a), participating in an indirect action, • if provision is made for this purpose in the specific programmes or in the relevant work programme or • if it is essential for carrying out the indirect action or • if such funding is foreseen in any bilateral scientific and technological agreement, or other arrangement between the Community and the country in which the legal entity is established, that opens the research funding schemes of the Community to such an entity.

  26. International Cooperation in People – Human Potential • International outgoing fellowships • International incoming fellowships • Partnerships to support exchange of researchers • Support of common initiatives between European organisations and countries with S&T agreements • Measures to counter the risk of ‘brain drain’ from developing countries/emerging economies

  27. International Cooperation in Ideas – Frontier Research • Aim to integrate the Community into the world-wide research community • Open to INCO partner countries on basis of mutual benefit or according to relevant concluded agreements • Participation of INCO partner countries to be justified on basis of added scientific value

  28. Policy Dialogue S&T Cooperation Partnerships Coordination of National Policies & Activities International Cooperation in Capacities – Research Capacity

  29. FP7 budget(EUR billion, 2004 constant prices)

  30. FP7: Tentative Roadmap 2006 21 Feb EP – Adoption of FP report in committee Mar/Apr Council - Common position on FP and Rules 12 June EP - 1st reading of FP and Rules July Council and EP - Adoption of FP and Rules 13 July EP – Adoption of SP report in committee Sep EP - 1st reading of SPs Sep Council and EP - Adoption of SPs Oct Commission - Adoption of Work programmes and necessary materials Nov Commission - Publication of 1st calls Earliest!

  31. The launch of the “new” SCAR Standing Committee for Agricultural Research • 1974: Council Regulation N° 1728/74 establishing SCAR • July 2004: SCAR management transferred from DG AGRI to DG RTD • 22 November 2004: Dutch Presidency report calling for a high-level decision platform: a new role for SCAR • End November 2004: MS to nominate two high-level representatives • 2-3 February 2005: First “new” SCAR meeting • New mandate • Establishment of a standing oversightworking group • Nomination of Observers • 9-10 June 2005: Second plenary meeting • 1-2 December 2005: Third plenary meeting • 15-16 June 2006: Fourth plenary meeting • ________ • SCAR countries: EU 25 + 8 Observers (BG, RO, TR, CH, IL, IS, NO, HR)

  32. SCAR tasks • Main role for SCAR: • Support the Commission and MS towards better coordination of agricultural research across the ERA • This will involve: • Strategic discussions on the agricultural research agenda in Europe in the long term (FP7 and beyond) • Enhanced cooperation between MS (joint research programmes, common infrastructures) • Research agenda in scientific support to the CAP

  33. Main SCAR initiatives • Priority topics for a Common Research Agenda • Foresight activities – EU outlook agriculture 2020 • Mapping infrastructures / institutions / activities • Launch of the SCAR website

  34. 1. Towards a Common Research Agenda • Agreement on priority topics • Strategic discussions on the agricultural research agenda in Europe based on existing and possible future coordination fora (e.g. ERA-Nets, Technology Platforms,Networks of Excellence) • Identified areas for possible cooperation between Member States • Establishment of collaborative working groups • Report on national programmes, capacities and infrastructures (mapping activity) • Identification of research gaps • Identify priorities for collaborative research activities between Member States • Proposals for ERA-NETs • Input to FP7 Specific Programme Theme 2 “Food, Agriculture, • Biotechnology”

  35. Towards a Common Research AgendaCollaborative Working Groups on 11 themes • ALREADY STARTED • ICT and Robotics in AgricultureCoordinator: DK • Renewable Raw Material for Industry Coordinator: DE • Sustainable Livestock Production from Grassland Coordinator: IE • Relevant Issues for Mediterranean Agriculture Coordinator: IT - FR • Agriculture and Sustainable Development Coordinator: FR • Animal Health Coordinator: UK • Advanced Technologies for Climatic Control of Greenhouses • and Livestock Housing Coordinator: IL • IN PREPARATION • Adaptation of Human Nutrition to Environment EvolutionCoordinator: FR • Ecological Networks and Corridors Coordinator: NL • Ecology for Ecosystems Coordinator: FR • Development of Sustainable Agriculture in the Baltic Sea Coordinator: PL

  36. 2. Foresight – Agricultural Research in Europe • Overall objective • To analyse possible scenarios for European agriculture in a 20-year perspective, allowing the identification of specific research needs for the medium and long term • Methodology • A set of foresight papers by an appointed expert group on major driving forces like: science and technology, rural economy, health, societal changes, economy and trade, environment, climate change • Main steps • A review report from the expert group • A conference in 2007 on Foresight for European Agricultural Research • A report of the Commission to the Council and Parliament

  37. 3. Mapping of EU agriculture research capacity • Infrastructures • Identification of key-agriculture infrastructures of EU relevance • Sharing existing infrastructures among MS research teams • Proposals for critical large scale infrastructures: • Genetic and biological resource centres • Agriculture, forestry and environment observatories • Human nutrition research centres • Advanced experimental facilities for infectious diseases • Links with ESFRI • Activities & Institutions • Building on EU AGRI MAPPING project(SSP4): “Mapping and foresight of the European agricultural & food research capacity” • Coverage: 33 SCAR countries • Database on research establishments • Mapping report identifying the main players • Consolidated report on the trends and the needs • Recommendations towards the development of the research potential

  38. 4. SCAR website • Development of a prototype for a SCAR web portal building on existing EU websites and linking with relevant MS/institution • http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/scar/index_en.cfm

  39. Next steps • 8th meeting of the SCAR-WG: 18 May 2006 • 4th SCARplenary meeting: 15-16 June 2006 • Report to the European Parliament and to the Council: in 2007 • Article 11 Council Regulation N° 1728/74

  40. More information CORDIS: - information space devoted to European research and development (R&D) and innovation activities - To facilitate participation in European research (FPs) - www.cordis.lu/ General - http://cordis.europa.eu.int/fp7/FP7 - www.cordis.lu/food/ FP6 / Food - www.cordis.lu/food/inco.htm FP6 / INCO and Food - http://cordis.europa.eu.int/inco/home_en.html new INCO portal EUROPA: - information space of the European Commission - FP6http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/ - Conference “The Knowledge-based bio-economy”, Brussels, Sept. 2005www.europa.eu.int/comm/research/conferences/2005/kbb/ - FP7 : http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/future/index_en.cfm Data base evaluators : https://emmfp6.cordis.lu/index.cfm?fuseaction=wel.welcome

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