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Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board 6 th Annual Conference 11 October 2012

Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board 6 th Annual Conference 11 October 2012 Working Together to Defeat Domestic Abuse and its Impact on Children & Young People. Housekeeping. PLEASE SWITCH OFF MOBILE PHONES OR PUT ON SILENT.

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Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board 6 th Annual Conference 11 October 2012

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  1. Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board 6th Annual Conference 11 October 2012 Working Together to Defeat Domestic Abuse and its Impact on Children & Young People

  2. Housekeeping PLEASE SWITCH OFF MOBILE PHONES OR PUT ON SILENT THERE IS NO FIRE ALARM DUE SO IF WE HEAR THE ALARM PLEASE EXIT USING MARKED EXITS REFRESHMENT BREAKS WILL BE AT: 10:55 - 11:10am 12:45 - 1.30pm – upstairs in the Gallery Suite 2.15 - 2.30pm Ground Floor past reception & First Floor facing staircase

  3. David Hume Independent Chair Knowsley Safeguarding Children Board

  4. Justin Thompson Chair Domestic Abuse Reduction Board

  5. 5 Priority Outcomes Commitment to working with vulnerable families as a unit and as individuals to ensure the best possible outcome for all Wider community activity to address domestic abuse

  6. Review of Approach – Pre 2008 • We didn’t know what we didn’t know • We focused on victim support, treating the symptoms as they arose • Services were not cohesive and didn’t have a holistic approach • Little focus on domestic abuse as a safeguarding children issue • Few links into the Criminal Justice System

  7. Successes • Marketing & Communications • Domestic Abuse Champions • Workplace policies • Co-located services – providing support services to those affected by domestic abuse • MARAC - • (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) • Knowsley Sanctuary Scheme

  8. Challenges • Universal v Targeted • Lower risk levels of domestic abuse • Ensuring issues recognised in the • Stronger Families Agenda • Perpetrators (our approach) • Information Sharing • Tackling the issue of “Cracked Trials” • DV – a new perspective in the age of austerity

  9. What works / What can we do better? We are seeking your views • Pathway development opportunity • Have your say • Help us re-shape our strategic intent In the Gallery Suite during Networking Lunch & Market Place

  10. Ann Potter APTC Ltd Working Together to DefeatDomestic Abuse and its Impact on Children & Young People Children and families - Making a positive difference in Knowsley

  11. Government definition • Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. • This includes issues of concern to black and minority ethnic (BME) communities such as so called 'honour' based violence, female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage, and is clear that victims are not confined to one gender or ethnic group.

  12. We’ve come a long way ….. 1857 – the Rule of Thumb • It was legal for a man to beat his wife, providing that the stick he used was no thicker than his thumb. 1860 – the Law of Coveture • Once married, a husband became legally responsible for the actions of both his wife and children, he could legally physically and verbally chastise them in order to control their behaviour.

  13. 1960’s Good Housekeeping – advice to wives: • ‘Before your husband comes home: brush your hair, put a ribbon in, tidy the home, have his tea ready and put on some lipstick, a smile and a clean pinny. Don’t bother him with your day. He has had a busy day and his day is more important than yours. Don’t ask questions if he is late or stays out all night.’ 1984 – Sir Kenneth Newman said: • “Domestic violence and stray dogs ...... rubbish work for police officers.”

  14. From March 2013 Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour,  violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass, but is not limited to, the following types of abuse: • psychological • physical • sexual • financial • emotional

  15. Marital rape only made a criminal act in 1991 • Up to then, marriage implied consent for sexual intercourse in England and Wales. • A husband’s legal right and no criminal offence was committed if a husband ‘raped’ his wife.

  16. The impact of DA on children • S.120 Adoption and Children Act 2002 • Children and young people’s safety, health, and wellbeing can be compromised in a range of ways • Physical risks • Risks to psychological emotional health and overall development • Risks to children’s capacity to learn • Risks to children’s sense of belonging • Risks associated with poverty

  17. The response to DA in Knowsley • A cohesive strategy that is currently being refreshed which flags impact on children as a key priority • A commitment to making a positive difference for children and young people at leadership level • A strong commitment across agencies to the Marac process • MeRIT – the Merseyside risk identification tool that factors in important information about context of risk • DARIM – focusing on risks to children and young people – complements MeRIT • A commitment to supporting a range of initiatives that strengthen ability to prevent, prosecute and support • A resolve to promote good working together within and across agencies

  18. Domestic abuse doesn’t happen in a vacuum - the evidence base

  19. What does all this mean for you? • It reminds us all that children and young people will be adversely affected if they live in an environment where domestic abuse is occurring • It reminds us that because of the complexity of family life we need to work together to make a positive difference • It reminds us that if we are going to effectively work together we need to share information and share concerns with one another • And, it reminds us that sometimes we might be that one person who needs to speak out and advocate for the safety and wellbeing of children and adult victims. That’s how important what we do (or don’t do) is!

  20. Workshop Session OneDomestic Abuseand Young Perpetrators John Dawson & Karen Little Family First Team Managers

  21. Young Perpetrators • Abuse towards parents promotes feelings of shame and guilt making parents less likely to report it or seek outside assistance. • This can lead to safeguarding issues for the victims and the perpetrator if the violence is taken out of the home • Perpetrators often feel it is acceptable to resolve conflict using physical and emotional abuse. • They believe that they are entitled to control the household which is something which puts adults and siblings at risk

  22. Safeguarding • Concerns over safety to younger siblings and children within the household • Safety of young perpetrators who replicate the violence outside of the family home and are beyond the control of their parents • Breaking patterns of generational cycles of abuse

  23. National Picture • In 2010 the charity Parentline Plus issued a report on the growing trend of abuse by children against parents and siblings • Over a two year period a quarter of the calls they received were in relation to violent behaviour from a child towards their parent • Of the calls 62% were reports of emotional abuse by children while 31% of callers reported physical violence • 88% of the callers were concerned about aggression within the home as opposed to school or other places.

  24. Local picture • Between April 2011 and March 2012 there were 334 reported incidents of domestic violence committed by U18s. • Of these incidents 87 were committed by 15 year olds. • 331 (including the 87 above) of the reported incidents were allegedly committed by 14-16 yr olds. • 23 incidents of domestic violence within the family home were reportedly committed by 10-12 yr olds.

  25. The programme aims to: Address the young person’s abusive/violent behaviour, reducing the instances of abuse and violence and develop more effective relationships between parent/carer and young person.

  26. Access to Change Raising the issue of domestic abuse within group work in a safe and appropriate way. To foster an attitude of empowerment, for parents to feel able to address their issues within their family. To enable parents to access formal help if needed. Coach parents to use a restorative approach and encourage open dialogue in the promotion of effective communication within families. Use evidence based strategies and tools from various Parenting programmes already ratified and used in Knowsley MBC.

  27. Workshop Exercise On your tables your facilitators will now guide you through the exercise during which we would ask you to discuss the following questions : • What can we do to  demonstrate that we acknowledge this issue and take it seriously • How will we know we have done this? How can we improve the co-ordination of our services to support these parents and children?  • What can we do that is innovative to address this issue?

  28. Workshop Session Two Operation EncompassJane Case, Commissioning Officer Family Support& Mark Guinness, Detective Chief Inspector Merseyside Police

  29. What % of domestic abuse cases start or increase during pregnancy? A)10% B)20% C) 30% Where there are children in the family, what % are in the same or adjoining room when domestic abuse is taking place? A) 70% B)80% C) 90%

  30. What % of children witnessing domestic abuse will intervene to try and protect their mothers? • 24% B) 33% C) 41% What % of children who have a child protection plan live in households where domestic abuse occurs? A)41% B)51% C) 71%

  31. Imagine Arriving at school the morning after you have heard and/or seen your mother being beaten by your father. You have not slept and have had no breakfast. Your home is in disarray. You don’t have all your school uniform or your PE kit and now you have to sit in class and learn about adverbs. You are worried about your mum and want to be with her but you are also very worried about what will happen when you do go home at the end of the day. You can’t tell anyone what has happened or how you feel.

  32. The silent victims of Domestic Abuse • the children – need a solution to this problem

  33. Domestic Abuse Overhearing violent incidents The victims and children being degraded and belittled by the perpetrator Drug/alcohol misuse The destruction of property or belongings Other family members being hurt or intimidated; abuse of siblings Forced participation in the abuse and degradation of their mother

  34. Overseeing or being made to watch their mother being physically assaulted, raped or sexually assaulted The aftermath: their mother’s injuries and distress, arrests, neighbours observing incidents Being deprived of family and social contacts which reduces the likelihood of disclosure Attempted suicide by their mother The death of their mother

  35. Research The psychological impact of living with domestic abuse is no smaller than the impact of being physically abused. Children often develop anxiety, depression, aggression and even post-traumatic stress disorder as a consequence of living with domestic abuse. Approximately two thirds of child witnesses show more emotional or behavioural problems than the average child.

  36. Research Although by no means inevitable, exposure to domestic abuse is one of the most powerful predictors of becoming a perpetrator and a victim as an adult. [1] Holt S, Buckley H and Whelan S, ‘The impact of exposure to domestic violence on children and young people: A review of the literature’, Child Abuse & Neglect, 32, 2008, pp797–810

  37. Supporting Children and Young People through information sharingand Key Adults

  38. Plymouth • Operation Encompass is built upon the principles of working together; itaddresses the gap in information sharing regarding domestic abuse incidents from Police to Schools. It is led by Sgt David Carney-Haworth. • Gaining momentum and interest Nationally and Internationally. • Eileen Munro – featured Operation Encompass in the recent progress report – moving towards a child centred system.

  39. Legal Framework for the passing of information through Operation Encompass • Existing legislation contained in section 11 of the Children’s act 2004 allows for the sharing of the information. • The Principles of the Data Protection Act are also satisfied under the above legislation with the caveat that there is a record of the information that is passed. • The Police National Decision Making Model (NDM) has been utilised for the setting up and development of the project.

  40. It was recognised that the handling of such confidential, sensitive and often raw information needed to be dealt with in a way that was proportionate and appropriate to the needs of the child or young person. • To address this, “Key Adults” were identified in each school (a person with Child Protection training, usually the DCPO/Headteacher). • The Key Adult would be the person available each day to receive the details of the incident and assess what type of support would be needed for the child.

  41. Without early intervention including support to build positive family relationships early in children’s lives, toxic cycles of abuse will keep repeating themselves.

  42. Operation Encompass Knowsley Initial snap shot Between 25th September - 1st October 47 children of school age were present when police were called to domestic incidents. Over a year this would equate to 2500 children and young people who would be supported by Operation Encompass.

  43. Moving Forward • Information will go out to key colleagues within the next week regarding “Key Adult training” - This will be rolled out in November • Operation Encompass will be launched on 1st December once all schools have a trained “Key Adult” in place • Key Adult training for other staff will continue to be rolled out

  44. Workshop Exercise In your groups today we would like to explore the following: • What information would you like to receive from the police regarding incidents? • How do you know who the children are in your school / setting who are experiencing domestic abuse in their home life ? • Silent and overt support what may this look like? • Policies, Procedures, Interventions, Resources - What more can we do ?

  45. Workshop Session Three Vulnerable Groups and Child Sexual Exploitation: What is it and how it links with Domestic AbuseAnn Potter, APTC Ltd

  46. We see what we look for …. • Lifestyle choice ? Or • Vulnerable and targeted young people?

  47. Child prostitute / Rent boy Pimp Punter Swann 2001

  48. Abused child Child sex offender Abusive adult / Sex offender Swann 2001

  49. 1. Ensnaring Stages in the Process of Control • A girl meets an older person. A boy meets an older person. He / she lavishes attention on her/him, buying clothes, jewellery, mobile credit. They begin a sexual relationship and /or close friendship and this person very quickly becomes the most important person in her/his life

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