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Understand the role of cell membranes as highly selective barriers and factors affecting blood flow through the cardiovascular system. Explore how the parts of the cardiovascular system work together.

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  2. Standards: 7.1 _____ Explain the role of cell membranes as highly selective barriers _____ Describe the factors affecting blood flow through the cardiovascular system 7.2

  3. Essential Question: How do the parts of the cardiovascular system work together? 1.

  4. Cardiovascular (Circulatory) System - The Body’s Transport System of Homeostasis Unicellular or small numbered multi-cellular creatures do not need a ______________ system because they are in direct contact with their ____________. This means that items they need can _______ directly into the organism. Larger multi-cellular creatures, however, rely on the cardiovascular system to _________ materials to different parts of the body that do not have direct _______ with the environment. cardiovascular environment diffuse transport contact

  5. gases (O2 in & CO2 out) A. Functions 1. Transport of ______ in and out of the body 2. Transport of _________ and _______ in and out of the body 3. Aids in clotting of blood by transporting ________ in bloodstream 4. Aids in _________ responses by transporting ________ system cells throughout body nutrients wastes (through diffusion & active transport) platelets immune immune

  6. force cardiac B. Major Structures 1. Heart = the driving ______ of the circulatory system composed of ________ muscle and located centrally below the breastbone in the chest cavity • Consists of __ pumps: • right side – moves oxygen _____ blood to the ______ through __________ circulation • left side – moves oxygen _____ blood to the _______ of the body through _________ circulation 2 poor lungs pulmonary rich tissues systemic

  7. 4 2 receive • Has __ chambers (___ on each side) • Atria = the upper chambers on each side of the heart which _______ blood b. Ventricles = the lower chambers of each side of the heart which ______ out blood • Valves = flaps of connective tissue between the _____ and __________ which prevents blood from flowing __________ pump atria ventricles backwards

  8. away heart 2. Blood Vessels • Arteries = large, thick muscled vessels that carry blood _____ from the ______ • with the exception of the __________ artery, this blood is oxygen _____ • the largest “artery” is the ______ which is the first vessel _______ rich blood encounters as it leaves the left ventricle pulmonary rich aorta oxygen

  9. arteries diffuse b. Capillaries = small, thin muscled vessels found at the end of ________ • most materials _______ through the thin walls of the capillaries to get to or from _______, muscles or glands c. Veins = type of blood vessel that returns blood to the ______ from the body • with the exception of the __________ vein, this blood is oxygen ______ organs heart pulmonary poor

  10. substances oxygen nutrients 3. Blood = type of connective tissue containing both dissolved ___________ and specialized immune cells which function to collect _______ from the lungs, _________ from the digestive tract and ______ products from tissues as well as to help regulate _____ temperature and fight _________ waste body diseases

  11. dissolved BLOOD COMPONENTS: • Plasma = liquid in which blood cells, nutrients, proteins, and other substances are __________ in • composes about ___ percent of blood volume • _________ is a protein found in plasma which is responsible for ________ 55 Fibrogen clotting

  12. O2 CO2 hemoglobin b. Red Blood Cells/ Erythrocytes = Cells of the blood with transport ___ and _____ • the protein ___________ is attached to RBC’s which is what actually attracts ___ to the blood cell and what makes the RBC actually _____ • formed from ____ bone ________ • mature RBC’s do not have a ________ which means they cannot reproduce or repair themselves and only last on average for ____ days before they wear out and are taken to the _____ or _______ O2 red red marrow nucleus 120 liver spleen

  13. c. White Blood Cells / Leukocytes (see immune system) d. Platelets (see immune system) (large cell in bone marrow that can split into many platelets at site of wound – causes vessel edges to get “sticky” and clot)

  14. 1 disease U.S. C. Factors Affecting Blood Flow Cardiovascular ________ is the #__ cause of death in the ____ • Blood Pressure = The force of fluid _________ on the arterial _____ caused by the pumping of the heart • systolic pressure = the pressure of blood when the __________ are contracted • diastolic pressure = the pressure of blood when the __________ are relaxed pressure wall ventricles ventricles

  15. 120 80 medulla • the normal measure of this is ____ /____ • blood pressure is regulated in the body by the _________ oblongata of the brain stem

  16. pressure harder tissue • hypertension = high blood _________ which forces the heart to work _______ than normal and can weaken heart _______ and blood vessels • can be caused by ________, fever, poor diet, ______ or atherosclerosis • increases the risk of ______ attack or stroke genetics stress heart

  17. fat plaque arteries 2. Atherosclerosis = the condition in which ____ deposits called _______ build up on the inner walls of ________ • caused by eating too much ____ cholesterol (LDL ) • atherosclerosis causes the arteries to become blocked with _______ which decreases blood flow and _______ to _______ bad plaque oxygen tissues

  18. heart weakening heart death • heart attack = condition caused by interrupted blood flow to the ______ which can lead to heart tissue __________, irregular ______ beats and even ______

  19. clot hardens • atherosclerosis can also cause ____ formation because the plaque ________ the smooth muscle lining the blood vessel which in turn causes platelets to form clots on the vessel wall • stroke = condition caused when a blood clot gets stuck in an artery leading to the _______ which deprives the brain of ________ brain oxygen (can result in paralysis, death, partial paralysis, etc.)

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