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Hadron yields and momentum spectra at RHIC

Hadron yields and momentum spectra at RHIC. Shao Feng lan. Qufu Normal University. 1. Outline Motivation Quark combination mechanism Results and discussions Summary. 2. hadronic phase and freeze-out. QGP and hydrodynamic expansion. initial state.

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Hadron yields and momentum spectra at RHIC

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  1. Hadron yields and momentum spectra at RHIC ShaoFeng lan Qufu Normal University 中国物理学会2008年秋季会议 济南,9.19-21,2008 1

  2. Outline • Motivation • Quark combination mechanism • Results and discussions • Summary 2

  3. hadronic phase and freeze-out QGP and hydrodynamic expansion initial state pre-equilibrium hadronization Exploring QCD Matter at RHIC Test hadronization mechanism

  4. some experimental Phenomena at RHIC: PRL97,152301(2006), STAR

  5. PRL98,162301(2007), STAR KET =mT -m Difference in baryon and meson v2. Perfect scaling for all measured hadrons

  6. Quarks with effective masses Dynamic gluons disappear quark combination mechanism R. Hwa et al., (recombination) R. J. Fries et al., (recombination) C. Ko et al. (Coalescence) Q. B. Xie & F. L. Shao (QCM)

  7. Quark combination model at RHIC Combination rule: Near correlation in rapidity Momentum distributions of quarks The smaller the difference in rapidity for two(three) quarks, the longer is the interaction time. So there is enough time for a to be in a color singlet and form a meson(baryon). decay final hadron 7

  8. results and discussions ◆Pseudo-rapidity densities for charged particles F.L.Shao,T.Yao, and Q.B.Xie, PRC75,034904 (2007) rapidity spectrum of quark: Landau hydrodynamic model where 8

  9. energy dependence

  10. centrality dependence

  11. ◆ Influence of net-quark on identified hadrons PRL90, 102301 (2003) , BRAHMS 12

  12. newborn

  13. PRL94,162301(2004),BRAHMS 14

  14. PRL90, 102301 (2003) , BRAHMS 17

  15. ◆ Centrality dependence of spectra

  16. transverse spectra of quarks : 2014/10/4

  17. PRL 97, 152301 (2006), STAR

  18. Summary The model successfully describe the available data for charged particles and identified hadrons. It suggests that QGP may be created in RHIC and constituent quarks may have developed a collective flow. Thank you !

  19. Thank you !

  20. backup slides ---1 The average constituent quark number : where λsisthe strangeness suppression factor

  21. backup slides ---2 Stationary thermal source Integrating over rapidity

  22. backup slides ---3 Integrating over the transverse components nonuniform longitudinal flow where w(y) isphenomenological expansion function

  23. backup slides ---4 Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) in rapidity space use q = ν =1 and a linear drift function Solutions originating from

  24. backup slides ---5 With an expanding midrapidity source , final solution :

  25. backup slides ---6 perturbative QCD calculation :

  26. PHENIX Data-Sets 30 times 3 times Collided 4 different species in 8 years: AuAu, dAu, pp, CuCu 6 energies run: 9.2 GeV, 19 GeV, 22.5 GeV, 62.4 GeV, 130 GeV, 200 GeV

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