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Iran Shiraz Arg-e-Karimkhany1

Arg-e Karim Khan is the 18th-century royal castle of the well-known ruler of Zand dynasty, Karim Khan. As Shiraz became the capital of Iran in the Zand era (1751-1794), this citadel was built in 1766 and is one of the earliest buildings constructed in Shiraz under the Zand rule.

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Iran Shiraz Arg-e-Karimkhany1

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  1. Shiraz Arg-e-Karimkhany (Citadela)

  2. Citadela care pare o fortăteaţă medievală a fost construită în anii 1766-1767 ca reşedinţă a şahului Karim Khan The Karim Khan Castle (Arg-e Karim Khan) is a citadel located in the downtown Shiraz, It built as part of a complex during the Zand dynasty and named after Karim Khan, and served as his living quarters.

  3. Însecolul IX d.Hr. oraşul Shiraz a cunoscut o evoluţie ascendentă, care s-a amplificat în secolul X, când a fost ridicat la rangul de capitalăa Persiei. În timpul domniei lui Shah Abbas cel Mare (la începutul sec. XVII când Isfahanul era capitala) Farsul era emiratul celebrului general al acestuia, Imam Gholi Khan, şi astfel Shirazul a beneficiat de o nouă perioadă de prosperitate. The appearance of the building resembles a solid fortress entirely made from bricks with military as well as residential functions. The construction of Karimkhan Citadel goes back to the second half of 18th century when Karimkhan-e-Zand was ruling in Iran from Shiraz, his capital city. Mohammad Karim Khan Zand, better known as Karim Khan Zand, was the founder of the Zand Dynasty and the Shah of Iran, ruling from 1751 to 1779. He ruled all of Iran (Persia) except for Khorasan. He also ruled over some Caucasian lands and occupied Basra for some years.

  4. Kharim Khan Zand (sec. XVIII),a dat din nou Shirazului statutul de capitală, contribuind din plin la dezvoltarea sa prin construirea de moschei, bazare, drumuri, fortăreţe şi diverse clădiri în oraş. While Karim wasruler, Iran recoveredfrom the devastation of 40 years of war, providing the warravaged country with a renewedsense of tranquility, security, peace, and prosperity

  5. Karim Khan invited the best architects and artists of the time and bought the best materials from other cities and abroad for the construction of the castle of Karim Khan, which was quickly constructed. During the Zand dynasty it was used by the king as living quarters. During the Qajar period it was used as the governor's seat. Citadela a fost cea mai mare si cea mai importantă construcţie din epoca Zand. Karim Khan a invitat cei mai buni arhitecţi şi artişti ai vremii.

  6. Turnurile de colţ au 15 metri înălţime The corner bastions are veryrobust and decoratedwith bricks. The utterwalls, whichresemble the walls of a militarycastle, are veryhighwith a height of about 15 meters

  7. Zidurile au la bază o grosime de 3 metri iar în partea superioară unde au 2,8 metri grosimesunt prevăzute cu camere de gardă pentru soldaţi The citadel consists of four high walls. The lower section of the exterior walls is three meters in width. It is shaped like an incomplete cone and its width at the top reaches 2.8 meters. In the upper section of the wall, there is a small chamber, which houses soldiers and guards. Ramparts are built around the top of a castle with regular gap, some of which are small and diagonal for firing arrows or guns. The bigger gaps were for repelling the enemy

  8. Karim Khan a fost Şahul care a refuzat acest titlu. Născut în 1705 în Shiraz cu o origine umilă a fost fondatorul dinastiei Zand Karim Khan did not adopt the title of Shah for himself, preferring the title, Vakil e-Ra'aayaa (Representative of the People)

  9. Karim Khan considera că şahul trebuiesă fie o persoană obişnuită care să trăiască în mijlocul poporului său şi toate titlurile şi onoruril e nu valorau mare lucru pentru el Karim Khan is often praised for his generosity, modesty and fairness more than other Iranian rulers—he surpasses Khosrow I, Anushirvan and Shah Abbas I the Great in terms of being a benevolent monarch with a sincere interest in his subjects, whereas these and other monarchs outperform him in terms of military fame and global reputation

  10. General în perioadapredecesoruluisău, Nader Shah, la asasinareaacestuia în 1774,pentru a justificapreluareaputeriiîlpunepetronpe Ismail III, un copil, dardeşi el conduce ţara, nu a acceptatdecâttitlul de Vakil (regent). A wealth of tales and anecdotes portray Karim Khan as a compassionate ruler, genuinely concerned with the welfare of his subjects

  11. Karim Khan era profund religios şi îi considera pe demnitari răspunzători de problemele ţării. În timpul domniei sale Persia şi-a revenit după cei 40 de ani de război devastator.

  12. El a mutat capitala la Shiraz unde a construit mult He made Shiraz his capital and ordered the construction of several architectural projects there

  13. Plăcile de ceramică reprezentând lupta lui Rostam cu Demonul Alb, descrisă de Ferdoussi în epopeea naţională Shahnameh au fost adăugate în epoca Qajar Above the entrance gate colorful enameled tiles depicting a scene from the battle between Rostam and the White Demon, two mythical personas in the renowned Iranian poet Ferdowsi’s masterpiece ’Shahnameh’.

  14. Chiar şi specialişti de la Pisa aufostaduşipentru a corectaînclinareaturnului din partea de sud-est Evenspecialistsfrom Pisa have been brought to correct the inclination of the southeasttower

  15. Callistemoncitrinus „Peria de spălat sticle”

  16. Iran Text: Internet Fotografii:Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2010 Fond muzical:Mohammad Reza Mortazavi - Saena - Where's My Tree

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