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Iran Soltanyeh dome1

Gonbad Soltaniyeh is in Zanjan province in IRAN, the oldest and greatest brick double-shell dome in the world. UNESCO listed Soltaniyeh as one of the World Heritage Sites in 2005.

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Iran Soltanyeh dome1

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  1. Soltaniehdome

  2. Soltaniyeh situated in the Zanjan Province of Iran, some 240 km to the north-west from Tehran, used to be the capital of Ilkhanid rulers of Persia in the 14th century. Its name translates as "the Imperial". In 2005, UNESCO listed Soltaniyeh as one of the World Heritage Sites. Domul de la Soltanieh, monument cunoscut şi sub numele de Mausoleul lui Oljaitu (Sultanieh, fosta capitală a dinastiei Ilkhanide întemeiată de Khulagu Khan, cel care a fost nepotul lui Ginghis Han şi fratele lui Kubilai Han), a fost construit in perioada 1302-1312 din porunca sultanului Oljaitu Mohammad Khodabandeh.Acest dom e considerat bijuteria arhitectonică a perioadei Ilkhanide şi perla capitalei acestei dinastii de origine mongolă. Monument UNESCO Zanjan

  3. The central magnet of Soltaniyeh's several ruins is the Mausoleum of Il-khan Öljeitu,traditionally known as the Dome of Soltaniyeh. The structure, erected from 1302 until 1312, boasts the oldest double-shell dome in the world. Its importance in the Muslim world may be compared to that of Brunelleschi's cupola for the Christian architecture. The Dome of Soltaniyeh paved the way for more daring Iranian-style cupola constructions in muslim world. The greatest surviving Ilkhanate building, it's thought to have been the inspiration for Brunelleschi's dome in Florence. Domul are o structură octogonală, o înălţime de 50 m şi este făcut din pereţi dubli (perete cu membrană dublă). Aceşti pereţi dubli reprezintă o inovaţie a perioadei Ilkhanide. Într-un studiu argumentat, Piero Sanpaolesi demonstrează faptul că Bruneleschi s-a inspirat din schiţele Domului de la Soltaniyeh (Gonbad-e Soltaniyeh), schiţe ce, după toate probabilităţile, au ajuns în Europa aduse de negustorii genovezi, veneţieni sau arabi ce au vizitat capitala dinastiei Ilkhanide pe vremea când Oljaitu era sultan, sau imediat după aceea.

  4. The power vacuum left behind when the ruler Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi fled the country in 1979 paved the way for Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamic Revolution. Khomeini made himself the Supreme Leader, and his power was further consolidated by the Iran-Iraq (1980-88) war, started by Iraq. After his death the senior clerics chose the current Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Besides being the Supreme Leader he also belongs to the conservative faction of the Iranian leadership, trying to head the country firmly back to the dark ages. Poza lor o poţi vedea aproape peste tot prin Iran. Chiar şi aici pe schelele din Dom: Ayatolahul Khomeini, liderul suprem spiritual al Iranului şi urmaşul acestuia, Ayatollahul Ali Khamenei

  5. Iran has gotten a bad reputation over last 25 years, mainly due to its conservative ruling clerics. First-time visitors to Iran are in for a big surprise! The bruteness of the regime is in stark contrast to its friendly population. Persian hospitality is second to none.

  6. Iran Text: Internet Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda 2012 Sound: SiavashNazeri - Gahe Bi Gah - An Yar

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