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How Do You “See” Satan?

How Do You “See” Satan?. It may greatly shock some of you to learn that I am not a person of great imagination. But, descriptions and names like: “prince of the power of the air” ( Eph.2:2 ), “angel of the abyss… Abaddon , and… Apollyon ” ( Rev.9:11 ),

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How Do You “See” Satan?

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  1. How Do You “See” Satan? It may greatly shock some of you to learn that I am not a person of great imagination. But, descriptions and names like: “prince of the power of the air” (Eph.2:2), “angel of the abyss…Abaddon, and…Apollyon” (Rev.9:11), “ruler of this world” (John 14:30), and “dragon, the serpent of old…Devil and Satan” (Rev.20:2) conjure amazing images even in my unimaginative mind. All of which begs the question…

  2. How Do You “See” Satan? • Someone to blame for failures? Matt.4:1ff; Jas.1:14 • Someone with whom to have “fun”? Mark 5:1-5 • Not so bad? Gen.3:1-7,16-24 • Mischievous little guy with horns, a pitchfork, and a sinister mustache or goatee? John 8:44

  3. Or, Do You “See” Satan As: • A deceptive and deadly demon-snake? 2Cor.11:3,14; Job 1:9 • A powerful prince capable of complete destruction? Eph.2:1-3 • A roaring lion seeking to devour you? 1Pet.5:8

  4. The Point? • I am not a believer in the notion once expressed to me by a friend that “Perception is reality.” • Reality is reality regardless of how I perceive it! • The reality is that Satan is a slanderous, lying, manipulative, destructive demon who only wants to kill and destroy me (and everyone else) whether I perceive and view him that way or not.

  5. Take-home Points • God and Satan are diametrically opposed to one another- which is why we can’t please/serve them both, 2Cor.6:14-18. • Therefore, we must choose to ally ourselves with One who loves, cares, and sacrificed His Son to save us, or one who lies, cheats, manipulates, and does everything possible to destroy us. (Sounds pretty simple when it is put that way, doesn’t it?) • But as powerfully capable Satan is of destroying us, he also has an Achilles' heel- Satan is a cowardly lion! Jas.4:7

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