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Forces That Affect Us

Forces That Affect Us. There are lots of forces that affect us all of the time but there are 4 main “forces” . Gravity Friction Air Resistance Momentum. Gravity.

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Forces That Affect Us

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  1. Forces That Affect Us

  2. There are lots of forces that affect us all of the time but there are 4 main “forces” Gravity Friction Air Resistance Momentum

  3. Gravity A force of attraction between two masses. If something has mass, it has a gravitational force. The amount of force is affected by the mass of each object and how far apart they are. As mass increases, gravity increases As distance increases, force decreases

  4. Acceleration Due to Gravity On Earth, every falling object regardless of its size, is accelerated by gravity at a rate of 9.8 m/s/s or 9.8 m/s2 This means that for every second something falls, its velocity will increase by 9.8 m/s For example, after 5 seconds an object would have a velocity of 5 x 9.8 or 49 m/s

  5. Friction A force of resistance between two touching surfaces Affected by the force pushing the two surfaces together (the Normal force) and the texture or feel of the surface As normal force increases, friction increases As texture gets rougher, friction increases

  6. Air Resistance Force of air molecules pushing against a moving object as speed , A.R. as size , A.R. as shape is pointier , A.R. as air density ,A.R. Affected by: 1. Speed 2. Size 3. Shape 4. Air Density

  7. Terminal Velocity A special case that involves air resistance and gravity Terminal velocity is the maximum velocity of a falling object. Gravity increases the speed of a falling object, but as speed increases, air resistance increases. At some point these two forces are equal. This is terminal velocity. Force of Air Resistance = Force of Gravity

  8. Momentum Not technically a force but definitely affects the motion of an object Sort of represents an objects inertia and how easily its motion can be changed An object with a high momentum does not change direction easily Affected by Mass Velocity as mass increases, momentum increases as velocity increases, momentum increases

  9. Momentum = Mass x Velocity ρ = m x v ρ = momentum in kg m/s m = mass in kg v = velocity in m/s ρ v m

  10. Example: Mr. Wilson has a mass of 120 kg. If he is moving with a velocity of 4 m/s, calculate his momentum. Mass = 120 kg Velocity = 4 m/s Find momentum ρ = m x v ρ = 120 x 4 = 480 kg m/s

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