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Weather and climate Answers

Weather and climate Answers. 3- The elements of weather and climate Question 7 The atmosphere is important for people because … ● Oxygen (O 2 ) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) are present in the atmosphere. People, animals and plants need O 2 . Plants convert CO 2 into O 2 .

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Weather and climate Answers

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  1. Weather and climate Answers

  2. 3- The elements of weatherandclimate Question 7 The atmosphere is important for people because … ● Oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are present in the atmosphere. People, animals and plants need O2. Plants convert CO2 into O2. ● The atmosphere protects the earth from meteorites and from dangerous radiation. ● The atmosphere regulates the earth’s temperature due to certain gasses. These gasses make sure that the worst heat during the day is kept out and the warmth is retained during the night. Question 8 Elements of the weather: 1-Temperature 2-Wind 3-Precipitation Question 9 • Weather is local (specificplace) - climate is about a large area ((part of) a country) • Weather is at a specific time (moment) – climate is about a large period (30-40 years) • Weathercan change quickly – climate is unchangeable

  3. Question 10 The Dutch climate. Fill in the missing words to complete the text. Use figure 12. The average annual temperature in De Bilt is 9.3ºCand the annual amount of precipitation is 803 mm. The year average doesn’t help you a lot. The temperature in our warmest month (that is the month July) is 17ºC. And the temperature in our coldest month (January) is 3ºC. In our wettest month, November, the amount of precipitation is 80 mm while in the driest month, February, there is only 50 mm of precipitation. Are our complains about the amount of precipitation correct? Check in the Bosatlas on the page of ‘De aarde; klimaat’ the climate graph of Cherrapunji. In the wettest month there is no less than 2.900 mm (2.9 m) precipitation and during the whole year there is as many as 11.440 mm (11.44 m).

  4. Question 11 a- Own example!! If you like sunbathing, you’d better go on holiday to Greece than to Ireland. b- Own answer!! Weather makes you wear shorts/ rain jacket Question 12 a-Own picture of a climate with a short description b-own article about weather or climate

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