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Optimizing Water Balances to Halt Desertification in Europe

This project aims to support the European Commission's efforts to prevent desertification in Europe by developing water management strategies. The project will collect and analyze data, develop water resources balances, and identify measures for optimal water management. It will also involve local stakeholders and disseminate the results.

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Optimizing Water Balances to Halt Desertification in Europe

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  1. DG EnvironmentPreparatory action on development of prevention activities to halt desertification in Europe ABOT Assessment of water Balances and Optimisation based Target setting across EU River Basins

  2. Project Objectives • Overall aim: support the EC’s effort to identify means and develop prevention activities to halt desertification in Europe, by focusing on complementing EU water resources balances elaborated in the framework of SEEAW and supplementing ongoing projects which tackle water scarcity, droughts and desertification • 4 Pilot River Basins: Tiber, Mulde, Pinios, Vit

  3. Project Specific Objectives for the pilot RBs • Collect, process and analyse the necessary datasetsthat are indispensable for the development of the SEEAW and feed them in the SEEAW-ECRINS • Develop detailed water resources balances based on the method applied by the SEEAW and using an analytical physical based model to accurately capture the interactions of the different components of the water cycle • Identifymanagement, technological and economic measuresallowing the setting up of optimal water management involving local stakeholders and water managers. • Develop a library of “wish” measures that can improve the water balance and alleviate the possible deficit between availability and demand (i.e. increase supply, reduce demand), and test/simulate their impact and effectiveness against specific criteria, (e.g. water use reduction per economic activity, cost, environmental and socio-economic benefits)

  4. Project Specific Objectives for the pilot RBs • Build optimisation algorithms in order to estimate possibilities for optimization of water allocation to meet demand, as well as the water saving potential associated to the different measures under specific context • Run an optimisation process under specific criteria and constraints to select the optimum measures against a specific objective function. • Derive sector specific targets regarding water efficiency, water-reuse, ecosystem services, land-use and climate change adaptation which will allow the preservation and/or restoration of the natural water balance. Cross-compare these outputs with the purpose of proposing targets according to different typology of RBs. • Run a sensitivity analysis for these proposed targets for 3 alternative futures (climate and socio-economic) in order to evaluate their robustness. • Share and disseminate resultsand involve local stakeholders in the process. • Post process the results to provide input to the Blueprint and 2012 WS&D Policy Review.

  5. MATLAB DSS Optimization Water balance Model SEEAW Tables Assessment of Measures’ performance Sensitivity of Targets under future Scenarios Schematical layout of the project idea Catalogue of measures Data collection Water Deficit (= imbalance demand/availability) SET TARGETS

  6. Overview of the tasks/workflow Task A: management and methodology development task √ Tasks B: data collection and analysis task √ Tasks C and D: modelling tasks In progress Task E: policy related and dissemination task

  7. Water Balance Models of 4 Pilot RBs using WEAP 1. Tiber RB, Italy Drought conditions (2002, 2008) Impact on springs, lakes, groundwater Drinking, irrigation, tourism water uses

  8. Area studied for calibration\validation ‘Current Accounts’ year: 2008; Project period: 2008-2011 2 reservoirssimulated 17 agriculturalnodessimulated 24 urban demand nodessimulated 3 industrial nodessimulated MontedoglioReservoir Santa Lucia Pierantonio Ponte Felcino Hydrometric stations: Santa Lucia Pierantonio Ponte Felcino Ponte Nuovo Monte Molino Ponte Nuovo Monte Molino Arezzo Reservoir

  9. INPUT • Total capacityofreservoir • Volume-elevation curve • Maximumhydraulicoutflow • Net evaporation (Linacreapproach) • Initialstorage volume • Observedstorage volume • Maximum volume of water in reservoir • Volume notavailableforallocation RESERVOIR OUTPUT Reservoirstorage volume ‘Arezzo’ reservoir: comparison between observed and simulated storage volumes VALIDATION CALIBRATION Simulated Observed 2 agriculturalnodes supplied by Arezzo Reservoir

  10. Agricultural nodes 17 agricultural nodes simulated as catchments with Rainfall Runoff (FAO) method INPUT OUTPUT CATCHMENT • P (2008-2009) (precipitation) • T (2008-2009) (temperature) • Kc (FAO cropcoefficient) • IrrFrac (irrigationefficiency = 0.75) • Crops area (A) • Pavailablefor ET = P*A*Peff • ETpotential (Potentialcrop • Evapotranspiration) = Etref*kc*A • PShortfall=Max(0, Etpotential - Pavailablefor ET) • SupplyRequirement (Crop • irrigationrequirement)=(1/IrrFrac)*PShortfall • ETref (referencecropevapotranspiration - PenmanMonteithequation) • Peff (% ofprecipitationthat can beused • forevapotranspiration- USDA approach) Crop irrigation requirement for Spoleto Sud Agricultural node Potential crop evapotranspiration for Spoleto Sud Agricultural node ETpot (2011) 1.0 Mm3 ETpot (2009) 1.2 Mm3 SR (2009) 0.7 Mm3 SR (2011) 0.6 Mm3 ETpot (2008) 1.3 Mm3 SR (2008) 0.8 Mm3 ETpot (2010) 1.1 Mm3 SR (2010) 0.7 Mm3 Exampleresults for the ‘Spoleto Sud’ agriculturalnode

  11. Agricultural nodes Exampleresults of water balance for the ‘Spoleto Sud’ agriculturalnode

  12. Urban nodes 24 urban nodes simulated as demand sites INPUT OUTPUT DEMAND SITE • Annual water use rate • Monthlyvariationofannualdemand • Loss rate = 24 % • Consumption (% ofinflowconsumed) =15% • Water demand • Supplydelivered • Unmetdemand Monthly Water Demand (Years 2008-2011) Monthly Supply Delivered (Years 2008-2011) Exampleresults for the ‘Foligno Spello Trevi’ civilnode UNMET DEMAND = 0

  13. Urban nodes Exampleresults of water balance for the ‘Foligno Spello Trevi’ civilnode

  14. ‘Santa Lucia’ hydrometric site: comparison between observed and simulated discharges CALIBRATION VALIDATION Observed Santa Lucia Simulated

  15. ‘Pierantonio’ hydrometric site: comparison between observed and simulated discharges VALIDATION CALIBRATION Observed Pierantonio Simulated

  16. ‘Ponte Felcino’ hydrometric site: comparison between observed and simulated discharges CALIBRATION VALIDATION Observed Ponte Felcino Simulated

  17. ‘Ponte Nuovo’ hydrometric site: comparison between observed and simulated discharges CALIBRATION VALIDATION Simulated Ponte Nuovo Observed

  18. ‘Monte Molino’ hydrometric site: comparison between observed and simulated discharges CALIBRATION VALIDATION Simulated Monte Molino Observed

  19. 2. Mulde RB, Germany major tributary of the Elbe Increasing drought trends Impacts on agriculture (25% loss of yield), forestry, soil protection, reservoir management • Considereddata & components (selection) • Daily streamflowdataof 36 gauges; climatedataof 252 monitoringstations; in-/outflowandcapacitiesof 15 waterreservoirs • Data on abstractionandsewagedisposalofthepublicand non-publicsectorfortheyear 2007 Catchments Reservoirs River

  20. Zwickauer - Mulde Hydrology - Second step modelling. After the validation of the soil moisture method the model is lifted on the next scale: Subcatchment scale Demand - Due to data synchronisation difficulties, demand is represented on the basis of 15 administrative units Supply - The main water supply (>60%) comes from 13 reservoirs which complicate the hydrological modelling Test-Catchment Subcatchment “Zwickauer Mulde” Problems - Hydrological Calibration is difficult due to the reservoirs and supply - demand data can hardly be synchronised - Reservoirs - Reservoir Catchments

  21. Demand/Supply: The graph below shows high variability between water abstraction and water consumption in the regions. Reasons are: • Water transfer between regions • Long distance supply by reservoirs Solution: Direct link between source (mainly reservoirs) and demand sites

  22. Demand/Supply: Water management in the Mulde catchment have a 120-year tradition. 13 reservoirs cover 2/3 of the water demand, buffer the natural availability and protect against the high flood risks in the plains The Einsiedel reservoir was a price winning construction build in 1992-1994. Among others it supplies the city of Chemnitz with water

  23. Waste Water and Demand Sites: The Balance between water abstraction, supply and waste water occurrence varies in the regions based on different sources, degree of sealed areas and precipitation inhomogeneity.

  24. General Difficulties • Water supply, waste water treatment and environmental sources are handled on different scales • WEAP is demanding very detailed input data and clear links between source and demand site which is difficult to be achieved on the catchment scale • The modelling of reservoirs within a hydrological modelling scheme creates large uncertainties Solution: Two modelling scales with 1)A hydrological model with catchments for any reservoir and 2) A demand/supply model on the administrative scale (data driven) with direct links to the main resources Advantage: All available data is used and different scales can be applied simultaniously

  25. 3. Pinios RB, Greece Frequent Drought episodes, desertification is becoming an issue Main agricultural area of Greece (>275,000 ha irrig.) Competing uses, July irrigation deficit 114hm3)

  26. Calibration Pyli hydrometric station Gavros hydrometric station Ali Efenti (outlet) hydrometric station

  27. Water accounts stocks for the dry year 1989 January 1989 April 1989 June 1989 August 1989 September 1989

  28. Demand site Reliability Demand site Coverage (September 1989 dry year)

  29. Overall Results for the period 1995-2010 Temporal variability of Unmet Demand Spatial variability of Unmet Irrigation Demand

  30. 4. Vit RB, Bulgaria Tributary of Danube Variability between high and low flows, droughts are usual main pressures: logging, agriculture, recreational activities, industry, and the settlements within the river valley The interconnections as they appear in WEAP model

  31. WEAP modeling of the Rivers withdrawal nodes Vit river Lesidrenska river Red- before point of abstraction Blue- after point of abstraction

  32. WEAP modeling of the three biggest reservoir 2009 Dam Telish Dam Gornidabnik Dam Sopot Red- observed data Blue- simulated data

  33. WEAP modeling results: The water balance of the biggest reservoir (Gorni dabnik) • The major water abstraction from the Gorni dabnik dam is for electricity production • (PH Gorni dabnik- in yellow)

  34. SEEAW Standard Tables Detailed physical water supply and use table: Monte Molino hydrometric station (year 2008) Milions cubic metres Legend (* = calibrated values) ISIC 1-3 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing ISIC 5-33, 41-43 Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing and Construction ISIC 35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply ISIC 36 Water collection, treatment and supply ISIC 37 Sewerage ISIC 38,39, 45-99 Service industries Total abstraction + 171.2 Mm3 Use of water received from other economic units = 0.0 Mm3 Total use of water 171.2 Mm3

  35. Detailed physical water supply and use table: Monte Molino hydrometric station (year 2008) Milions cubic metres (* = calibrated values) Legend ISIC 1-3 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing ISIC 5-33, 41-43 Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing and Construction ISIC 35 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply ISIC 36 Water collection, treatment and supply ISIC 37 Sewerage ISIC 38,39, 45-99 Service industries Supply of water to other economic units + 0.0 Mm3 Total Returns = 110.1 Mm3 Total supply of water 110.1 Mm3 Total use of water (171.2 Mm3) - Total supply of water (110.1 Mm3) = Consumption (61.1 Mm3)

  36. Asset accounts: Monte Molino hydrometric station (year 2008) (* = computed for Tiber River and for the tributaries where abstractions are present)

  37. Catalogue of Measures

  38. Measures & Optimization WEAP21 • Coding of BMPs and measures in WEAP and scripting • Coupling WEAP21 and Matlab GA • The algorithm will allocate BMPs and technological interventions throughout the catchment, maximizing the cost-benefit function MATLAB GA Conceptual Schema Solution examples Multi-objective optimization to identify optimum measures allocation schemes across the catchment

  39. Task E: TARGET Activity E1: Derive indicative targets Activity E2: Assessing targets’ robustness under alternative future Activity E3: Policy Briefing and Dissemination future

  40. Thank you!

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