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Hong Kong November 2013

A Day in the School Library – A Study across Primary School Libraries in China, HK and Taiwan James Henri. Hong Kong November 2013. Presentation Overview. 1. Study Background. 2. Design and methodology of the study. 3. Enablers and Inhibitors for the School Library . 4. 5.

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Hong Kong November 2013

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  1. A Day in the School Library – A Study across Primary School Libraries in China, HK and TaiwanJames Henri Hong Kong November 2013

  2. Presentation Overview • 1 Study Background • 2 • Design and methodology of the study • 3 • Enablers and Inhibitors for the School Library • 4 • 5 • Key findings • Future Research

  3. Presentation Overview • 1 Study Background • 2 • Design and methodology of the study • 3 • Enabler and Inhibitor for School Library • 4 • 5 • Key findings • Future Research

  4. Background • Purpose of the Research • The Project • Expected Benefits • The Research Team

  5. Project Background • Commissioned by the Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation • To identify, record and share best practices in primary school libraries in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan • Snap shot of a primary school library and the teacher librarian (TL) • It is a day in the life of… • The day was Wednesday based on the proposition that it is a stable day • (Should this not be the case an alternative day was chosen.) • In the Taiwan the study was taken over multiple weeks

  6. Purpose • To become familiar with the ways that schools are able to harness the school library in the delivery of a reading and learning culture • To understand the important role of the TL: • promoter of the joy of reading • facilitator of the resources available in the library • collaborator with subject teachers and academic departments to incorporate reading and enquiry in the curriculum • To learn from schools about building a culture of learning and reading • through the arrangement of information products and information services in the school library

  7. Purpose • To identify ways that schools transform a library from a single space into multiple spaces and across the school • To establish benchmarks of practice in a sample of schools in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China • To identify difference of practice dependent upon socio-economic and school size • To use findings as input into school library development in China and to inform primary school librarians in training in Hefei, as well as other partners

  8. Purpose • To identify the ways that the school library and the school librarian can be supported so as to influence both -learning to read, and -reading to learn Special attention will be paid to the supporting role of the principal

  9. The Project Part 1 • A map of what happens in the school library on a Wednesday • from the beginning to the end of the school day • A map of TL activity at school (on Wednesday) • from arrival to departure (regardless of where she is in the school) • If the TL is part time then the record will include what she does when she is not TL • If there is more than one TL (or other significant actors in the school library) then that is also recorded • The day is divided into a schedule such as the timetable, for example: • 0800-0840 • 0840-0920 • 0920-1000

  10. The Project Part 2 • A code of everything that happens against a matrix of what might be expected to happen in a very good school library and by a very good teacher librarian. • Used a modified matrix developed by Hong Kong Education Bureau • 5 levels of activity in matrix: • The bottom Level is coded as 1, the top Level as 5. Part 3 • An analysis of the school infrastructure that enables/inhibits best practice • school policies, time table arrangements, access to the library, principal support, training, etc Part 4 • An analysis of external enablers and inhibitors • parent attitudes and support, local education authority support and policy, NGO support, availability of quality bookshops, etc

  11. Expected Benefits • Reality check on expected practice • Deeper understanding of actual practice • Ability to demarcate the work of the TL from the use of the library as a space

  12. Expected Benefits • Opportunity to identify linkages between the library, the TLand the following: • teaching and learning • recreational activity and especially with free voluntary reading(reading for pleasure) • INSERT a pic

  13. 研究团队 • Hong Kong Coordinator • Ms Angel Leung • Taiwan Coordinator • Prof Chen Chao Chen • (Joyce) Mr Zhang Zhenghe Prof Wang Zizou Peking University • Project Coordinator • Prof James Henri • CYSFF Consultant • Overall China Coordinator • Ms Karen Ip Ms Su Jun Library Director Minhang Experimental School, Shanghai

  14. Presentation Overview • 1 Study Background • 2 • Design and methodology of the study • 3 • Enabler and Inhibitor for School Library • 4 • 5 • Key findings • Future Research

  15. Design and Methodology of the Study • Methodology • Benchmarking • Selection of schools • Examples of a Day from selected schools

  16. Methodology • Expert reviewers used to test methodology design • Case Study approach employed • emphasis on authentic school library experiences • surfacing and highlighting exemplary practices • documenting and sharing of these practices among TLs • Qualitative in nature • data collected from TL and principal • Videorecording and photographs plus stakeholder discussion used to ensure data integrity • exit interviews conducted by researchers • Results are not generalizable but findings can be used as exemplars and guideposts for action

  17. Methodology: Reviewer comments: Part I • Innovative approach • emphasize authenticity • The results should be interesting • noting common approaches • surfacing innovative activities • Establish justifiable patterns of TL activity and sharing knowledge about novel approaches

  18. Methodology: Reviewer comments: Part II • This approach supports the concept of the exemplar • highlighting the range of core SL activities • providing a roadmap for less experienced and novice TLs • The potential for direct linkingof TL actions to outcomes(direct or indirect) couldenhance the results

  19. Methodology: Reviewer comments: Part III • An innovative initiative, can apply force-field analysis to the inhibitors • identifying potential driving forces to negate or overcome the inhibitors • Knowledge of TLs who have overcome inhibitors can be shared with other TLs

  20. Methodology: Reviewer comments: Part IV • An interesting process with unpredictable results • May surface a wide range of factors • could potentially have wide ranging impact over the wider school community • Force-field analysis can be applied to the inhibitors • identifying potential driving forces to negate or overcome them

  21. Benchmarking • The matrix used in this study acts as a theoretical benchmark that shows potential and exemplary practice. It does not provide any guidance as to the percentage of time that ought to be allocated to certain practices. • This study will reveal, from inside selected schools, actual performance against the matrix. This provides guidance about what is practicable and provides potential pathways for other schools wishing to improve their practice.

  22. The Model 5 4 3 2 1

  23. Notes on the Model • The model was chosen because it was specifically designed for HK at the time that significant educational reform was being planned and implemented • This model is not especially recent and therefore does not pay special attention to the affect that emerging technology may have on the TL role • The model does not cover everything a TL does, for example it does not cover meetings with the principal, or drafting policy on information issues such as privacy…some of this slipped into “Other”

  24. Notes on the Model • Underlying assumptions include: - Schools benefit from access to a wide range of information sources to support learning • Student and evidence based learning is preferable to a significant reliance on the teacher and a single textbook • Free voluntary reading enhances reading ability and learning ability

  25. Notes on the Model - Schools benefit from a collaborative culture

  26. Selection of schools • Expert advice was taken to identify a convenience sample of schools that met the requirements of the study • Consideration factors • reputation for best practice • geographic location • socioeconomic mix • connection to the researchers • willingness to participate. • From the identified schools, those that were unavailable were eliminated and invitations were made to the required number.

  27. The Schools

  28. China Pie charts The result of 4 campuses of one school

  29. China Pie charts

  30. Average of all schools in Mainland China

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