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Jacek Kuroń – Polish Mandela

The righteous and the heroes of political opposition. Life and fate between The East and The West. Source:: http://files.ithink.pl/Image/kuron. Jacek Kuroń – Polish Mandela. Source:http://www.newser.info/img/artykul/oryginal/nie-taki-zbrodniarz-straszny_200910141203.

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Jacek Kuroń – Polish Mandela

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  1. The righteous and the heroes of political opposition. Life and fate between The East and The West . Source:: http://files.ithink.pl/Image/kuron. Jacek Kuroń – Polish Mandela

  2. Source:http://www.newser.info/img/artykul/oryginal/nie-taki-zbrodniarz-straszny_200910141203Source:http://www.newser.info/img/artykul/oryginal/nie-taki-zbrodniarz-straszny_200910141203 Source:http://druga-wojna.site.vot.pl/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/adolf_hitler1 Totalitarianism

  3. German nazism Source: http\\www.interklasa.plmeteo\kw\regularsmapka.htm

  4. The Red Army invasion Source: http://prawicowo.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/armia-czerwona-przekracza-granice-rzeczypospolitej-17-09-1939 Source: http://m.onet.pl/_m/1b90a12a2da9262dac811aefb0dbe82b,14,1 Source:http://g.gazetaprawna.pl/p/_wspolne/pliki/104000/atak_zsrr_na_polske_17_09_39_104091

  5. What is communism, as an idea? Source:http\\www.solidarnosc.gov.pl\gallerygazeta34AOPL_000052

  6. The core of soviet communism (bolshevism, stalinism)‏ Source: http\\www.zwoje-scrolls.com\zwoje43kolyma1 Source: http\\www.eioba.pl\filesuser2571stalin_nazi_salute_small.

  7. Real life under communist oppression http\\trendz.pl\fotoid=7175&nr=1

  8. The attitudes of Polish nation towards communism • Fight • Passivity • Enthusiasm Source: http\\www.ipn.gov.pl\portalpl2412 Source: http\\mlodelata.pl\artykul36czarny_czwartek_-_masakra_na_wybrzezu

  9. Jacek Kuroń – youth and socialism Source: http://wyborcza.pl/jacekkuron/51,112816,9200898.html?i=2 Source: http://wyborcza.pl/jacekkuron/51,112816,9200898.html?i=1

  10. The Open Letter and oppositional activity Źródło:http://wyborcza.pl/51,76842,9220170.html?i=0 Źródło:http://wyborcza.pl/jacekkuron/51,112816,9212352.html?i=1

  11. „Don't burn the seats of government, establish your owns” - the 1976 turn Source: http://www.polskieradio.pl/0cfa5938-5165-4d74-9912-628ce1a7204b.file

  12. Interconnection between The East and The West

  13. Kuron’s contribution to the 1980 strike…

  14. …and further oppositionist career Source: http://img.interia.pl/wiadomosci/nimg/z/v/Obrady_Okraglego_Stolu_3124320.jpg

  15. Kuron - the Minister and his soup Source http://bi.gazeta.pl/im/1/6568/z6568911X.jpg

  16. „It doesn't matter how long we live, it matters how” Jacek Kuroń Source: http://wyborcza.pl/51,76842,9220170.html?i=1 Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Grob_Jacka_Kuronia

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