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Collaboration. Reflection on Ratio Missionis July 2013. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration. Introduction

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  1. Collaboration Reflection on Ratio Missionis July 2013

  2. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration Introduction All this 2nd part of the Ratio Missionis is a re-reading of the material that came out from the reflection of the confreres during the process of RM. Nothing is invented or included which is not reflecting exactly in its meaning what the confreres have shared. It is only another way of “grouping” and give “themes” to the expression of the confreres.

  3. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration I. Discernment (.p. 48-50) II. Dialogue /Listening (p.51-52) III. Context/Contextualization (p.53-56) IV. Collaboration (p. 56-58)

  4. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration IV. Collaboration (p.56-58) • - Collaboration is required by: a) complex world demanding high degree of specialization and competence b) Church of communion, church of ministries, a participative church (Vat. II)

  5. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration IV. Collaboration (p.56-58) • -Collaboration “means to put one’s own creativity, intelligence and energy together with others in order to face great and complex problems” - Justice as Relationship Generating Life, 2000, no. 32,joint letter of the three Comboni Institutes about their collaboration and inter-dependence.

  6. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration IV. Collaboration (p.56-58) • - Collaboration – recognized by MCCJ confreres as a fundamental dimension of Missionary Life a) it takes place at various levels: with local church, with lay movements, international organizations, other missionary and religious Institutes and other Church organizations; b) each type of collaboration requires a different purpose and dynamics;

  7. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration IV. Collaboration (p.56-58) • - Collaboration – recognized by MCCJ confreres as a fundamental dimension of Missionary Life c) Purpose of collaboration: not merely to be more efficient or productive but rather to overcome tensions, conflicts and undue competition, i.e., give priority to Christ and His Kingdom, not our particular likes and objectives contrary to those of Christ and His Kingdom.

  8. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration IV. Collaboration (p.56-58) • - Collaboration – recognized by MCCJ confreres as a fundamental dimension of Missionary Life d) All other purposes are secondary or even out of order (search of personal or institutional protagonism, “accursed religious and clerical selfishness” condemned by Comboni.

  9. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration IV. Collaboration (p.56-58) • - Collaboration – recognized by MCCJ confreres as a fundamental dimension of Missionary Life e) Comboni wished that the work of Evangelization in Africa would be a coordination of synergies of all the elements of the Church; only in that way success would be achieved for the work of Evangelization;

  10. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration IV. Collaboration (p.56-58) • - Elements that damage Mission: clericalism, protagonism, individualism and activism. • - Our differences (of personality, gender, work or style of intervention) become an enrichment when we place them at the service of a common project (1 Cor. 12, 4-14)

  11. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration IV. Collaboration (p.56-58) • - Today’s world demand collaboration as an ability to work into network, collaborate using “the potential of World Wide Web, creating ties and connections in a world divided into ever more specialized sectors, but that require high degrees of inter-dependence and collaboration.”

  12. Ratio Missionis: Collaboration IV. Collaboration (p.56-58) • Questionnaire for personal reflections - How much convinced am I about the need to collaborate with others? Do I see it as a need also in our pastoral and daily life? - How much do we think that attitudes of individualism, of wanting to be the protagonists and of clericalism are present and may have a negative influence in our relationship with others in carrying out fruitful pastoral activity? - What is our evaluation of the level of collaboration in the community and in pastoral work? What could be the reasons that hinder a true collaboration? How can we go beyond them?

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