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  1. MISCONCEPTIONS OF AN UPCOMING COLORFUL CULTURE Raves today gather many different types of people. They affect many people in multiple ways, whether it be good or bad. This ever growing culture is expressed in many ways in this collection of beautiful individuals proving their love and dislike for this new culture. From the Dancing DJ, to the man behind the scenes, and everyone in between, we can now understand this culture from multiple perspectives.

  2. Hollywood's View In this 1999 film, Five friends spend one lost weekend in a mix of music, love and club culture. Jip, the main character, explains his feelings toward the rave/club culture.(Human Traffic)

  3. FEELING THE VIBE • What makes the rave scene? The music? The people? The vibe? I would say all of them together. I feel like the music gets us to all come together and dance, and to use all our amazing talents and similar interests we have. The rave scene exists because of the people, the culture and the vibes. without these things the rave scene is not a rave scene at all, just an EDM concert! I feel like society sees only the negatives about raves. However, maybe the reason for that is because the public sees negativity more often than positivity. I feel as if there needs to be a much more positive outlook based on this culture. I feel the entire scene has a negative vibe because of some of the members in it. An example of something negative people portray is binkies - there is no other reason for having a binky, other than being a baby or messed up on some drug. Binkies are ridiculous and should stay out of the Rave scene. It is symbolizing negativity and ruins the intention of the rave scene for everyone else. The scene right now is definitely in for so many diff types of people. Party crews see this and are taking the chance to increase profits and capitalize on this new fad, which could be great! However, with this new fad there are a lot of posers showing up who do not care about this culture and are doing it because they just want to get messed up.

  4. Continue… • Its more or less like a club now: expensive, packed, and full of bad –vibeing people. I have only been in the scene since 07, but it use to have such better vibes, people, and was all about the music! On the other hand, the scene has so many beautiful and fun things to incorporate into it, such as photography. Photography is definitely a positive aspect of the rave scene. I say photography first because that catches all the great memories and beautiful times shared together. Art is huge as well, along with hooping, poi, and of course dancing and music! So much talent is expressed in this culture. Me personally, have seen things that have upset me, things that have shocked me, and things that just are not right. I've also seen amazing things, felt great vibes, great music, great DJ’s, and people with a strong passion and love for the culture. I’m definitely one of those people. When it comes down to more and more people coming into the scene, I feel that most don’t understand what this culture is about. However, that comes with the culture is guess. All I know is that I love to dance, I love EDM music, I love getting all dressed up, and I love being around the people that I love and respect in this scene and in this Culture!(Wardle)

  5. JANESSA, A TRUE LOVER FOR THIS CULTURE EE 2008: (When I was sitting in camp Saturday Night) Beautiful, we are one with the music, one with our souls. Everything around us is immaculate and colorful. Pulsating through our bodies This Bass... No yesterday, tomorrow, non existent. This moment is all I know, surreal. This is our sanctuary, our place of being, amongst many, exact feeling Excellence.(Lynn) You can make any place a dance party, now a rave? For some hard to accomplish, or may never at all. For others who believe in the true values of what a rave or raver is....well, that's the beautiful simplicity that some won't ever have the privilege of understanding. I say privilege because this is such an unexplained feeling. It is a gift to open your mind, heart, and soul to other people, especially yourself. There is no right or wrong way. You dance, dress, explore your beliefs with complete openness and unity. Never looking back, but to grab those good times and that completely unexplainable feeling you had in that exact moment. (Which may seem impossible...) But, this is what keeps us coming back. There is no right or wrong way to love something or someone. To be who you are and to accept the people around you for who they are. Being one with the music, sharing your experience, your thoughts, morals, tip of the tongue phenomenon's, a smile.....cherishing those moments that seemed never ending, to make a bond that brings us closer, for a friendship and love that's everlasting.

  6. MARY, A PERSPECTIVE IN THE MIDDLE I love raving. It showed me a completely different world, even for just a night. There are few energy sources like that around the world still and NOTHING compares. But it almost took my life. Hard to go back now. But if I do I can be completely sober and have an experience pretty damn close to ecstasy. So I guess that means I still have some dopamine left? I heard at Esthetic Evolutionthis past year older partiers saying, "Man all these kids don't do drugs. They let the drugs do THEM." pretty much sums up where excess and addictions come into play with the rave scene. They are the best parties, but you still got to be safe!(Shake)

  7. TANYA, A NEGATIVE SIDE TO BE SEEN • Putting hundreds of people in one room from all age groups dancing to deafening music with very little rules or regulations seems rather dangerous. Add in the idea that the likelihood of being passed some sort of illegal drug is extremely high sounds like a recipe for disaster!! Just being separated from your group for a short amount of time could result in rape or abduction. What makes a rave the most dangerous is everyone is welcome; this includes adults, teenagers, drug dealers, child molesters.....you name it, and they are allowed in. Raves need to be shut down, unless they can make some very strong guidelines for entrance. Some suggestions would be: having to be 18 years or over, a lower maximum amount of people allowed, and every person handling any type of illegal drug be escorted out then arrested. Even with these restrictions, raves may not be the safest place, but it would be safer.(Jadrich)

  8. THANKS TO AND BIBLIOGRAPHY • Human Traffic - What Was I Talking About? - YouTube. Dir. Justin Kerrigan. Perf. John Simm, Lorraine Pilkington. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Human Traffic, 6 May 2009. Web. 29 Jan. 2012. • Jadrich, Tanya. Personal Interview. 29 January 2012 • Lynn, Janessa. Personal Interview. 27 January 2012. • Shake, Mary. Personal Interview. 28 January 2012. • Wardle, Cassidy. Personal Interview. 27 January 2012.

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