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What is a virtual event, and how do you organize it

A virtual event is a part of an event where a person meets virtually on a platform. Here are all the details about the virtual event. Read more.

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What is a virtual event, and how do you organize it

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  1. What is a virtual event, and how do you organize it? https://www.thepromoapp.com/

  2. Virtual events are hosted online, as opposed to in-person, and usually involve people interacting with each other or with a particular audience. These events aren’t specific to any industry, and businesses can tailor their events to appeal to specific audiences. You can choose between the many different virtual-event platforms available, and nothing stops you from switching things up. Let the format and subject of your online event dictate the platform you use.  There are countless online event formats you can follow, millions of people you could potentially reach, and endless opportunities to expand your business into markets where it’s never gone before.  Think of the fitness industry as an example. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, personal trainers from across the globe started hosting their workouts online, opening themselves up to many new customers. People were inspired to stay fit and healthy during lockdown. At the same time, and thanks to virtual hosting platforms, they contributed immensely to the livelihood of the trainers who kept them fit. 

  3. Virtual events have taken the world by storm – not only because they became a necessity for many businesses during the height of the pandemic, but because they opened up doors for people from all corners of the world to connect.  Hosting an online event holds little to no barriers to entry, and can help you to grow your business, regardless of whether you’re operating as you did pre-pandemic or not. Are you keen to explore virtual events and how to organize your own? Then read on for a step-by-step guide. 

  4. Step 1: Decide on your type of event  Before you start planning your online event, first consider what you want to achieve. Would you like to sell your product, or do you wish to access a broader audience to raise brand awareness? Perhaps you aren’t selling anything and work in the services industry. Would you like to host a masterclass or talk with other experts on a specific topic to give your brand exposure? Whatever you’re trying to achieve, make sure your virtual event centers around a topic that will appeal to your audience. While you know your audience best, it’s critical to spend some time researching the different platforms they use. By making sure you’re planning a virtual event that your audience will enjoy, on a platform where they spend time, you’re in a better position to make this a permanent offering and a future source of income. 

  5. Don’t hesitate to take a risk either – people love brands that innovate. Is your event offering something your audience can get elsewhere? Why should people attend your event instead of your competitor’s one? Including something special and unique, like a giveaway or a celebrity on your panel, are just some basic examples of how you can make your event attractive.  Also, spend time researching what your competitors are doing. Explore the kinds of events your desired audience attends, and figure out how you can capitalize on this knowledge. If you have the time and budget, make an effort to participate in some of your competitors’ events. Whether it’s a cookalong, a live concert, or a seminar held on a virtual conference platform like Zoom, it won’t hurt to get an idea of what other people are doing. You’ll get ideas on how to improve your event and potentially gain a competitive advantage.  Once you’re armed with sufficient research, you’re better prepared to plan your event. Consider whether it will be a once-off occurrence, a recurring event, or a series of events with specific topics of interest. Consider partnering with other brands that share your audience. You’ll give each other exposure and gain new clients. 

  6. Step 2: Identify your virtual event platform  Next, identify which virtual event platform makes the most sense for engaging with your target audience. What are you trying to achieve? Will people want to interact with each other? Should there be a Q&A session? Are you thinking of creating breakaway rooms for smaller groups to interact and discuss a particular topic?  The answers to these questions will dictate the format that makes the most sense for your event. For example, a live music concert could work well on a particular platform, while a business conference that involves showcasing speakers’ PowerPoint or Keynote presentations could benefit from another.  Also, take into consideration what kind of platforms your audience uses. Will they be tuning in from their smartphones, tablets, or desktops? If you’re planning to stream a live performance, they may even prefer to tune in from their smart TVs. 

  7. Think of how you’d like people to sign up for your event. Is it free of charge, ticketed, or only to be attended by invitees? Answering this question will help you narrow down the platform that would work best. If you choose to use social media, look into the most popular platforms used by your target audience. For example, using TikTok for younger people, like Gen Zs, is a good idea, whereas millennials may respond better to an Instagram event.  Are you organizing a business-related conference, meeting, or workshop? Remember to explore the platforms that host business-focused events, and ensure that the platform you choose offers the virtual conferencing software you require.  When you choose a platform that’s aligned with your target audience, there’s the added benefit of word-of-mouth. Getting your already loyal customer base to spread the word about your event will add credibility to your offering and open doors to brand-new audiences. So, choose a platform that resonates with your target market, or else it could prove challenging to get traction for your event.

  8. Step 3: Use the help of a virtual event planner 

  9. Regardless of whether you’re a beginner or a pro at organizing in-person or online events, having the help of a virtual event planner is a great way to take some of the admin off your plate.  The Promo App is an event-based social network that tracks over 30 million events worldwide. It’s a lifesaver when you need to get all your ducks in a row for ticketing, marketing your event, and staying in touch with your event attendees. Users of The Promo App can browse the website’s live feed of public events worldwide, accessing real-time information. In addition, they can create their events and make use of the various services offered through the virtual-event software.  Using a planner like this is especially helpful if organizing events is just one facet of your job or business, or if it’s your first time hosting an online event. Not every business owner has the time or resources available to dedicate to planning and hosting events. As a considerable amount of time and research can go into making it a success, it’s best to have professional guidance to help you tick all the right boxes. It’s also helpful to browse through The Promo App’s blog, as you’ll find answers to questions you may have about trends, planning, and promotions.

  10. The more you use the platform, the more you’ll learn about the best ways of using it. Apply everything you know from the blog posts you read, and the chances are good that your event will succeed. And, if anything isn’t covered by the blog, The Promo App has a support page with FAQs. Here, you’re bound to find answers to any last questions you may have. 

  11. Step 4: Spread the word via social media  Now that you have the basics figured out, it’s time to start spreading the news about your event. If you get the messaging and platforms right, your core audience is likely to spread the word to other potential audiences too.  If you’re not already using your social media platforms as an advertising tool, now’s the time to start exploring all the ad formats they offer. If done smartly, social media can be a cost-effective tool to ensure your desired audience sees your content. By consistently putting your social media advertising budget to good use, you’ll start seeing results on your platforms. Complement your ads with other content such as spontaneous shares, live streams, or engaging stories, and you’ll start building a loyal following for your events. 

  12. If you’ve already nurtured your social media accounts, you could take full advantage of your follower base and make a big splash about your virtual event. Start by designing collateral for your event, be it posts or videos, and share them often. Whatever you’ve seen your audience respond to before will help you to market your event. Just remember that the content needs to be exciting and engaging enough for people to want to share it with their network of friends.  Post a couple of days or even weeks before your event, and share reminders at least twice a week to ensure that the bulk of your following are aware of the specifics. A great way to get people talking about your event is through a ticket giveaway. Ask your followers to comment on a post, telling you why they’d like to win tickets to your virtual event or have them submit a short blurb or video explaining why they deserve to win the prize.  If you have the opportunity to market your event on a broadcast platform like TV or radio, go for it.

  13. Step 5: Make your event engaging 

  14. It’s essential to make your event as enjoyable as possible. Your audience has taken time out of their day and chosen to attend your event, so it’s critical to keep them entertained and engaged.  Your audience might not like being lectured or spoken to, which means you’ll have to think of clever ways to engage them. With in-person events, it’s easier to encourage engagement because you have the luxury of grouping like-minded people together or doing personal check-ins. But, with a virtual event, you need to be more creative.  Getting the engagement you want is all about maximizing the different options offered by the event platform you’re using. For example, if you’re using Instagram Live, it works well to have your speaker/s answer questions in comments or to host a giveaway for someone who posts the correct answer first to a question in the comments section. With Zoom, you can host polls or set up breakaway rooms. These can be used for more intimate interactions during your event. 

  15. Following the steps outlined in this blog post will make organizing your first virtual event a lot less intimidating. And, when you’re using a virtual event planner like The Promo App to guide you along the way, organizing your online event becomes something to look forward to.

  16. Contact us https://www.thepromoapp.com/

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