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How many Chernobyl’ death? Alexey V. Yablokov “Green Russia” fraction, “ YABLOKO” Party , Russia

Henricj Boll Stifrung Kiev Chernobyl disaster - 25 years later (April 26-27 th , 2011, Modern Art Research Institute, vul. Shch0rsa, 18D, Kiev). How many Chernobyl’ death? Alexey V. Yablokov “Green Russia” fraction, “ YABLOKO” Party , Russia.

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How many Chernobyl’ death? Alexey V. Yablokov “Green Russia” fraction, “ YABLOKO” Party , Russia

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  1. Henricj Boll Stifrung KievChernobyl disaster - 25 years later (April 26-27th , 2011, Modern Art Research Institute, vul. Shch0rsa, 18D, Kiev) How many Chernobyl’ death? Alexey V. Yablokov “Green Russia” fraction, “ YABLOKO” Party, Russia

  2. IAEA-WHO (2005) Chernobyl death toll: 8 930 deaths in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia caused by cancers during 70 years Yablokov, 2011

  3. Infant mortality rates in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, 1984 -1991 and undisturbed trend line (www.demoscope.ru/weekly/vote/fig_imr11.png) Yablokov, 2011

  4. Infant mortality rates in Switzerland and Finland, 1980 - 2006, and undisturbed trend line (official statistical data, by Korblein, in litt. 2008) Finland Yablokov, 2011

  5. Deviation from perinathal mortality trend in Zhytomir and Kiev provinces , 1995 – 2003 (Korblein, 2006). Yablokov, 2011

  6. Мертворождаемость в Германии, 1960 – 1992 гг.(Scherb and Wiegelt, 2009)

  7. Chernobyl’ death toll by the doses’ approach Yablokov, 2011

  8. UNSCEAR (2011):«Комитет решил не использовать модели для предсказания абсолютного числа эффектов в популяциях, получивших низкие дозы радиации от Чернобыльской аварии, поскольку неопределенность таких предсказаний неприемлема" Yablokov, 2011

  9. Additional Mortality in six Russian Chernobyl’s provinces (1990 – 2004, 37,5/1000, Cs-137 ≥ 1 Ci/km2) (Khudoley et al.,2006) Yablokov, 2011

  10. Additional “Chernobyl’ mortality for 15 - 20 years after the Catastrophe for territories > 1 Ci/km2Belarus : 3,3 % - 8,9 % (Рубанова, 2003), Russia: 3,75 % (Худолей и др., 2006) Ukrain: 3,6 % (Дубовая, 2010). Yablokov, 2011

  11. Total number of Chernobyl’ deathfor the first 25th years Belarus, Ukraine, Russia =445 000 other Europe ≈ 510 000outside Europe≈179000Global ≈ 1 134 000 (+ ≈270 000 steelbirts*) *by H. Scherb (2011) ≈ 800 000 Chernobyl” steelbrth Yablokov, 2011

  12. Chernobyl’ catastrophe - the largest catastrophe in history Yablokov, 2010

  13. Henricj Boll Stifrung KievChernobyl disaster - 25 years later (April 26-27th , 2011, Modern Art Research Institute, vul. Shch0rsa, 18D, Kiev) Thank you for your attention! Yablokov, 2011

  14. Vassily Nesterenko , A.Yablokov, Geneve, 26 April, 2008, Yablokov, 2011

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