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Jacqueline Ley Assistant Head and Arts College Director Holly Lodge Girls’ College Liverpool jley@freeuk.com

Jacqueline Ley Assistant Head and Arts College Director Holly Lodge Girls’ College Liverpool jley@freeuk.com. We remember:. 20% - read 30% - heard 40% - seen 50% - said 60% of what we do 90% of what we see, hear, say and do.

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Jacqueline Ley Assistant Head and Arts College Director Holly Lodge Girls’ College Liverpool jley@freeuk.com

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jacqueline Ley Assistant Head and Arts College Director Holly Lodge Girls’ College Liverpool jley@freeuk.com

  2. We remember: 20% - read 30% - heard 40% - seen 50% - said 60% of what we do 90%of what we see, hear, say and do.

  3. Strategies and Policies Impacting on The Creativity Agenda Personalised Learning Framework Every Child Matters Extended Schools Creative Partnerships The Tomlinson Report 14 – 19 Strategy Networked Learning Communities The National Primary and KS3 Strategies Workforce Remodelling Gifted & Talented Building Schools For The Future

  4. Creativity: ‘in order to meet the new challenges of a society increasingly focussed on knowledge development, diversity and flexibility, there is a need to foster creative education that will ‘develop young people’s capacity for original ideas and action…forms that enable young people to engage positively with the growing complexity and diversity of social values and way of life’. Ken Robinson. ‘the achievement of something remarkable and new, something that transforms and changes a field of endeavour in a significant way….the kind of things people do to change the world’ Feledman, Cziksentmihalyi and Gardiner 1994.

  5. A year long teacher in residency at the FACT centre, Liverpool Cost £25k Funding from BT Awards http://www.fact.co.uk/ Specialist School Status

  6. Personalised Learning is… • ……about an education system which adapts itself to individual pupils • …… where every child/ young person receives co-ordinated support to succeed to the full, whatever their talent or background. • …… where the pupil’s voice is heard • …… where the needs of the individual pupils are addressed, extending beyond the classroom into the family and community

  7. Changes proposed are likely to include a new "diploma“ framework that may eventually replace GCSEs, A-levels and other qualifications for 14–19-year-olds. entry level foundation – equivalent to the current GCSE grades D to G intermediate – A* to C as it is now www.14-19reform.gov.uk. Tomlinson Report

  8. Creative Partnerships £40 million government backed national pilot project to develop long- term partnerships between schools, creative organisations and artists. http://hollylodge.iomis.com/ www.creative- partnerships.com

  9. Sustain improvement at KS2 KS3 GCSE targets Improve overall attendance levels Improve the skills of young people and adults and raise participation and quality in post-16 learning provision Performance Targets • Other targets: • Increase parental confidence and engagement • Narrow the attainment gap • Improve behaviour (reduction in fixed term and permanent exclusions)

  10. Links: http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/innovation-unit http://www.culture.gov.uk http://www.networkingthearts.co.uk/alnw Arts Entitlement

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