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Medical Missionary Work Our God-Appointed End-Time Work

Medical Missionary Work Our God-Appointed End-Time Work. With the Compliments of the ASI Media Library

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Medical Missionary Work Our God-Appointed End-Time Work

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  1. Medical Missionary WorkOur God-Appointed End-Time Work With the Compliments of the ASI Media Library Please note that this study is not exhaustive. We invite you to do further research into this important topic at www.egwwritings.org. This presentation is a compilation of passages from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. The views articulated, over and above such passages, are those of the compiler/s. In a Nutshell: Medical Missionary Work is the gospel in running shoes. It is the equipment that gives speed and efficiency to the gospel. Together, the gospel and medical missionary work make a perfect team. This presentation highlights how medical missionary work can enhance our gospel outreach and bring great blessing to the local church and to the local community.

  2. What is Medical Missionary Work? • “It should be noted that a careful study of the Ellen G. White writings reveals that the phrase “medical missionary work” is employed by the author to include professional services of consecrated doctors and nurses, and that its significance also reaches far beyond these bounds to include all acts of mercy and disinterested kindness.” (WM3 Compilers)

  3. What is Medical Missionary Work? Helping WhereverHelp Is Needed A Love-Inspired Work • “By earnest efforts to help wherever help is needed, he shows his love for God and his fellow beings.” (RH, December 8, 1910 par. 3)

  4. What is Medical Missionary Work? • “Medical missionary work brings to humanity the gospel of release from suffering. It is the pioneer work of the gospel. It is the gospel practiced, the compassion of Christ revealed. • “Of this work there is great need, and the world is open for it.” (CME7.4)

  5. The Object of Medical Missionary Work • “The object of medical missionary work is to restore, to correct wrongs, to show human beings how to avoid the self-indulgence that brings disease and death.” (CT521.2) • “The object of Medical Missionary work is to point sin⌐sick men and women to the man of Calvary, who taketh away the sin of the world.” (MH144.1)

  6. Importance ofMedical Missionary Work • “Medical missionary work is the right hand of the gospel.” {CME8.4} • “Medical missionary work is as the right hand and arm to the third angel's message.” (MM188) • “Nothing will open doors for the truth like evangelistic medical missionary work.” {Ev513.1} • “The mighty energies of the Holy Spirit, with all its quickening, recuperative, transforming powers must be applied to the palsy-stricken souls. I see no way that we can do this work other than to engage in medical missionary work.” (Letter 130, 1897)

  7. Importance ofMedical Missionary Work • “The medical missionary work is the arm of the body, and God wants us to take a decided interest in this work. . . . The body which treats indifferently the right hand, refusing its aid, is able to accomplish nothing . . .” (MM237/8)

  8. Great Medical Missionaries • JESUS: “Christ Jesus [is] the divine Model of medical missionary effort.” (ChS133.4) • JOB: “I was a father to the poor: and the cause which I knew not I searched out.” (Job 32:11) • DAVID: “When they were sick [those who repaid me evil for good]; I humbled my soul with fasting, I went about as though it were my friend or brother; I bowed down mourning, as one who sorrows for a mother.” (PSA 35:11-14)

  9. Jesus – Our Model • “In His contact with men He did not ask, What is your creed? To what church do you belong? He exercised His helping power in behalf of ALL who needed help.” (ChS123.1) • “Jesus worked to relieve EVERY case of suffering that He saw. He had little money to give, but He OFTEN denied Himself of food in order to relieve those who appeared more needy than He.” (DA87.1)

  10. Following Our Great Example • “As He passed through the towns and cities He was like a vital current, diffusing life and joy wherever He went.” (DA350.3-4) • “The followers of Christ are to labor as He did. We are to: • feed the hungry, • clothe the naked, • comfort the suffering and afflicted, • minister to the despairing, and • inspire hope in the hopeless.” • (DA 350.3-4) • Is this the work of a church department, or is this the work we all should be engaging in as individuals?

  11. The Hands and Feet of Jesus • “Christ is no longer in this world in person, to go through our cities and towns and villages, healing the sick; but He has commissioned us to carry forward the medical missionary work that He began.” (9T168.1)

  12. A Medical Missionary? • “To be a medical missionary means to be . . .a laborer together with God.” (WM120) • “The very first thing that a medical missionary needs to do is to gain a right conception of God, not a conception based on their own human judgment, but a conception based on a constant study of God's word and of the character and the life of Christ.” (MM91.4)

  13. Biblical Counsel • “Those who have believed God [must] be careful to engage in good deeds.” (Titus 3:8) • “Our people must also learn to engage in good deeds to meet pressing needs, so that they will not be unfruitful.” (Titus 3:14) • When Jesus invited us to follow Him, was He not also inviting us to follow His example?

  14. True Religion According To Isaiah 58 • “To loose the chains of injustice • “To untie the cords of the yoke, • “To set the oppressed free • “To break every yoke • “To share your food with the hungry • “To provide the poor wanderer with shelter • “When you see the naked, to clothe him • “Not to turn away from your own flesh and blood.” (Isaiah 58:6-7)

  15. As Practitioners of Religion . . . If We Love Others and Seek To Help Them . . . • “Our lights will break forth like the dawn • “Our healing will quickly appear • “Our righteousness will go before us • “The glory of the LORD will be our rear guard. • “We will call, and the LORD will answer • “We will cry for help, and the LORD will say: Here am I • “Our light will rise in the darkness • “Our night will become like the noonday • “The LORD will guide us always • “The LORD will satisfy our needs in a sun-scorched land • “The LORD will strengthen our frames • “We will be like a well-watered garden • We will be “like a spring whose waters never fail.” (Isaiah 58:8-11)

  16. A Work of God’s Appointment • “The work of beneficence [charity] enjoined in this chapter [Isaiah 58] is the work that God requires His people to do at this time. It is a work of His own appointment.” (WM33) • “The work specified in these words [Isaiah 58] is the work God requires His people to do. It is a work of God's own appointment. As a people we MUST take hold of this work.” (WM32)

  17. Jesus Revealed ThroughMedical Missionary Work . . . • “There is a great work to be done. How shall we reveal Christ? • “I know of no better way . . . than to take hold of the medical missionary work in connection with the ministry. Wherever you go, there begin to work. Take an interest in those around you who need help and light.” (MM319.1)

  18. Medical Missionary WorkAnd The Gospel • “Let no one consider that the medical missionary work is taking the place of the gospel; for it is the gospel practiced, the gospel adapted to the needs of suffering humanity. It prepares the way for the reception of the truth.” (14MR272.2) • “The gospel and the medical missionary work are to advance together. The gospel is to be bound up with the principles of true health reform.” (6T379.2)

  19. A Key to Spiritual Growth • “The spirit of unselfish labor for others gives depth, stability, and Christ-like loveliness to the character, and brings peace and happiness to its possessor. The aspirations are elevated. There is no room for sloth or selfishness. • “Those who thus exercise the Christian graces will grow and will become strong to work for God. They will have clear spiritual perceptions, a steady, growing faith, and an increased power in prayer. The Spirit of God, moving upon their spirit, calls forth the sacred harmonies of the soul in answer to the divine touch. • “Those who thus devote themselves to unselfish effort for the good of others are most surely working out their own salvation.” (SC80.2)

  20. A Key To Evangelistic Success - 1 • “The medical missionary work is growing in importance, and claims the attention of the churches. It is a part of the gospel message, and must receive recognition. It is the heaven-ordained means of finding entrance to the hearts of people.” (MM241.3) • “Christ's method ALONE will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, `Follow Me.’ “ (MH143.3)

  21. A Key To Evangelistic Success - 2 • “Nothing will open doors for the truth like evangelistic medical missionary work. This will find access to hearts and minds, and will be a means of converting many to the truth. Medical missionary work is the right, helping hand of the gospel, to open doors for the proclamation of the message.” (EV513.2)

  22. The Ultimate Door Opener • “Many have no faith in God and have lost confidence in man. But they appreciate acts of sympathy and helpfulness. • “As they see one with no inducement of earthly praise or compensation coming to their homes, ministering to the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, comforting the sad, and tenderly pointing all to Him of whose love and pity the human worker is but the messenger - as they see this, their hearts are touched. Gratitude springs up, faith is kindled. They see that God cares for them, and as His word is opened they are prepared to listen.” (MM247.1)

  23. Measuring The Life of A Church • “The life of a church depends on the interest which its members manifest in those outside the fold.” (LHU294.5) • “[The Holy Spirit will not be poured out] while the largest portion of the church are not laborers together with God.” (ChS253.2) • “Plans have not been clearly laid and fully carried out whereby the talents of all might be employed in active service. There are but few who realize how much has been lost because of this.” (9T116.3) Also see 6T267.1; 6T298.1; 6T301.2

  24. The Right Hand of God’s Cause • “Every city is to be entered by workers trained to do medical missionary work.” (7T59.1) • “Medical missionary work should be carried forward by the church in well-organized efforts. It should be to the cause of God as the right hand is to the body. But the medical missionary work is not to take on undue importance. It should be done without neglecting other lines of work.” (WM122.4)

  25. Restoration OfMedical Missionary Work • “The medical missionary work is sick, and needs the restoring power of the great healer, before it can accomplish a work in harmony with its name.” (Series B2, p.24)

  26. The Gospel in Practice • “Medical missionary work is the pioneer work. It is to be connected with the gospel ministry. It is the gospel in practice, the gospel practically carried out. All heaven is interested in the work of relieving suffering humanity. • “My heart is made sad as I look at our churches, which ought to be connected in heart and soul and practice with the medical missionary work. . . .” (CH532.5)

  27. Conference Involvement? • “My brethren, the Lord calls for unity, for oneness. We are to be one in the faith. I want to tell you that when the gospel ministers and the medical missionary workers are not united, there is placed on our churches the worst evil that can be placed there. Our medical missionaries ought to be interested in the work of our conferences, and our conference workers ought to be as much interested in the work of our medical missionaries.” (MM241.1) • “God wants the ministers and the church members to take a decided, active interest in the medical missionary work.” (6T300.2)

  28. Balance - 1 • “Do not, I beg of you, instill into the minds of the students ideas that will cause them to lose confidence in God's appointed ministers. . . . Temptations will come to you to think that in order to carry forward the medical missionary work you must stand aloof from the church organization or church discipline. To stand thus would place you on an unsound footing. The work done for those who come to you for instruction is not complete unless they are educated to work in connection with the church.” (8T161.2) • “The Holy Spirit never has, and never will in the future, divorce the medical missionary work from the gospel ministry. They cannot be divorced. Bound up with Jesus Christ, the ministry of the Word and the healing of the sick are one.” (Series B7, p.63)

  29. Balance - 2 • “Special light has been given me that you are in danger of losing sight of the work for this time. You are erecting barriers to separate your work, and those you are educating, from the church. This must not be. Those who are receiving instruction in medical missionary lines should be led to realize that their education is to fit them to do better work in connection with the ministers of God.” (8T158.1) • “Medical missionary work is not to take men from the ministry, but is to place men in the field, better qualified to minister because of their knowledge of medical missionary work.” (8T158.2)

  30. The Future of Medical Missionary Work • “We shall see the medical missionary work broadening and deepening at every point of its progress, because of the inflowing of hundreds and thousands of streams [blessings], until the whole earth is covered as the waters cover the sea.” (CME13.2) • “I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work. The work of a minister is to minister. Our ministers are to work on the gospel plan of ministering.” (WM139.2)

  31. A Glimpse of The Future • “Henceforth medical missionary work is to be carried forward with an earnestness with which it has never yet been carried. This work is the door through which the truth is to find entrance to the large cities, and sanitariums are to be established in many places.” (CH392.2) • “When the cities are worked as God would have them, the result will be the setting in operation of a mighty movement such as we have not yet witnessed.” (CME 14.4)

  32. Pathway To Success • “If Christians were to act in concert, moving forward as one, under the direction of one Power, for the accomplishment of one purpose, THEY WOULD MOVE THE WORLD.” (9T221.1)

  33. Outreach Pointers • Help wherever help is needed {SC80.3} • Teach the church to run a caring ministry {Ev356.2} • Involve everyone in a caring ministry {MM263.2} • Encourage personal effort {AA158.2} • Be compassionate and caring {9T189.4} • Use time, talents and technology {Ev206.1} • Utilize small groups and companies {7T21.3-4} • Do house to house work – two by two {ChS113.2} • Work under some other name {CME17.2-3} • Asking for help will make people more willing to receive help (DA183.4)

  34. The Church Victorious - 1 • “Through the church eventually will be made manifest the final and full display of the love of God to the world that is to be lightened with its glory.” (TM50.1)

  35. The Church Victorious - 2 • “Onward, and still onward, will the work advance. And marked events of Providence will be seen and recognized, in judgments and in blessings.” (TDG195.5) • “The children of God will be triumphant. They will come off conquerors and more than conquerors over all the opposing, persecuting elements. Fear not.” (3SM319.1)

  36. The Church Victorious - 3 • “In the future the earth is to be lightened with the glory of God. A holy influence is to go forth to the world from those who are sanctified through the truth. • “The earth is to be encircled with an atmosphere of grace. The Holy Spirit is to work on human hearts, taking the things of God and showing them to men.” (9T40.2)

  37. The Church Victorious - 4 • “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him.” (Psalm 22:27) • “The earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:9)

  38. In Conclusion • “Medical missionary work is to be done. Thousands upon thousands of human beings are perishing. The compassion of God is moved. All heaven is looking on with intense interest to see what stamp medical missionary work will assume under the supervision of human beings. Will men make merchandise of God's ordained plan for reaching the dark parts of the earth with a manifestation of His benevolence?” (MM131.2)

  39. Read The MedicalMissionary Manual To further your knowledge of this vital work, you may read The Medical Missionary Manual, free of charge, on the Internet. If you are reading this on your own PC simply click on the link above, or you may visit: http://www.ellenwhitedefend.com The End

  40. Websites You Will Love Encourage Someone You KnowVisit www.blessothers.net Overcome Illness For LifeVisit www.keepwell.com For A Spiritual FeastVisit www.friendswhocare.org

  41. This document was compiled by the study committee of The Life Guidance Foundation www.lifeguidance.info

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