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Mission Possible: Supporting Children’s & Youth Work in Southern Synod – 2013 report

Mission Possible: Supporting Children’s & Youth Work in Southern Synod – 2013 report. Priority: To help churches to increase the participation of children & young people in the life of the church

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Mission Possible: Supporting Children’s & Youth Work in Southern Synod – 2013 report

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  1. Mission Possible: Supporting Children’s & Youth Work in Southern Synod – 2013 report • Priority: To help churches to increase the participation of children & young people in the life of the church Child Friendly Church Award – guided Sanderstead URC to 1st award, and 7 other churches to their 2nd award. Additional CFCA advisors identified for 2014. All Age Worship – Supported and guided members of Synod Youth Exec as they work on ‘Through our eyes’, a resource to help church leaders connect better with young people. This will be completed & launched in March 2014. Synod Youth Exec – met over 3 weekends in 2013 and made significant contributions to Synod C&YW committee; been a driving force to restart the Synod Youth Camp; planned and lead much of the Synod Together youth event; reported to some Synod Area meetings, and participated in URC Youth Assembly 2013. • Priority: To help churches to work with children & young people in a safe & responsible manner Safeguarding Policy – new model safeguarding policy offered to all local churches, Southern Synod safeguarding policy reviewed and updated. Safeguarding Training –basic safeguarding training was delivered in 7 venues around the Synod, to 82 people from 32 churches. Safeguarding training for church leaders & safeguarding coordinators –delivered by Churches Child Protection Advisory Service and exploring how churches should manage safeguarding issues.60 people from 30 churches. • Priority: To communicate well with people in local churches Website & newsletter – info about youth/childrens events, training opportunities, resources & stories from local churches shared via monthly website update, bi-monhtly e-news (137 churches) & mailing to 28 churches. Advice & guidance – responded to 100s of request for information & advice from people in local churches. FAQs will be on the website by end of year. Synod Together – highlighted C&YW through the Child Friendly Church Awards, the youth event, a safeguarding policy update, and advertising of events. • Priority: To develop a Children & Youth Work Support Group Thanks to the volunteers for Synod Youth Camp, Synod Together youth event, Making Waves, Starting from Scratch, Synod Children’s & Youth Work committee, Synod Youth Exec, and all who have shared good-news stories for the website. If you want to get involved, contact me: 01634 817556 or cydo@urcsouthern.org.uk. The purpose of the Synod Children & Youth Development Officer is to provide a focus for the development of work among children & young people and for the support and training of the many people in local churches who carry out such work. • Assembly work (25%): CYDO team meetings (6 days); developed new URC Good Practice training package (7 days); wrote for new URC Good Practice guidance (15 days); appointment of CYDO in Eastern Synod (3 days) • Synod work (75%) Listed under each of the Synod C&YW priorities below: • Priority: To help churches recruit & develop youth & children’s leaders Making Waves– a gathering for all concerned about youth & children’s ministry in their church. Choice from 6 seminars offered. 7 different volunteer trainers. 63 people from 27 different churches attended at Croydon & Goring. Cancelled in Reigate & Canterbury due to very low bookings. Other training - safeguarding training (see opposite), Godly Play (delivered by Lesley Mason to 20 people from 6 churches), All God’s Children (including children with additional needs) offered but cancelled due to low bookings. Training the trainers did not take place in 2013. Toolbox– this day conference for youth & children’s leaders with Kent Ecumenical Youth & Children’s Officers group offering keynote speaker, choice of 22 workshops, and resources area. Sat 22 March 2014 in Chatham, Kent, c.150 people expected Turn the Tide scheme – 7 churches & ecumenical projects received grants totalling £27000 to help them to continue employing a youth/children worker in Canterbury, Dover, Horsham/Southwater, Lindfield, Marsh Green/Edenbridge, Twickenham. These workers are in contact with around 800 children/young people. Workers have in turn given time to support 5 other local churches and to help facilitate Synod Youth Exec, Synod Together youth event, and Synod Youth camp. Employed youth/children’s worker network – met twice in 2014, bringing together 7 workers for discussion & mutual encouragement. • Priority: To help churches to get more involved with children & young people in their local communities Starting from scratch– 14 people from 5 churches attended this day about starting new work with children & young people. Mission Means– on this day the youth & children’s work seminars were attended, by a total of 28 people from 15 churches. I look forward to working with you next year to help ‘turn the tide’ of children & young people leaving the church. Nick White (Children’s & Youth Development Officer) Mission Possible: Enabling the church to help children & young people find faith & follow Jesus.

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