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3 Domains of Life

3 Domains of Life. Eukarya Bacteria, Archaea. Kingdoms. Plantae. Linnaeus separated living organisms into two kingdoms; Plantae and Animalia (1700s) Kingdom Protista was added as the microscope was used to identify more organisms (mid 1800s)

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3 Domains of Life

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  1. 3 Domains of Life • Eukarya • Bacteria, • Archaea

  2. Kingdoms Plantae • Linnaeus separated living organisms into two kingdoms; Plantae and Animalia (1700s) • Kingdom Protista was added as the microscope was used to identify more organisms (mid 1800s) • Moulds and yeasts were originally classified as plants but they cannot make their own food so the kingdom of Fungi was created • Bacteria were originally all classified as “Monera” but was more recently split into two kingdoms; Archaebacteria and Eubacteria Animalia Protista Fungi Monera Eubacteria Archaebacteria

  3. 3 Domains of life • Eukaryotes • May be unicellular (only one cell) or multicellular • (more about these later) Plantae Animalia Eukarya Protista Fungi Eubacteria Archaebacteria

  4. 3 Domains of life • “True bacteria” • Prokaryotes, unicellular • Very diverse (over 4 million) • Only 4000 has been classified • Asexual and sexual reproduction Plantae Animalia Eukarya Protista Fungi Bacteria Eubacteria Archaebacteria Escherichia coli

  5. 3 Domains of life • “Ancient bacteria” • Prokaryotes, unicellular • Lives in extreme environments (volcanoes, low oxygen, high acidity) • Asexual reproduction Plantae Animalia Eukarya Protista Fungi Bacteria Eubacteria Archaea Archaebacteria Methanococcus jannaschii

  6. 3 Domains of life Types of Archaea : methanogens: live below swamps and sewage or in animal intestines, give off methane halophiles: love salty environments thermoacidophiles: love heat and acid psychrophiles: those that live at unusually cold temperatures Plantae Animalia Eukarya Protista Fungi Bacteria Eubacteria Archaea Archaebacteria

  7. Classify each of these diseases by the type of organism that causes them. Bacteria Fungus Protist Virus Other • 1. Strep throat 4. Cold Sores • Pink Eye 5. Flu • Athlete's Foot 6. Mad Cow

  8. Strep throat Streptococus bacteria

  9. Pink Eye Viral Conjunctivitis

  10. Athlete’s Foot Fungus

  11. Cold Sores Herpes simplex virus

  12. Flu Influenza virus

  13. Mad Cow bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) - Prion

  14. Which animals are most closely related?

  15. Same Domain: Eukarya Same Kingdom: Animalia Same Phylum: Chordata (have a backbone) Class: Osteichthyes Amphibia Reptilia Aves Mammalia

  16. HWK: Complete Kingdoms Overview sheet with help from the text pg 27. Answer Questions #1-3 pg 29.

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