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God instituted the home – (Gen 2:18-24) God has given rules for each member of the home to follow – (Deut 6:6-25; Eph 6:

God instituted the home – (Gen 2:18-24) God has given rules for each member of the home to follow – (Deut 6:6-25; Eph 6:1-4; Tit 2:4) We must look to God’s word for the role a wife and mother has in the home – (Not to television or pop psychologist!) - (Titus 2:3-5).

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God instituted the home – (Gen 2:18-24) God has given rules for each member of the home to follow – (Deut 6:6-25; Eph 6:

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  1. W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  2. God instituted the home – (Gen 2:18-24) • God has given rules for each member of the home to follow – (Deut 6:6-25; Eph 6:1-4; Tit 2:4) • We must look to God’s word for the role a wife and mother has in the home – (Not to television or pop psychologist!) - (Titus 2:3-5) W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  3. There is a great deal of societal pressure upon Christian women today. "Marriage has existed for the benefit of men; and has been a legally sanctioned method of control over women.... We must work to destroy it. The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. . . . We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft" (from "The Declaration of Feminism," November, 1971). W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  4. There is a great deal of societal pressure upon Christian women today. "Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage." -- Sheila Cronin, the leader of the feminist organization NOW W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  5. There is a great deal of societal pressure upon Christian women today. "Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession... The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family- maker is a choice that shouldn't be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that." (Vivian Gornick, feminist author, University of Illinois, The Daily Illini, April 25, 1981. W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  6. There is a great deal of societal pressure upon Christian women today. • Television programs consistently either mock godliness, (e.g. Desperate Housewives) or depict husbands as unworthy of any respect whatsoever. • What do the Scriptures teach regarding the role of women in the home? W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  7. God gave man the kind of companion he needed, i.e. - a “helper comparable to him.” God decided to make a helper suitable (lit., “a helper corresponding to him,” or “a corresponding helper”) for the man (v. 18). “Helper” is not a demeaning term; it is often used in Scripture to describe God Almighty (e.g., Pss. 33:20; 70:5; 115:9, where it is trans. “help” in the niv).—Bible Knowledge Commentary W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  8. God gave man the kind of companion he needed, i.e. - a “helper comparable to him.” • "I shall make a helper fit for him" (ESV); "I will make a suitable partner for him" (NAB); “suitable, corresponding to” (NASB). • Woman completes man - she is his equal in nature, & helper in function, (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:15-25). W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  9. To be in submission to her husband – (from the beginning) Genesis 3:16 (NKJV) 16 To the woman He said: "I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you." W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  10. To be in submission to her husband - (In the New Testament). Ephesians 5:22-24 (NKJV)22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  11. To be in submission to her husband - (In the New Testament). Ephesians 5:33 (NKJV) 33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Colossians 3:18 (NKJV) 18 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  12. To be in submission to her husband - (In the New Testament). Titus 2:5 (NKJV)3 the older women likewise, . . . 4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  13. To be in submission to her husband - (In the New Testament). 1 Peter 3:5-6 (NKJV)5 For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves, being submissive to their own husbands, 6 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror. W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  14. To be in submission to her husband - (In the New Testament). Under Jewish law a woman was a thing, the possession of her husband, . . . She had no legal rights whatever. . . . In Greek society a respectable woman lived a life of entire seclusion. She never appeared on the streets alone, not even to go marketing. She lived in the women's apartments and did not join her menfolk even for meals. From her there was demanded complete servitude and chastity; . . . Under both Jewish and Greek laws and custom all the privileges belonged to the husband and all the duties to the wife. —Barclay's Daily Study Bible (NT) W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  15. To be in submission to her husband - (In the New Testament). Submit:ὑποτάσσω – Trans -hypotassō Thayer - aorist passive with a middle force, “to obey” (R.V. “subject oneself,”) Barclay Newman: NT Greek-English Dictionary ὑποτάσσω - put in subjection, subject, subordinate; pass. be subject, submit to, obey, be under the authority of; take a subordinate place - W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  16. To be in submission to her husband - (In the New Testament). • These passages under consideration refers to a loving and voluntary submission. • A wife is not a slave, her obedience should be voluntary. Just as Christ does not beat his bride into submission, - the wife should lovingly submit to him W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  17. To be in submission to her husband - (In the New Testament). • Subjection does not mean inferiority in: • Nature, • Value, • Importance, • Intelligence, • Moral Strength, etc. W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  18. To love her husband - (Titus 2:4). Love - φίλανδρος, philandros • From (philos) and (aner);fond of man, i.e. affectionate as a wife :- love their husbands.—Strong's • Primarily, "loving man," signifies "loving a husband," Titus 2:4, in instruction to young wives to love their husbands, lit., "(to be) lovers of their husbands." - occurs frequently in epitaphs. — Vine's W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  19. Must Be Faithful to Her Husband • The Church to Christ-(Eph 1:22-23; 4:4; 5:23; 2 Cor 11:2-4) • Wife by covenant (Proverbs 2:16,17) • To be pure & virtuous (Titus 2:5) • An adulterous wife as an example to the idolatrous Jews – (Ezekiel 16:32) W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  20. The Wife Should "Guide" & “Keep” the Home – (1 Tim 5:14; Titus 2:5) 1 Timothy 5:14 (NKJV) 14 Therefore I desire that the younger widows marry, bear children, manage the house, give no opportunity to the adversary to speak reproachfully. W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  21. The Wife Should "Guide" & “Keep” the Home – (1 Tim 5:14; Titus 2:5) Titus 2:5 (NKJV) 5 to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  22. The Wife Should "Guide" & “Keep” the Home – (1 Tim 5:14; Titus 2:5) • Means taking care of “household affairs.” - Proverbs 31:28-31 • Work outside the home must facilitate, not prevent, the fulfillment of her primary responsibilities of “guiding & Keeping the home” (Prov 31:13-29; Lydia - Acts 16:14-15). W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  23. To love her children - (Titus 2:4). • To provide for and cherish her children - (1 Thes 2:7). • To teach her children the scriptures – (2 Tim 1:5; 3:15) • Like mother like daughter – Must teach daughters how to be godly women - (Ezekiel 16:44, I Tim 2:9-10). • To be honored – (Eph 6:2) W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  24. God instituted the home – (Gen 2:18-24) • God has given rules for each member of the home to follow – (Deut 6:6-25; Eph 6:1-4; Tit 2:4) • We must look to God’s word for the role a wife and mother has in the home – (Not to television or pop psychologist!) - (Titus 2:3-5) W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  25. Women have great influence • Must fulfill God given role as wife – Eph 5:22-24 • Must fill God given role as a mother – (Titus 2:4,5) • Must live to save others!! - (1 Cor 7:15-17; 1 Peter 3:1-2) • Must live to glorify God – (Titus 2:5) W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  26. Women MUST Abide Within Their God Appointed Stations! • Godly Women Will Focus Upon Spiritual Growth & Inward Beauty!! • Godly women are essential in the Growth and Work of the church!! W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  27. W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  28. "We can't destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage." -- Robin Morgan "Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage." -- Sheila Cronin, the leader of the feminist organization NOW W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

  29. Here are 10 reasons why we are concerned about feminism and the National Organization for Women. 1. "The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist" (National NOW Times, January, 1988). 2. "Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women's movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage" (feminist leader Sheila Cronan). 3. In response to a question concerning China's policy of compulsory abortion after the first child, Molly Yard responded, "I consider the Chinese government's policy among the most intelligent in the world" (Gary Bauer, "Abetting Coercion in China," The Washington Times, Oct. 10, 1989). 4. "Overthrowing capitalism is too small for us. We must overthrow the whole...patriarch!" (Gloria Steinem, radical feminist leader, editor of MS magazine). 5. "Marriage has existed for the benefit of men; and has been a legally sanctioned method of control over women.... We must work to destroy it. The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men.... All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women. We must go back to ancient female religions like witchcraft" (from "The Declaration of Feminism," November, 1971). 6. "By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believe in human potential, not God." (Gloria Steinem, editor of MS magazine). 7. "Let's forget about the mythical Jesus and look for encouragement, solace, and inspiration from real women.... Two thousand years of patriarchal rule under the shadow of the cross ought to be enough to turn women toward the feminist 'salvation' of this world." (Annie Laurie Gaylor, "Feminist Salvation," The Humanist, p. 37, July/August 1988. 8. "In order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them" (Dr. Mary Jo Bane, feminist and assistant professor of education at Wellesley College, and associate director of the school's Center for Research on Woman). 9. "Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession... The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family- maker is a choice that shouldn't be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that." (Vivian Gornick, feminist author, University of Illinois, The Daily Illini, April 25, 1981. 10. "The most merciful thing a large family can to do one of its infant members is to kill it." (Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, in "Women and the New Race," p. 67). W. 65th St church of Christ - December 17, 2006

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