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  1. How to Get Clients Online with Dallas McMillan High Ticket SALES Process   http://digitalinfluence.com.au/high-ticket-sales-process/ Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF3chJHvO4s See more High Ticket Sales Funnels http://digitalinfluence.com.au/high-­‐ticket-­‐sales-­‐funnels/      

  2. Dallas:   Hello,  welcome  to  High  Ticket  Sales.  I'm  Dallas  McMillan.  I  specialize  in  high  ticket  sales,   marketing  and  lead  generation  for  coaches,  consultants,  and  professionals.  I  run  a  digital   marketing  agency  called  Influential.  We're  here  to  help  you  attract  high  value  clients  and   grow  your  business.     Today  I'm  going  to  talk  to  you  about  how  to  sell  high  ticket  coaching  and  consulting.  This   might  be  one-­‐on-­‐one  coaching,  group  coaching,  online  coaching,  or  perhaps,  consulting   services  programs  or  products.  Regardless,  in  order  to  attract  and  market  to  businesses   online  and  turn  them  into  sales  you  need  a  strong  sales  process.  I  specialize  in  high   ticket  sales  funnels  and  the  biggest  thing  that  I  see  that's  stopping  people  getting  results   with  their  sales  funnels  is  a  lack  of  a  good  sales  process  in  their  business.     In  this  talk  I'll  reference  my  "High  Ticket  Sales  Funnels  for  Coaches  and  Consultants"   guide.  If  you  haven't  already  got  a  copy  go  and  download  it.  You  can  just  google  high   ticket  sales.  Regardless  of  how  you  use  it  in  your  business,  whether  it's  online  sales  or   offline  sales,  using  a  strong  sales  process  can  help  you  to  significantly  grow  your   business,  because  sales  are  really  the  engine  of  business.     In  the  high  ticket  sales  process  we  have  five  steps.  I'll  take  you  through  them  quickly   now.  The  first  step  is  selection.  That's  where  we  identify  our  ideal  client.  What  doing   that  lets  us  do  is  to  engineer  a  product,  a  marketing  campaign,  a  sales  process  to  appeal   directly  to  them,  but  we  have  to  know  exactly  who  they  are  so  we  can  design  our   marketing.     Once  we've  got  our  ideal  client  in  place,  we  can  set  up  some  bait.  We  can  set  up   marketing  lead  magnets,  a  sales  process  to  attract  just  the  right  kind  of  clients.  There's  a   huge  factor  here  that  makes  a  difference,  that  is  that  clients  are  coming  to  you  rather   than  you  going  to  them.  When  clients  are  chasing  you,  you  immediately  are  seen  as   better  at  your  job,  in  demand,  worth  more  money.  That's  exactly  how  you  want  it.  You   want  to  flick  the  switch  with  client  attraction  by  getting  clients  to  come  to  you.     The  third  step  is  lead  generation  and  nurturing.  This  is  where  you  take  people  who  are   checking  you  out  online,  people  inquiring  at  your  business,  they're  following  you,   they're  seeing  you,  they're  aware  of  you,  but  they're  not  necessarily  ready  to  buy  from   you  in  lead  generation.  We  want  to  turn  them  into  buyers  by  educating  them.  By  giving   them  an  option  to  start  thinking  about  how  to  solve  their  problem  with  us.  Lead   nurturing  is  really  about  that  ongoing  process  of  educating  them  and  warming  them  up   to  be  better  as  buyers  so  that  they're  ready  to  buy  from  us.  Not  everyone  is  ready  to  buy   straight  away.     The  fourth  step  is  evaluation.  We  recognize  that  clients  are  evaluating  us,  but  too  many   people  fail  to  consider  that  we  need  to  be  evaluating  clients.  You  should  be  carefully   screening  and  qualifying  clients  to  make  sure  they're  the  right  match  for  you.  You  need   to  be  fussier  than  your  client  is.  Whereas  so  many  professionals  are  trying  to  get  clients,   so  they're  kind  of  hungry  and  desperate.  That's  not  a  good  look.  Instead,  your  sales   process  should  have  a  stage  that  feels  like  a  red  velvet  rope  that  the  wrong  clients  can't   get  through,  but  for  the  right  clients  that's  guiding  them  in  the  right  direction  toward               High Ticket SALES Process Page 2 of 3

  3. making  a  purchase  from  you.     They  have  that  opportunity  when  we  talk  about  our  solution  as  part  of  a  sales   conversation.  In  a  sales  conversation  we  sort  of  let  them  go  behind  the  curtain  and  see   what's  not  available  to  the  public.  We  give  them  an  in  depth  look  at  how  we  can  help   them  and  their  business.  We'll  try  and  understand  their  unique  situation  and  then   identify  whether  we  can  help  them.  If  we  can  we  might  make  them  an  offer  of  a  solution   or  product  or  service  that  we  stock.     There  are  the  five  steps  of  the  sales  process.  Obviously,  there's  a  lot  of  detail  in  each  of   those.  For  example  the  sales  conversation  in  the  fifth  step,  getting  that  right  is  really  the   answer  to  doubling,  tripling,  or  even  quadrupling  your  sales  just  by  better  identifying   the  client's  problem  and  the  right  products  to  sell  to  them  to  reach  a  solution.     If  you  need  help  with  your  sales  process  you  can  get  in  touch  with  me.  I'm  Dallas  from   Influential.  Best  way  to  do  that  is  go  and  download  my  book,  "High  Ticket  Sales  Funnels   for  Coaches  &  Consultants".     I  hope  you've  had  a  ton  of  value  from  this  presentation.  I  look  forward  to  helping  you   further  with  your  sales  and  marketing.  I'm  Dallas  from  Influential  and  I'll  see  you  in  the   next  video.               High Ticket SALES Process Page 3 of 3

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