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Beowulf. The Story Begins. Beowulf was recorded sometime during the early 1700s, but it thought to be origionated during the 8 th to 10 th century a.d . Until it was written down, the story was passed through the art of storytelling, usually around a fire at night. . The Anglo Saxons.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Beowulf

  2. The Story Begins • Beowulf was recorded sometime during the early 1700s, but it thought to be origionated during the 8th to 10th century a.d. • Until it was written down, the story was passed through the art of storytelling, usually around a fire at night.

  3. The Anglo Saxons • The Anglo Saxons of the 8th Century lived during what is commonly known as the Dark Ages. • The Dark Ages were so named for the main way of life. • Most people were uneducated and poor living in thatch huts and barely having enough to eat.

  4. There were no doctors, no medicine, no tvs, no movies, no iPods. • The only form of entertainment came from gathering in large groups. • This was also beneficial for food, warmth, protection, and education. • Since people lived in fairly isolated groups, these gatherings usually happened in a centralized mead hall built by a lord of the area.

  5. War • War was a major way of live during this time. • Groups banded together for protection from attacks of other peoples.

  6. beliefs • While there was a belief in a Christian God, superstitions of witches, demons, and other forms of evil still pervaded the minds of the people.

  7. Then

  8. now

  9. The story • Using the following website read the story of “Beowulf” while completing the character chart (for all major characters) and timeline. • http://www.lnstar.com/literature/beowulf/index.html

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