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Introduction and Background

Climate Resilient Planning: Interdisciplinary Research to Improve Information Provision for Decision Making (CRN3107) Anna Muller, PhD IAI CRN3 Meeting, Cancún , Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2017. Introduction and Background. Drought in Guatemala - climatic patterns change.

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Introduction and Background

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Climate Resilient Planning: Interdisciplinary Research to Improve Information Provision for Decision Making (CRN3107) Anna Muller, PhD IAI CRN3 Meeting, Cancún, Nov. 29 – Dec. 1, 2017

  2. Introduction and Background

  3. Drought in Guatemala - climaticpatternschange

  4. Informationavailability vs use in publicdecisionmaking and planning Source: http://drought.unl.edu/Planning/HydroillogicalCycle.aspx

  5. Drought and diversifiedimpacts in thecommunities

  6. Challenge: bridge the gap betweeninformation and decisionmaking Decisionmaker (in ministry, NGO, municipalities) Community

  7. Ourapproach: focuson “fit” of agro-climaticinformation, informationsystems and decisionmaking Information Informationsystem (1) Understanddecisionmaking, decisionmakingcontext and informationneeds (2) Co-designaninformation and decisionsupportsystembyintegratinguser and decisionmakerintosolutionfindingprocess Decisionmaking

  8. Mostrelevantscientificresults

  9. Understandinginstitutionalplanning and preparednessfor extreme climaticevents (droughts) Whatdidwe do? Qualitative data collection: semi-structured, stakeholder and keyexpertinterviews to understandannualplanning and budgetprocesses in theMinistry of Agriculture (MAGA) and selectedmunicipalities of thedrycorridor Emergencydrills to evaluateinstitutionalpreparednessfordrought response Secondarydata forquantitativeanalysis of theinfluences of politicalpartiesonfertilizerdistribution in Guatemalanmunicipalities

  10. Understandinginstitutionalplanning and preparednessfor extreme climaticevents (droughts) Little consideration of agro-climaticinformation in publicplanning and budgetallocationprocesses: Decisionmakingonpublicplanninghappens at the central level and doesnotallowforflexibilities at the local level to plan and reactfor extreme climaticevents Scepticismagainst agro-climaticinformation, especiallyforecasts, lowclimateliteracy Data unavailableornot at thenecessaryscale, quality and time Little standardizedinformationon local vulnerability and resilience Politicaldimension of agro-climaticinformation: clientelistic vs needsbasedplanning Lowlevels of institutionalpreparedness to respond to extreme climaticevents Drills as a tool to evaluatepreparedness to slow-onsetevents (drought) Political and institutionalcontexthindersorganizationallearningprocesses

  11. Towardsanintegratedinformation and decisionsupportsystem Whatdidwe do? Participatory and iterativeco-designprocess Workshops, expertand stakeholdermeetings, survey, choiceexperiment, qualitative interviews, participatoryobservation, prototyping and pilotimplementation Source: InteractionDesignFoundation

  12. Towardsanintegratedinformation and decisionsupportsystem Co-designof aninformationsystem to guidedecisionmaking and bridge the gap between local communities and decisionmakers Integration of thesystem in anexisting, institutionalizedformat: Municipal CouncilsforFood and Nutrition Security (COMUSAN) Definition of socioeconomic and agroclimaticindicators to be evaluatedon a monthlybasis Tool to analyze data Web interface connected to Smart-pone data collectiontool Informationproductfordecisionmakers Piloting, testing, scaling

  13. Disciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity

  14. Good data isnotautomaticallyusedGood data doesnotnecessarily lead to gooddecisions IS research and solutionfindingisonlyworkingwithaninterdisciplinary and multi-stakeholderperspective Informatics, InformationScience, User-InteractionDesigner Information Informationsystem Meterology, Climatology, Economics, Agronomy UserStakeholder Decisionmaking Economics, Ethnography, Psychology

  15. Science-Policy

  16. Science-Policyorientation of theproject Closecollaborationwithpolicyactorsfromthebeginning MAGA, SESAN, CONRED Differentdegrees of involvement: Jointdevelopment of researchapproach (emergencydrillswith MAGA) Participant in theresearch and designprocess (SESAN, municipal actors, MAGA) Futureimplementation and use of products (SESAN) Integration of developmentactors (ACH, CATIE) Benefitfromtheirexperience in policy and developmentwork Strongsynergieswith CGIAR CCAFS AgroClimas Project Strengthentheresearch and policyorientation of the CRN3 project

  17. Challenges… Method Participatorydesignis a purelydemocraticand open-endedprocess Clasheswithinstitutionalrealities in Guatemala: hierarchical, democraticinstability, short-termplanninghorizon, value of expertknowledge, avoidance of failure, person-centeredleadership

  18. and lessonslearnt Communicatethemethodfromthebeginning method workshop, training etc. Whatistheoptimalchoice of participatory and “traditional” methods 2) Be flexible, patient and persistent Accept and adapt to institutional and politicalsituation Engagewithstrategicpartnersthatsupportyour cause

  19. Anna Muller a.muller@cgiar.org

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