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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 你知道最短的英文句子是什么吗?. Funny English Facts (II). ★ “Go.” is the shortest sentence in the English language. ★ More people in China speak English than in America. ★ The word “listen” has the same letters as “silent.”.

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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

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  1. 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

  2. 你知道最短的英文句子是什么吗? Funny English Facts (II) ★ “Go.” is the shortest sentence in the English language. ★ More people in China speak English than in America. ★ The word “listen” has the same letters as “silent.”

  3. ★ Spell “stressed” in reverse, and it becomes “desserts.” ★ The most used letter in the English alphabet is “E.” The “Q” is the least used. ★ Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel “Gadsby.” It has over 50,000 words—none of them with the letter E!

  4. full of hot air Meaning: talking nonsense 夸夸其谈 Story: 当我们觉得一个人满口大话时,就会说他在“吹牛”。在英语中也有类似的表达。这个习语中的hot air并非指“热空气”,而是“空话、大话”的意思。想一想如果某人满肚子装的不是真才实学,而是膨胀的热 空气,那一定是在“夸夸其谈”了吧! Example: Don’t believe her. She’s full of hot air. 不要相信她。她在夸夸其谈。

  5. Word Bank 超纲词汇 fact /f7kt/ n. 事实,真相 language /'l79GwId3/ n.语言 silent /'saIl=nt/ adj. 安静的,无声的 stressed /strest/ adj. 紧张的,有压力的 dessert /dI'z+:t/ n.甜点 alphabet /'7lf=bIt/ n.字母表 novel /'n^vl/ n. 小说

  6. none /n2n/ pron.没有一个 in reverse 相反,颠倒 the most used 最常用的 the least used 最少用的

  7. 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

  8. 充满趣味的手影游戏也是一场脑力大挑战哟! Hand Shadow Puppets J: Justin S: Selena J: I’m good at making hand shadow puppets. S: Me too. J: Really? Let’s give it a try. S: Look! I am able to make a bird, and then a cat.

  9. J: I can do a cat, a dog and a duck. S: We are neck and neck with each other. J: Of course! Now I’m going to give a rabbit a shot. S: I may try telling a story with the hand shadows. J: Wow, I’m looking forward to it!

  10. 这是吵吵闹闹先生。他穿着时髦 的短靴。他爱发出各种噪音。 The Story of Mr Noisy

  11. Mr Noisy is a red man. He is always loud. Every time he walks, his boots make loud stomping sounds like an elephant! Mr Noisy lives on top of a hill in Loudland. Every week, he must go to the town at the bottom of the hill to go shopping. He opens and shuts the shop doors loudly and he shouts. He shouts to Mrs Crumb, the baker, “I’d like a loaf of bread!” And he shouts to Mr Bacon, the butcher, “I’d like a piece of meat!”

  12. Mrs Crumb and Mr Bacon have had it with Mr Noisy! They come up with a plan. Next day, when Mr Noisy goes to both their shops again, Mrs Crumb and Mr Bacon pretend not to hear him. Then Mr Noisy realizes that he has to be quiet. If he wants to get what he wants, he should whisper.

  13. 一起来测试一下你的味觉吧! Sense of Taste 考考你: 请根据图示,从方框中选出恰当的单词填入空格中。

  14. sour spicy bitter sweet salty bitter • Black coffee is so ______. • I’ll add some sugar to it. sour 2. The milk has turned _______. Please don’t drink it! 3. I’d like eat something cold and ______ like ice cream. sweet

  15. 4. I added too much salt to my pizza. Oh, it tastes too ________! salty 5. —Would you like a regular hamburger or a ______ne? —Regular is fine. spicy

  16. Culture More about Mr Noisy 吵吵闹闹先生这个卡通形象来自著名的儿童读物《奇先生妙小姐》 (Mr Men and Little Miss )。这个系列的故事围绕许多性格各异的卡通人物展开。有趣的是,这些人物的名字就暗示着他们的性格。 Mr Noisy Profile Colour: Red Shape: Round Gender: Male Hair: None Likes: Noisy things Dislikes: Quiet things

  17. 周周练 请根据文章 The Story of Mr Noisy的内容,回答问题。 1. Where does Mr Noisy live? _________________________________ 2. What does Mr Noisy do when shopping? ____________________________________________ 3. What’s Mrs Crumb and Mr Bacon’s plan? __________________________________________ He lives on top of a hill in Loudland. He opens and shuts the doors loudly and he shouts. Next day, when Mr Noisy goes shopping at both their shops again, they pretend not to hear him.

  18. Word Bank 超纲词汇 boot /bu:t/ n. 靴子 stomp /'st^mp/ v.跺着脚走,重步走(文中为现在分词作定语) bottom /'b^t=m/ n.底部 loudly /'laUdlI/ adv.高声地,吵闹地 baker /'beIk=/ n. 面包师,糕点师 butcher /'bUt5=/ n. 肉贩,肉铺老板 pretend /prI'tend/ v.假装

  19. realize /'rI=laIz/ v. 意识到 whisper /'wIsp=/v.低语,小声说 spicy /'spaIsI/ adj.辛辣的 add /7d/ v.添加 regular /'reGjUl=/ adj.原味的,常规的 (make) hand shadow puppets (做)手影 neck and neck (with sb.) (与某人)势均力敌,平手 give sth. a shot 尽量试一试某物

  20. look forward to sth. 期待某物 have had it with ... 对……忍无可忍 come up with a plan 想出一个计划 sense of taste 味觉

  21. 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

  22. Word Bank 核心词汇 light /laIt/ adj.轻的,反义词是heavy (重的)

  23. 足球在美国和英国拥有不同的名称哦! British and American English (II) truck soccer lorry football

  24. jello yard jelly garden movie subway film underground

  25. vacation mail holiday post

  26. My Kite My kite is white. My kite is light. My kite is in the sky! Now left, now right, Now low, now high, You see the kite. You see it, you and I.

  27. I am behind you. 这句话可直译为“我在你身后”,但是此处的behind并非“在……后面”的意思,而是表示“支持、赞同”。想象一下当你想支持某人时,是不是会站在他身后力挺他呢?此外,另一句 “I’m back you up.”也表示“我支持你”这个意思。 Sophie: I’m going to quit my job (辞职) and open a café. Jeff: Do what you want. I am behind you.

  28. Word Bank 超纲词汇 soccer /'s^k=/n.(英式) 足球,在美语中football是“橄榄球”的意思 jello /'d3el=U/ n. 果冻 yard /j1:d/ n.院子,庭院 movie /'mu:vI/ n. 电影 subway /'s2bweI/ n.地铁 vacation /veI'keI5=n/ n.假期 mail/meIl/ n.邮件,信件

  29. British English 英式英语 American English 美式英语

  30. 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

  31. 在幽深的海底,住着一位人鱼公主,她有一副美丽的嗓音。在幽深的海底,住着一位人鱼公主,她有一副美丽的嗓音。 The Little Mermaid (I)

  32. Deep in the sea, there lived a little mermaid princess. She could sing with a beautiful voice. One day, the princess said to the king, “I would like to hear the beautiful sound of birds.” The king promised her, “When you turn 15 years old, you can go to see the outside world.”

  33. Finally, it was the mermaid princess’s 15th birthday. She went up to the sea, and saw a handsome prince standing on a big ship. The princess fell in love with him at first sight. However, a flash of lightning struck the ship. The ship sank! The prince fell deep into the sea. “Oh, no! Let me hurry and save him!” the mermaid princess cried.

  34. Word Bank 超纲词汇 mermaid /'m+:meId/ n.美人鱼 king /kI9/n.国王 promise /'pr^mIs/ v.允诺,答应 handsome /'h7ns=m/ adj.英俊的,漂亮的 prince /prIns/ n.王子 however /haU'ev=/ adv.然而,可是 strike /straIk/ v.(灾害、疾病等)突袭, struck是strike的过去式

  35. sink /sI9k/ v. 下沉,沉没, sank是sink的过去式 would like to 想要 fall in love with sb. at first sight 对某人一见钟情 a flash of lightning 一道闪电

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