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Are you thinking about buying an ant farm and searching for more information? Not sure about how to proceed? Here is all the Information that you need to know.
TYPES OF ANT FARMS There are different types of ant farms available with different varieties of substrates. Traditional ant farms are filled with sands and come with a sand kit while the modern ant farms come with space age gel. This gel provides water and nutrients required to sustain the ants.
SETTING UP YOUR ANT FARM Different types of ant farm need different kinds of setup. The sand-filled traditional ant farms can be simply poured into the ant habitat and it becomes ready to use. Modern gel-filled ant farms come loaded with space-age gel which needs to be taken out of the box for usage.
ORDERING LIVE ANTS The manufacturer of ant farms provides coupons for ordering live ants. They may also determine the company from which you can order or in some cases, the manufacturer sells directly. Also, you can collect your own ants as most ant farms come with tunnel starting tool which can be used to collect ants from outside.
KIND OF ANTS TO USE Harvesters are the most commonly used varieties of ants that suppliers use. They are large in size and can be easily fitted in most of the ant farms. On the other hand, you cannot ship queen ants across the state as it is illegal.
FEEDING YOUR ANTS Modern ant farms contain everything ants need for survival. However, you have to keep an eye that the gel does not dry out. If you are using sand filled ant farms, then make sure to add water and food frequently. This will help feed your ants and keep them active.
LONGEVITY OF YOUR ANTS Longevity of your ants depends on various factors such as the age of the ants, condition of the ant farm, the source of the ants and some other factors. Depending on the factors, the ants can live anywhere between one to six months. Most of the ant farms can be used twice without replacing the substrate.
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