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HTML and XML are markup languages that have their own unique features. Both these programming languages are machine- and user-friendly. They have a set of standard words based on syntactical rules of the language. <br>
D DIFFERENCES IFFERENCES BETWEEN AND AND XML BETWEEN HTML XML HTML Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and Extensible Markup Language (XML) are widely used markup languages. Both these programming languages are machine- and user-friendly. They have a set of standard words based on syntactical rules of the language. Both these languages have unique and different applications. For www.managedoutsource.com 1-800-670-2809
instance, XML is more readable than HTML. HTML conversion services can be used to convert content into website-compatible language. HTML: HTML is a markup language used to create and design web content. This human-readable computer language uses various tags and various tags and attributes to define the layout and structure of the web. The extension .htm or .html is used in a HTML document. HTML codes can be edited by any basic code editor or even notepad. XML: This markup language is used to store data. The primary function of XML is to describe data. XML is used to create information formats and electronically share structured data via the internet and corporate networks. Interactive web pages and web applications are also created using XML. The markup language is simplicity, generality, and usability across the Internet. XML is in textual data format and has Unicode for different human languages. Difference between HTML and XML HTML XML Predefined markup language. Framework used to specify markup languages Sensitive case Structural details are provided Primary function is to transfer data. Coding errors are not allowed Whitespaces can be used in the code. Appropriate nesting should be done XML is driven by content. A well-formatted requires a closing tag. XML attributes require quotes. Objects are expressed conventionally When element-centric approach is used in formatting, documents are lengthy Insensitive case Structural details are not provided primary function is to present data Small coding errors are ignored Whitespace can’t be used in the code. Nesting has no effect on the code. HTML is driven by format The closing tag is not always necessary XML document The values of attributes don’t require quotes. HTML offers native object support. It has a very brief syntax and yields formatted text. www.managedoutsource.com 1-800-670-2809
HTML and XML are markup languages that have their own unique features. However, converting XML to HTML is necessary to maintain uniformity in website presentation. XML simplifies data storage and sharing, and is compatible with all browsers. As XML increases data availability, it makes your content accessible across different types of devices. For high quality file conversion, partner with a reliable provider of data conversion services. www.managedoutsource.com 1-800-670-2809