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Yesterday's "scratched" ultrasound images, which until recently looked like a curiosity, are outdated. And only they were replaced by accurate and color 3D ultrasound, as medical technologies overtook themselves - 4D ultrasound shows simply stunning results.<br>
4D ultrasound: Complete Real-Time Clarity Yesterday's "scratched" ultrasound images, which until recently looked like a curiosity, are outdated. And only they were replaced by accurate and color 3D ultrasound, as medical technologies overtook themselves - 4D ultrasound shows simply stunning results. It allows you to "look out" for the baby in real time. Even before the birth of the long-awaited baby, the mother can see not only how he wrinkles the nose, but also how the legs and arms move. The figure "4" in the term "4D" indicates that a video is added to the image. And the real-time mode is by no means an exaggeration. Yesterday's super photographs made on a 3D ultrasound machine are probably not comparable to the intrauterine video, which can be obtained with the help of the latest technology. 4d ultrasound in Delhi during pregnancy gives the diagnosis of a lot of opportunities, without disregarding the parental anxiety. The main advantage of the new technology lies in its convenience and accuracy of the display. Also, with obsolete techniques, it was not very difficult for a specialist to see anything. And, when the doctor told you that the baby has two hands and two legs, you had to believe in the word, being touched by an incomprehensible bright spot on a black and white printout. Now you cannot just look at how these legs look but also notice how the baby is waving a pen or yawning. How dangerous is 4 d ultrasound in pregnancy? How many inventions were not enriched with medicine, there will always be those who will argue: the procedure is harmful, better guessing on the cards. 4d ultrasound costin India is also not every high. The most frequent myth about the danger of ultrasound: During the procedure, the fetus behaves very restlessly: it kicks, turns, it gives the woman discomfort. The scanner is harming the baby and his mother! Exposing the myth: And you try to move your finger on the stomach as if it were an ultrasound scanner. The kid will necessarily kick you in response with the same intensity as with ultrasound. Times change, but stereotypes remain the same. But from this, the four-dimensional ultrasound in pregnancy, like its predecessors 2D and 3d, does not become either harmful or useful. This is just a diagnostic procedure, due to the accuracy of which many diseases are stopped "on the root," many anxieties are dispelled, and many mothers happily watch the video in anticipation of the birth of the baby. When doctors prescribe 4D ultrasound If suddenly at 24 weeks of pregnancy the doctor sent you to a 4D ultrasound of the fetus, this does not mean that there are any threats. Just the time has come to see what is accessible to the eye. Your kid's external organs have formed enough to understand if everything is okay with them. Pleasant addition: 4D ultrasound after pregnancy
After the birth of a child, new technologies will not be lost from your field of vision. 4D ultrasound is successfully used by most branches of medicine, from urology and gynecology to ophthalmology and endocrinology. Modern equipment diagnoses the pathological conditions of the prostate gland, cystic ovarian formations, injuries in the retina of the eye and eyeball, vascular and oncological disorders.