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Healthy Habits to Enjoy Working from Home - Yoga Routine

For most of us, working from home is beneficial in many ways. Jumping out of bed to the computer can be both a blessing and a curse. There is a need to develop healthy health habits for those working from home so as to stay on top of physical, mental, and social challenges simultaneously.

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Healthy Habits to Enjoy Working from Home - Yoga Routine

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  1. HealthyHabitstoEnjoyWorkingfromHome– YogaRoutine BioLink:https://7pranayama-yoga.tumblr.com/post/668618402831695872/yoga- routine-healthy-habits-working-from-home For most of us, working from home is beneficial in many ways. Jumping out of bed to the computer can be both a blessing and a curse. There is a need to develop healthy health habitsfor those working from home so as to stay on top of physical, mental, andsocialchallenges simultaneously. So to help, in thisarticle, Iput togetherhealthtips to maintain my yoga routine, which also promote my well-being. However, it has been found difficult to maintain buthealthneedstobe givenmore priorityforthepersonworkingfromhome. HealthyHabitstoEnjoyWorkingfromHome Many physical problems start by sitting in a posture for 8 to 9 hours at work from home. Apart from this, due to sitting in one place throughout the day, the muscles become stiffandpainstartsintheneck,shoulder.

  2. In such a situation, it is very important that you do stretching exercises from your busy schedule with a positive morning yoga routine, do more exercises during the day,thiswillgiveyoua lotofbenefits. Due to the positive effects of one’s yoga routine, one can feel better in their daily workroutine andalsoincreasetheirproductivity,confidence,andmentalstrength. The beauty of yoga is that it can do what you need! A challenging, yoga workout routine will definitely make you stronger; try this intense 20-minute yoga workout routine toenjoyworkingfromhome. 20-MinuteMorning YogaRoutinetoEnjoyWFH If you want to work effectively, then incorporate a yoga routine into your work life at home. Yoga is a healthy habit that helps reduce stress and improve physical and mentalhealth.PracticeYoga at Home: Adho MukhaSvanasana Adho Mukha Svanasana is also very beneficial for you. If you have ever seen a dog carefully, he often does stretching by moving his front two legs slightly forward and turninghis head down.The methodofdoing this stretchingof the dog iscalled “Adho Mukha Svanasana”. This asana increases blood flow to the face and head and nourishesthebrain. First of all, lie down on your stomach on the ground. Now with the help of hands and feet, lift the body up and make a shape like a table. Lifting the hips slightly, bring the body into a V shape. Keep the hands pressed on the ground and try to pull the head towardsthenavel.Afterstayingforsometime,comeoutofthispostureslowly. Uttanasana Uttanasana is considered to be the best “whole body stretching yogasana”. Onehas to stand straight andbring the head closeto the kneeswhileslowly bendingthe waistinthisposture.Uttanasanabringsadditionalfreedomandflexibility. Stand straight, steady the pace of the breath and try to move the head down like the feet.Afterstayinginthispositionforsometime,slowlycomeoutofthisposture. Vajrasana

  3. Vajrasana is the only yoga asana of yoga that can be practiced at any time, even after eating food. Vajrasana is useful to get rid of stomach problems and to strengthen digestive power. Those who sit throughout the day or those who work sitting should definitely do Vajrasana. In Vajrasana position, the waist isvery straight, due to which the pain in thewaistis removedandthe waistbecomesstrong. While staying in Vajrasana, you closebothyoureyes, take longbreathsand keep your full attention on your breath, by doing this your mind will be calm, stress and anxietywillbe removed.Also,staying inVajrasana,youcanalsodoPranayama whichishelpfulinrelievingstress. Sarvangasana Sarvangasanais consideredtobethe seatofallorgans.Eveninthe position of Sarvangasana, the feet are upwards in the air and the head and shoulders are on the ground.The entire weight of the body is on the shoulders, due to which it is also called the shoulder stand pose. In Sarvangasana, the blood circulation is accelerated towardsthe head,duetowhichthebraingetsnourishment. With its regular practice, the mind remains calm, blood circulation increases to the brain, badthoughtsare removedfromthemind andbettersleepcomes.By increasingthe bloodflow towards theface, theglowofthe faceincreases,the wrinkles ofthefacearereducedandthe facelooksbeautifulandattractive. BalayamYoga In this yoga, the nails of both hands are rubbed together. It is said that rubbing nails together benefits the hair and makes the hair strong and thick. It can be done easily while sittingonyourofficechair. Balasan Balasana is one of the most beneficial asanas in reducing stress. Practicing this asana every morningon an empty stomach givesrelief in all diseases.Todo thisyoga practice, sit on the mat in Vajrasana. Now while breathing in, raise both the hands directly above the head. While exhaling,bend forward and rest the palms and head ontheground.Takelongbreathsinandout.Keepingthefingersofboththehands

  4. together, place the head gently in the middle of both the palms. Practice this yoga at home. Don’t sitin one place Do not sit in one place while working from home and keep changing the place. By walkinginbetween,thereisphysicalactivityanddue tothis,yourstressis alsoless. Healthydiet Along with office work, balance yourlifestyle as well. Because sometimes due to work, they ignore eating on time or healthy diet. Do not do this at all, rather give importance toahealthydietwhilestayingathome andavoidingeatingjunkfood. Completetheworkinofficeworktiming Of course, you are working from home, try to complete your work according to office work time. This affects the output and works productivity. The sooner you complete yourwork,the more timeyouwillbeabletogiveto yourfamily. Meditateandlive inpresent You can also meditate daily to stay mentally healthy and stress-free. You can also combinemeditationwithyoga.Alwaysbe inthe present with itand behappy. Disclaimer The contentis purelyinformative andeducationalin nature andshouldnotbe construed as medical advice. Please use the content only in consultation with an appropriatecertifiedmedicalorhealthcare professional SourceLink: https://7pranayama-yoga.tumblr.com/

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