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There is always a correlation between our skin and the season and it also does end up affecting our skin. So here are some yoga asanas to prevent such skin damage or concerns. Hope it helps you to stay healthy by removing your skin problems in winter.
HowToAvoidSkinDamageinWinterSeasonby Yoga Dryskin,commoncolds,digestionissues,lowimmunity,etc.aremoreprevalentin the winter for a reason. When it is dry wind outside and there is a lack of sunshine accessible, your skin will begin to feel the effects of thecold. Apart from this, in winter someenduphavingdifferentchangesinthemindandbody. However, in winter lot of skin concerns like acne, dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, etc. are common issues that rise up in everyone. There is always a correlation between our skinandthe seasonandit also does endupaffectingourskin. There are some yoga asanas to prevent such skin damage or concerns. Hope it helps youtostayhealthybyremovingyourskinproblemsin winter. YogatoAvoidSkinDamage Some suchcommon benefitsof yoga like managingstress, reducing constipation, improving digestion, pumps in good circulation, and increasing body flexibility, are mayimproveyour skinquality. On the otherhand, Yogakeeps germs away by strengthening ourimmunesystem andpreventingusfromcatchingcommoncold,fluandallergies. Yogaposesforglowingskinortoavoidskinproblemsinwinters. 1.Uttanasanaorstandingforwardbend
This pose helps you to lean forward and increase better circulation by relaxing the muscles of the face, head and neck. By doing this asana, the blood flow towards the brainbecomesfaster and there is a good supplyof oxygen, whichincreases the circulationofbloodbypromotingyourhealthyskin. • Standstraightbyjoiningbothfeet. • Nowwhilebreathing,take bothyourhands together abovethehead. • Whileexhalingslowlytrytobendtheupperbodystructuretowardstheback oftheback. • Duringthis,keepyoureyesonthesky. • Afterremaininginthispostureforafewminutes,graduallybecomenormal. • BhujangasanaorCobraPose • As the chest rises during thecobra pose, itaffects the heart. It helps in reducing stress and relieving anxiety, which helps in rejuvenating and detoxifying the skin. This pose also helps you to control menstrual irregularities and open the heart and lungs whichresultsinbetterskincondition. • Laydownonyourstomachbyspreadinga rugand restforawhile. • After thislift thefrontpartofthebodybycominginapush-uppose. • Thisasanahastobedonebyliftingyourtorsoin theforwarddirection. • Tiltyourneckback. • Stayinthispostureaccordingtoyourphysicalcapacity. • ViparitaKarani • This pose helpsin ensure oxygen reachesyour face. Andalso helpsyouget relief fromstressandanxiety. Itcanalsoimproveyourmood. • Lie flatonyourback. • Joinboth yourfeetsothatboththeheels andtoesmeettogether. • Keepthepalmsofthehandsabovethegroundandtheneckstraight. • Slowlyraiseboth legstogether. • Nowraiseboth yourlegssothatanangleof 90'degrees isformed. • Afterreachinga90-degreeangle,afterpressingbothhandsontheground, whileliftingthebuttockslowly,takethelegsbackandkeepthemexactlyin • linewith thebuttock. • Pawanmuktasana
This asana is a great way to digestive tract and problems related to it. The posture flushes out the toxins from your body that improve your circulation and makes your skinglowingandhealthy. • Liedownon your back. • Bringbothyourkneesnearyourchest.Bringthethightothestomachand pressitwell. • Touch your beardto your knees. • Whenyoutakeadeepbreath,hold yourknees withyourhands. • Now whileexhaling,loosentheknee. • 5.DeepBreathing • When we take a deep breath, the amount of oxygen in our body increases. This oxygen circulates throughout the body along with the blood; it helps the vital organs ofthe body, theimmunesystemtofunctionsmoothly. Aclean,toxin-freeand healthybloodsupplyhelpswardoffinfection. • How CanI SaveMySkin in Winter? • Everyone wants his skin to always look young. Peopleuse many types of beauty productsforthis.Butthe beautyoftheskinisnotonly fromoutside,forthat nutrition is also necessary from inside. Along with practicing yoga daily and mindful breathing, it is very important to have good eating habits and a good lifestyle. The healthier your diet is, the more your skin will glow. We have to take care of this from fruitstovegetables andotherfooditems. • Conclusion • With seasonal changes, when you dream of living a healthy and good lifestyle, then youhavetostartmaking changesinyour daily routine,asaresultofwhich automaticallychanges arevisibleinyourskin. • Source Link: https://articles.abilogic.com/619369/how-avoid-skin-damage- • winter.html