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6 Reasons To Select Custom Metal Bellows Expansion Joints - AFS

Custom expansion joints are vital components that play a major role in a manufacturing plant, the functioning of industrial fluid pipes, etc. Therefore, custom metal bellows expansion joints must be selected on the basis of the end configuration, assembly methods, vibrations, temperature extremes, spring rates, pressure differentials, stressing modes, etc.

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6 Reasons To Select Custom Metal Bellows Expansion Joints - AFS

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  1. 6 Reasons To SelectCustom MetalBellows Expansion Joints www.afsjoints.com

  2. Customexpansionjointsarevitalcomponentsthat play a major role in a manufacturing plant, the functioning of industrial fluid pipes, etc. Therefore, custom metal bellows expansion joints must be selectedonthebasisoftheendconfiguration, assemblymethods,vibrations,temperatureextremes, springrates,pressuredifferentials,stressingmodes, 4 www.afsjoints.com etc.

  3. www.afsjoints.com

  4. Temperatureextremes One of the primary functions of choosing such bellows is that theseplayacriticalroleinthesuccessoftheexpansionjointsof thecommonlyusedindustrialcomponents.Inthese circumstances,theseareabletowithstandthetemperature extremesandhandlethecourseofoperations.Thesesystemsare expected to withstand freezing temperatures and hot weather conditions. 4 www.afsjoints.com

  5. Geometricconstraints Bellowsareimportantmechanicalcomponentsthathavebeen madeaccordingtospecificgeometricconstraints. Since these bellows are exposed to extremely high loads, their shapegetsdistorted.Exhaustbellowsmustnotlosetheirshape andgeometricconstraintsevenwhenexposedtoheavyloads.It mustadheretotheconstraintsoftheiroriginalmakeup. 4 www.afsjoints.com

  6. www.afsjoints.com

  7. Pressure differential is another major issue in the manufacturing ofthebellows.Thesearedesignedtowithstandthepushandpull ofthesystemthatcanholdextremepressureforcesthatarise fromdifferentsegmentsofthesystem. The resulting pressure may increase or decrease within the systemanditisimportantthattheselectedbellowscanhandle thechangeinthepressure.Similarly,thequalityofthebellows areimportantasthesecanhandlepressureandovercome Pressuredifferential disaster. 4 www.afsjoints.com

  8. There are various manufacturing methods adopted in the process of makingthebellows.Eachbusinesshasitsownmethodofdesigningand manufacturing these bellows. This impacts the resulting quality of the product. Itisimportantthatyoulookforacompanythatusestherightbellows manufacturing system and machine. If you are searching for custom bellows then these must be rigid and customised to suit your requirements. Assemblymethod 6 www.afsjoints.com www.afsjoints.com

  9. www.afsjoints.com

  10. Environmentalexposure Environmental exposure is another major aspect that must be considered for choosing the right bellows. Depending on the environmentconditions,yourbellowscanbeexposedtochemicalsand corrosion. Inthiscase,selectingstainlesssteelbellowscanbeagoodideaas thesearenotcorrodedeasilybythecommonindustrychemicals. 6 www.afsjoints.com

  11. Whenbellowshaveahighspringratethenthestretchable limitswillincreaseandweaknessesdecrease. Itisimportanttopayattentiontothesamewhenchoosing therightbellowsystems. Bellowspringrates 6 www.afsjoints.com

  12. AdvancedFlexibleSystems,Inc Website: www.afsjoints.com/ Phone:01-843-795-6800 Email:info@afsjoints.com Address:940FollyRoad–SuiteECharleston, SouthCarolinaUSA29412 www.afsjoints.com

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