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plain x-ray abdomen gas normal air fluid level in-the-abdomen gasless abdomen small bowel obstruction large intestinal obstruction ileus gastric dilatation extraluminal abdomen gas (pneumonpperitoneum) extraluminal abdomen gas(retropneumonpperitoneum gas in specific organs (hepatobiliary ,genitourinary) gasless abdomen ‘step-ladder apperance stretch/slit sign string of pearls sign coiled spring sign small-bowel feces sign disproportionate dilatation of sb gallstone ileus intussusception caecal volvulus sigmoid volvulus colonic pseudo obstruction ogilvie syndrome acute colitis toxic megacolon ischemic colitis sentinel loops intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndromes gastric volvulus organoaxial gastric volvulus mesenterico-axial right upper quadrant gas crescent sign: air beneath the diaphragm peri hepatic sub hepatic morrison’s pouch fissure for ligament teres doges cap sign rigler’s (double wall sign) ( both the serosal and the related mucosal walls of the bowel are delineated it means free air is at that serosal surface ) ligament visualization falciform ligament sign: air delineating the falciform ligament umbilical inverted ‘v’ sign triangular air cupola sign football sign or air dome (a large air collection beneath that does not confirm to any bowel loop) continous diaphragm sign scrotal air in children decubitus abdomen sign double bubble sign lesser sac sign peritonitis postoperative pelvic and spinal fractures