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Small businesses in India are required to register with the government to receive various benefits and incentives. One such registration is the Udyam Registration, After successful process you will get Udyam Registration Certificate which contains a unique 16-digit identification number assigned to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).<br><br>
HOMEBLOG सªू म, लघु और म“यमउ4म MSME UDYAMREGISTRATION UDYAM REGISTRATIONUDYAM RE-REGISTRATIONPRINT UDYAM CERTIFICATECANCEL UDYAM/UAMUPDATE UDYAM CERTIFICATEFORGOT URN/UAMUDYAM SAMPLE CERTIFICATE Forgot Udyam Registration Number (URN) or Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum(UAM) THIS FORM IS APPLICABLE FOR THOSE WHO HAVE FORGOT UDYAM REGISTRATION NUMBER AND THEY DONOT EVEN HAVE THEIR UDYAM CERTIFICATE. THEY ARE NOW LOOKING TO FIND THEIR LOST UDYAMNUMBER. READ THE INSTRUCTION TO FILL UDYAMREGISTRATION FORM FORGOT URN / UAMFORM APPLICANT NAME(REQUIRED) APPLICANT NAME : APPLICANT ARE REQUIRED TO ENTER HIS / HERNAME AS MENTIONED ON AADHAAR CARD, ISSUED BYUIDAI. MOBILE NUMBER AS PER UDYAMREGISTRATION CERTIFICATE MOBILE NUMBER : APPLICANT ARE REQUIRED TO ENTER HIS / HERINDIAN (REQUIRED) MOBILE NUMBER AS PER UDYAM REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE. DO NOT ADD +91. EMAIL ID AS PER UDYAM REGISTRATIONCERTIFICATE (REQUIRED) EMAIL ID : APPLICANT ARE REQUIRED TO ENTER HIS / HER EMAIL ID ASPER UDYAM REGISTRATIONCERTIFICATE. AADHAAR NUMBER(REQUIRED) SUBMIT APPLICATION : APPLICANT HAVE TO CLICK ONSUBMIT I AGREE TO THE TERMS OF SERVICE[UPDATED] APPLICATION BUTTON AFTER ALL DETAILS AND DOCUMENTHAVE UPLOADED. I, THE APPLICANT (OWNER OF AADHAAR NUMBER USED INAPPLICATION) AGREE TO SHARE DETAILS / OTP ETC AS & WHEN REQUIRED FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRACING UDYAM REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE.[UPDATED] SUBMITAPPLICATION NOTE: OTP REQUIRED WHILE MOBILE NUMBER/E-MAILVALIDATION. Know About Forget Udyam Registration Number or UdyogAadhaar Memorandum SmallbusinessesinIndiaarerequiredtoregisterwiththegovernmenttoreceive variousbenetsandincentives.One suchregistration istheUdyamRegistration,AftersuccessfulprocessyouwillgetUdyamRegistrationCerticatewhichcontainsaunique16-digit identicationnumberassignedtomicro,small,andmediumenterprises(MSMEs). Udyam Registration Number is a crucial document for any MSME in India. It is necessary to have it to avail of various bene ts and incentivesoeredbythegovernment.IfyouhaveforgottenyourUdyamRegistrationNumber,youcaneasilyretrieveitbyfollowing thesimplestepsmentionedbelow. Document Needed to Recover Lost UAM /URN InordertorecoverLostUdyamRegistrationNumber(URN)/UdyogAadhaarMemorandum(UAM)youneedonly aEmailIdorMobile NumberthatyougivenatthetimeofUdyamRegistrationProcess. How to Find Forgoted UAM /URNOnline? IfabusinesshasforgottenormisplacedtheirUdyamcerticate,theycanretrieveitbyfollowingthebelow-mentioned steps: FilltheabovegivenForgetURN /UAMform. EntertheregisteredmobilenumberoremailaddresslinkedwiththeUdyamRegistrationCerticate. Enterthecaptchacodedisplayedonthescreen.
Clickonthe"SubmitApplication"buttonandpayourservicefeeforapplication.Clickonthe"SubmitApplication"buttonandpayourservicefeeforapplication. TheUdyamRegistrationNumber (URN)willbesenttotheregisteredmobilenumberoremailaddresswithin1-2hours. It'simportanttonotethatbusinessesmustensurethey haveaccesstotheirregisteredmobilenumberandemailaddresstoretrieve the Udyam Registration Number (URN) or Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM). In case the registered mobile number or email address has been changed, you need to update udyam registration certi cate rst in order to get the udyam number or udyog memorandum. Frequently AskedQuestions How do Ind my Udyam Registration number if I forgot it?? How do Ind my Udyam Registration Form number if I forgot it? Links About email: info@registrationmsme.com This website is a property of a private consultancy , providing consultancy services and is operated by a private organization .We expressively declare that we areprivateconsultants.Wehavenorelationorwedo not represent any government o cial or any government department such as MSME Department, etc.©2021Company-AllRightsReserved. phones: (+91) -6206405461 Terms &Conditions Blog Warranties &Refunds PrivacyPolicy Contact FACEBOOK