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DARPA QUantum Information Science and Technology May 2004 / Chicago. ULTRA-PRECISE CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION VIA DISTANT ENTANGLEMENT. Http://lapt.ece.nwu.edu/research/Projects/clocksynch. Selim Shahriar, Project PI Franco Wong, Co-PI Res. Lab. Of Electronics. Dr. Marco Fiorentino,
DARPA QUantum Information Science and Technology May 2004 / Chicago ULTRA-PRECISE CLOCK SYNCHRONIZATION VIA DISTANT ENTANGLEMENT Http://lapt.ece.nwu.edu/research/Projects/clocksynch Selim Shahriar, Project PI Franco Wong, Co-PI Res. Lab. Of Electronics Dr. Marco Fiorentino, Dr. Frieder Konig, Taehyun Kim (GS) Dr. George Cadoso Dr. Prabhakar Pradhan Dr. Venkatesh Gopal Dr. Gaur Tripathi Ken Salit (GS) Jacob Morzinski (GS) Ahmed Hasan (US) Selim Shahriar, subcontract PI Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Laboratory for Atomic and Photonic Technologies Center for Photonic Communications and Computing Dr. John Dowling Dr. Chris Adami Dr. Robert Gringich Dr. Attila Bergou Dr. Hwang Lee Dr. Demetri Strekalov Ulvi Yurtsever, “subcontract” PI Jet Propulsion Laboratory
POGRAM SUMMARY D t PROJECT ELEMENTS SUB-SHOT-NOISE TIME SIGNALING VIA ENTANGLED FREQUENCY SOURCE RELATIVISTIC GENERALIZATION OF ENTANGLEMENT AND FREQUENCY TELEPORTATION QUANTUM FREQUENCY TELEPORTATION VIA BSO AND ENTANGELEMENT DEGENERATE DISTANT ENTANGLEMENT BETWEEN PAIR OF ATOMS ULTRA-BRIGHT SOURCE FOR ENTANGLED PHOTON PAIRS TRAPPED RB ATOM QUANTUM MEMORY CLOCK A CLOCK B D f POTENTIAL BENEFIT TIMELINE OF EFFORT Entanglement variation can be used to account for Relativistic ---including Doppler --- effect without Having to measure velocity separately, thus increasing Accuracy of Time Transfer Sub-pico-meter scale resolution measurement of amplitude as well as phase of oscillating magnetic fields would enhance the sensitivity of tracking objects such as submarines Quantum memory will be produced with a coherence time of upto several minutes, making possible high-fidelity quantum communication and teleportation Picosecond scale synchronization of separated clocks, and remote frequency-locking will increase the resolution of GPS systems YR1 YR2 YR3 Bloch-Siegert Oscillation Entangled Photon Source Non-deg Teleportation Frequency Teleportation Relativist Entanglement Decoherence in Clock-Synch
3 A 1 THE BLOCH-SIEGERT OSCILLATION x t t t1 t2 x t “Driver Phase Correlated Fluctuations in the Rotation of a Strongly Driven Quantum Bit," M.S. Shahriar, P. Pradhan, and J. Morzinski, to appear in Phys. Rev. A
2 - 3 1 - 3 t1 t3 t2 t4 t7 t8 KEY STEP OF PROTOCOL: USE BSO SIGNATURE TO TELEPORT PHASE INFORMATION 3 3 A B 1 1 2 2 ALICE: 1 - 3 t t5 t6 BOB: 2 - 3 t
RESULT OF THE PROTOCOL: Df 0 BOB “Physical Limitation to Quantum Clock Synchronization,” V. Giovanneti, L. Maccone, S. Lloyd, and M.S. Shahriar, Phys. Rev. A 65, 062319 (2002) “Wavelength Teleportation via Distant Quantum Entanglement Using the Bloch-Siegert Oscillation ” M.S. Shahriar, P. Pradhan, V. Gopal, J. Morzinski, G. Cardoso, and G.S. Pati under review for Physical Review Letters
EXPT APPARTUS FOR OBSERVATION OF BSO USING RB ATOMIC BEAM APD REASON: BSO MAPS PHASE AS SEEN BY AN ATOM AT THE LOCATION AND TIME IT IS DETECTED --- VIA FLUORESCENCE USE ZEEMAN SUBLEVELS THERMAL VELOCITY SPREAD DOES NOT CAUSE BSO WASHOUT Imaging lens Fluorescence Optical pumping B(t) u Atomic beam RF coil Probe beam Liquid N2 Cold Trap 7 mm Collimator Nozzle Rb 16.5 mm 4.5 mm 1 mm hole 0.35 mm hole ~1 mm ~1 mm Oven RF coil ~15 cm ~15 cm
APD signal F=0 oscilloscope F=1 Lens trigger RF F=1 Atomic Beam F=1 Probe Laser RF RF F=2 frequency doubler RF source F=1 DIRECT OBSERVATION OF THE BSO AT 2IN REAL TIME
DIRECT, LOCALIZED MEASUREMENT OF PHASE OF RF FIELD APD signal oscilloscope Lens trigger 0.4T delay line (a) Atomic Beam Probe Laser RF frequency doubler RF source “In-Situ Observation of the Absolute Phase of a Microwave Field via Incoherent Fluorescence Detection" G. Cardoso, P. Pradhan, and M.S. Shahriar, under review for Nature.
TWO SEPARATE TRAPS FOR ALICE AND BOB “Long Distance, Unconditional Teleportation of Atomic States Via Complete Bell State Measurements,” S. Lloyd, M.S. Shahriar, J.H. Shapiro and P.R. Hemmer, Phys. Rev. Letts.87, 167903 (2001)
w2 w1 A SINGLE-ZONE, CONTINUOUS ATOM-INTERFEROMETER “Continuously Guided Atomic Interferometry Using a Single-Zone Optical Excitation: Theoretical Analysis," M.S. Shahriar, M. Jheeta, Y. Tan, P. Pradhan, and A. Gangat, under review for Physical Review A.
B A R2 PMT D OP GALVO SCANNER R1 F’=4 121 MHz F’=3 1517.5 MHz D OP R2 R1 F=3 3035 MHz F=2 DEMONSTRATION OF THE SINGLE-ZONE, CONTINUOUS ATOM-INTERFEROMETER Atom Interferometer M-Z Interferometer Phase Scan Rotation at rate causes fringe minimum to shift by “Demonstration Of A Continuously Guided Atomic Interferometer Using A Single-Zone Optical Excitation," M.S. Shahriar, Y. Tan, M. Jheeta, J. Morzinksy, P.R. Hemmer and P. Pradhan, under review for Phys. Rev. Letts
THE SINGLE-ZONE INT REVISITED: TWO-LEVEL MODEL |e, k >=|E> |> = |A> |1> At Start: w After Excitation: |a, 0>=|A> |> = Cos(/2)|A> |1> + Sin(/2)|E> |0> = 2 U m / * Replace 2-lev with 3-lev system in practice ** Replace single atom with ensemble possibly “Single-Photon, Single-Atom Interferoemetry for Entangling Macroscopic Rotors,“M. S. Shahriar, P. Pradhan, and R. Nair to be submitted to Phys. Rev. Letts.
B-Clock A-Clock B A A- B- A+ B+ |a> |a> |b> |b> SINGLE-ZONE ATOM-INTERFEROMETRY FOR FREQUENCY LOCKING Alice A Post-Selection Correlation:Cos[x (WB-WA) ] EPP-Source Enables Asynchronous Frequency Locking Bob B Will Require Ensemble Interaction to Enhance Single Photon Coupling Rate
Summary on entanglement sources • Demonstrated an ultrabright source of polarization-entangled photons • Total output flux is entangled without spectral, spatial, or temporal filtering • novel configuration with bi-directional pumping and collinear propagation • 795-nm center wavelength for coupling to trapped Rb • Demonstrated extended phase matching in PPKTP • 100 nm phase-matching bandwidth for second harmonic generation • setting up to demonstrate coincident-frequency entanglement and full recovery of HOM dip in pulsed pumping
|HV + eif|VH 2 |Y = S1 I2 S2 I1 PPKTP Split pump Ultrabright dual-pump downconversion source An old idea… • Combine two identical sources …with a new twist PPKTP source • Type-II collinear downconversion • One crystal with bi-directional pumping • Outputs are completely indistinguishable • Entanglement is independent of direction of emission and wavelength
|HV + eif|VH 2 |Y = Dual-pump SPDC experimental setup UV pump interferometer controls the phase f: singlet or triplet quant-ph/0309071
Characteristics of dual-pump SPDC Almost independent of aperture size Wavelength independent High flux
Quality of dual-pump polarization entanglement Bell’s inequality measurements q1=0 q1=45 0.76 mW pump power; 3-nm filter; aperture size = 3.1 mm S = 2.599 ± 0.006
Observation and Analysis of BSO in an atomic beam under multi-level excitation Demonstration of a Single-Zone Atom-Interferometer Demonstration of Launch and catch FORT, as precursor to single trapped atoms Demonstration of A Compact, High Flux Source for Polarization Entangled Photon Pairs at 795 for Entangling Rb Memory Elements Developed Model For How Entanglement Variation Can Be Used To Infer Relativistic Effects And Correct For Them Construction of a Pair of Integrated Cavity-Fort for Remote Frequency Locking Developed a Model for Using a Frequency Entangled Source For Enhanced-Accuracy Timing Measurement Developed Technique for Producing The Frequency Entangled Source Built a Pair of Traps for Single Atom Plus Cavity for Freq Teleportation Developed Technique for Freq Teleportation via Single Atom Interferometry SUMMARY OF PROGRESS
MOST RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS/PREPRINTS “Long Distance, Unconditional Teleportation of Atomic States Via Complete Bell State Measurements,” S. Lloyd, M.S. Shahriar, J.H. Shapiro and P.R. Hemmer, Phys. Rev. Letts.87, 167903 (2001) “Driver Phase Correlated Fluctuations in the Rotation of a Strongly Driven Quantum Bit," M.S. Shahriar, P. Pradhan, and J. Morzinski, to appear in Phys. Rev. A. “Physical Limitation to Quantum Clock Synchronization,” V. Giovanneti, L. Maccone, S. Lloyd, and M.S. Shahriar, Phys. Rev. A 65, 062319 (2002) “Wavelength Teleportation via Distant Quantum Entanglement Using the Bloch-Siegert Oscillation ” M.S. Shahriar, P. Pradhan, V. Gopal, J. Morzinski, G. Cardoso, and G.S. Pati under review for Physical Review Letters “In-Situ Observation of the Absolute Phase of a Microwave Field via Incoherent Fluorescence Detection " G. Cardoso, P. Pradhan, and M.S. Shahriar, under review for Nature. “Demonstration Of A Continuously Guided Atomic Interferometer Using A Single-Zone Optical Excitation," M.S. Shahriar, Y. Tan, M. Jheeta, J. Morzinksy, P.R. Hemmer and P. Pradhan, under review for Phys. Rev. Letts “Continuously Guided Atomic Interferometry Using a Single-Zone Optical Excitation: Theoretical Analysis," M.S. Shahriar, M. Jheeta, Y. Tan, P. Pradhan, and A. Gangat, under review for Physical Review A. “Super Efficient Absorption Filter for Quantum Memory using Atomic Ensembles in a Vapor," A. Heifetz, A. Agarwal, G. Cardoso, V. Gopal, P. Kumar, and M.S. Shahriar, to appear in Optics Communications “Single-Photon, Single-Atom Interferoemetry for Entangling Macroscopic Rotors,“M. S. Shahriar, P. Pradhan, and R. Nair to be submitted to Phys. Rev. Letts. "Negligible Bloch-Siegert oscillation in an effective two level Lambda system : An advantageous platform for fast and precise rotation of a qubit," P. Pradhan, G. Cardoso, J. Morzinski, and M.S. Shahriar , under review for J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. R. Jozsa, D.S. Abrams, J.P. Dowling, and C.P. Williams, Phys. Rev. Letts. 85, 2010(2000) U. Yurtsever and J.P. Dowling, “ Lorentz-invariant look at quantum clock synchronization protocols based on distributed Entanglement,”quant-ph/0010097 V. Giovannetti, S. Lloyd, L. Maccone, and F.N.C. Wong,"Clock Synchronization with Dispersion Cancellation," Phys. Rev. Letts. 87, 117902 (2001) Robert M. Gingrich and Christoph Adami "Quantum Entanglement of Moving Bodies," Physical Review Letters, 89, 270402 (2002) Attila J. Bergou, Robert M. Gingrich, and Christoph Adami "Entangled Light in Moving Frames," To appear in Phys Rev. A. Ulvi Yurtsever "The Holographic Entropy Bound and Local Quantum Field Theory", http: //xx.lanl.gov/abs/gr-qc/0303023 “Generation of ultrabright tunable polarization entanglementwithout spatial, spectral, or temporal constraints,” Marco Fiorentino,. Ga´etan Messin, Christopher E.Kuklewicz, Franco N. C. Wong, and Jerey H. Shapiro, submitted to Phys. Rev. Letts