1. District and School Assistance Centers (DSACs)
Lynda Foisy
Associate Commissioner for Targeted Assistance
October 14, 2009
2. Background August 2008 Legislation
ESE Assumes EQA District Accountability Responsibilities
3. Revising the District Standards
4. Note the concept of Loose-Tight
Note the District as the Point of Intervention
Note the concept of Loose-Tight
Note the District as the Point of Intervention
5. Accountability linked to AssistanceState Actions linked to District Actions
7. DSAC Regions
8. DSAC Opening Meetings for Level 3 Districts Berkshires: November 9, 2009
Northeast: November 12, 2009 (AM)
Central Massachusetts: November 12, 2009 (PM)
Southeastern Massachusetts: November 13, 2009
Greater Boston: November 17, 2009
Pioneer Valley: December 1, 2009
9. More information coming soon