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George Washington Carver High. 1591 Pennsylvania Street Memphis, Tennessee 38109 (901) 416-7594 Mrs. Michele Mason, Principal. Carver’s Blue Ribbon Team. Michele S. Mason James Bulloch, Sr. Steve Bratcher Elisa Johnson Patricia Pickens Dewayne Harris Shalifia Darden Clarence Shaw
George Washington Carver High 1591 Pennsylvania Street Memphis, Tennessee 38109 (901) 416-7594 Mrs. Michele Mason, Principal
Carver’s Blue Ribbon Team • Michele S. Mason • James Bulloch, Sr. • Steve Bratcher • Elisa Johnson • Patricia Pickens • Dewayne Harris • Shalifia Darden • Clarence Shaw • Parent:Ms. Chaundra Saulsberry • Students:Devin Anderson/Gabrielle Macklin
Cobra’s Vision The Vision of G. W. Carver is to elevate the level of performance of its students in the classroom, to motivate them toward positive achievements in life and to help them become productive members of society and their respective communities.
Cobra’s Mission The mission of the staff and community of G. W. Carver High School is to ensure that all students acquire and apply the knowledge and skills to become productive citizens in a diverse society.
Philosophy Statement It is our philosophy that tolerance, acceptance of responsibilities, caring and self-sufficiency are trademarks of being a good citizen. Our mission is to instill in our students these qualities that will make them productive members of our society.
Decrease absenteeism Decrease class cutting Decrease tardiness Decrease referrals Decrease dress code violations Decrease suspension Decrease fighting Decrease failure Increase attendance Increase recipients of academic awards Increase number of students with perfect attendance Increase students receiving citizenship awards Increase student retention rate Increase parental involvement Goals and/or Objectives(Results expected are decreases and increases of at least 20%)
School Procedures • Students report to 2nd period at 7:20AM • Students must exit the building at 2:45PM unless they are participating in an afternoon school program, tutoring or activity. • Students have 5 minutes to change classes. • Students must eat on their assigned lunch schedule, unless otherwise directed by the Administration. • Students must use the restroom during the 5 minutes between classes. • Students must retrieve their textbooks and supplies from lockers before homeroom, during their lunch period or after school.
Classroom Procedures • Students must adhere to rules posted in each teachers’ classroom (due 9/9/07 to Mr. Bulloch) • During instructional time, any students in the hall must have a hall pass. • Students must bring all necessary materials and supplies to class each day. • At no time, should a student remain in another teacher’s class unless prior arrangement is made.
Cobra’s Rules Cooperate with School Authorities Attend Daily and on time Responsible Behavior(Keep hands, mouth and objects to ourselves!) Verification for all tardies and absences Excel Daily Rewards for appropriate behaviors
Rules & Regulations Implementations • Students are given a Parent/Teacher/School compact between them, their teachers and their parents. • Teachers discuss handbook students. • School Administrator reinforces rules & procedures during grade level meetings and assemblies • Rules and procedures are posted throughout building.
Program Elements • Tutoring Coaches • Course Recovery • Plato • Supplemental Tutoring Services • ASPIRE (Student Leadership Program)/CFRC
Character Education:Teach the Child and the Curriculum • Incorporated into the school curriculum daily/Advisory Periods • Implemented in the classroom lesson plans • Implemented in the Aspire Program, as well as several other after school programs • Reinforced with Student Assemblies/Rewards
School Safety Plan Faculty monitors hallways during changing of classes and assigned staff members walk hallways during class. • Metal detectors check • Visitor’s pass • School Officer • Emergency Drills • Emergency Procedure PLAN
In-School Suspension Plan • In-School Suspension Plan as identified by the Action Steps. • Referral to ISS will be made by the Administration. • Monitoring will be made by staff selected by Administration. • Students will be required to complete classroom assignments. Teachers will receive notification and submit assignments to ISS teacher by the end of the day. • Behavior contract must be completed and signed (both parent and student) • ISS classroom /student must earn 11 out of 14 possible points and complete all assigned work in order to exit ISS Program. (See ISS report card)
Monitoring Process • Gather and analyze student data. • Gather and analyze other school data. • Analyzes and action teams will suggest ideas for improvement.
Classroom Interventions • Includes discussion of problems, modification of classroom setting, behavior modification sheet, contacting parent, request of parent conference, and other means of identifying ways to help the student successfully meet expectations.
Parental Involvement • Includes contacting parent to discuss negative classroom behaviors, prior actions that have been taken, identify appropriate goals, and determine ways to help student meet these goals successfully.
Office Referral • After the fourth offense, teachers should refer the student to the office for administrative discipline which may include in-school suspension or a short-term suspension
Administrative Initiated Parental Contact • Inform parents of last options and state disciplinary steps that will be taken if behavior continues. Administrative action may include short-term suspension or a hearing for long-term suspension.
Last Straw • Recommendation for alternative education or filing for expulsion
Action Steps School-wide Behavior Intervention Plan (All incidents must be documented) 1st offense-Conference with student 2nd offense-Telephone conference with parent 3rd offense- office referral/referral to Behavioral Specialist 4th-ISS 5th-Home Suspension 6th –Board suspension • Discussion (s) with Behavior Specialist, who will refer the matter to appropriate support personnel which include the following: School Counselor, Family Resource Center Manager, Social Worker, Psychologist, S-Team, School Resource Officer, Coaches, and community resources. The support personnel will determine what non-punitive interventions may be used to help the student be successful.
Prevention Model • Big Brothers/Big Sister Peer Mentoring Program (Aspire/Sober Cobra’s) • Bullying Awareness Committee • Drugs, Gangs and Violence Prevention Forum • The “Talk”/Annual Reinforcement • Parental Involvement
Intervention Plan • Metal detector checks • Hallway monitoring • Periodic room checks for electronic devices • ISS • Behavior Modification
Evaluation • Blue Ribbon Website • Attendance Report • Suspension Report • Referrals • Conference
Results • Increase parental involvement • Reduced dress code violations • Reduce failure and dropout rates • Reduce referrals to office • Reduce student altercations • Reduce suspensions (home & board) • Reduced tardies to school and class • Increase test scores on all school & state tests
Celebration of Successes! • Principal’s List • Honor Roll • Distinguish Honor Roll • Perfect Attendance • Class Day • Honors Program • Honor Society • Beta Club • FRC Student Recognition Awards (Spins for Successes)
Conclusion An old African saying states “that it takes a village to raise a child”. At George Washington Carver, we realize the impact of this saying. We would like to modify this saying from an educational standpoint: It may take a village to raise a child, but “it takes a hardworking, cooperative and inclusive staff and faculty to develop a well-rounded productive member of our society”.