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KeyTrain. Performance Results – Compelling Data Documenting Learning Outcomes. SKILLS FOR SURVIVAL IN THE NEW WORKFORCE sm. Changes in Workforce Skills Needs Across Fifty Years. Unskilled 12%. Skilled 20%. Professional 20%. Skilled 68%. Unskilled 60%. Professional 20%.

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  1. KeyTrain Performance Results – Compelling Data Documenting Learning Outcomes SKILLS FOR SURVIVAL IN THE NEW WORKFORCEsm

  2. Changes in Workforce Skills Needs Across Fifty Years Unskilled 12% Skilled 20% Professional 20% Skilled 68% Unskilled 60% Professional 20% 1955 2005

  3. Challenges for Secondary Education Across Fifty Years Prepare 88% for college or skilled careers Skilled 20% Prepare 40% for college or skilled careers Professional 20% Skilled 68% Professional 20% 1955 2005

  4. Do we want Trained Employees, or Trainable Employees? • According to former U.S. Secretary of Education Richard Riley, the top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 didn’t exist in 2004. We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet. - Karl Fisch • Sixty five percent of the kids in preschool today will work in jobs that don't yet exist. - Jim Carroll

  5. Providing a Common Language for Measuring Foundational Skills • WorkKeys is a complementary measurement: • ACT measures academic skills as expressed in college environment • WorkKeys measures academic skills as expressed in work environment • WorkKeys relates to jobs and career clusters • Scores can be related to the requirements of specific jobs or careers • Provides the context for students to understand the relevance basic academic skills to their own image of their future • ACT research indicates that required academic readiness for college and workforce is now similar

  6. 2 Skill Assessments: Measures an individual’s skill level Job Profiling: Determines the level of skill necessary to learn a job 1 3 Education / Training: Efficiently closes skill gaps WorkKeys – a Seamless System

  7. WorkKeys® Skill Areas • Reading for Information* • Applied Mathematics* • Locating Information* • Applied Technology • Teamwork • Observation • Listening • Writing • Business Writing ** 85% of ALL occupations utilize these skills

  8. WorkKeys Skills Levels 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Locating Information Applied Technology Writing / Bus Writing Listening Observation Teamwork Applied Mathematics Reading for Information

  9. WorkKeys Identifies Skill Gaps • By comparing the job profile and individual assessment results, skills gaps can be identified 6 Skills Gap 5 5 5 Skills Gap 4 4 4 4 4 4 Individual Results 3 3 3 3 3 3 Job Profile Applied Mathematics Reading for Information Locating Information

  10. KeyTrain Helps to Fill Skill Gaps • KeyTrain provides self-paced curriculum to help individuals fill their skill gaps 6 6 5 5 5 5 KeyTrain 4 4 4 4 4 4 Individual 3 3 3 3 3 3 Job Profile Applied Mathematics Reading for Information Locating Information

  11. Commonly-Used Terms • Profile – benchmarking a job or occupation • WorkKeys - assessment • KeyTrain – remediation of skills gaps • Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) • A portable, nationwide credential signifying attainment of employable levels in the three most common workplace skills: • Applied Math • Reading for Information • Locating Information

  12. Skill Areas of Most Career Readiness Certificates • Reading for Information • Applied Mathematics • Locating Information • Bronze – Minimum of Level 3 in all Skill Areas • Qualified for 30% of Jobs • Silver – Minimum of Level 4 • Qualified for 65% of Jobs • Gold – Minimum of Level 5 • Qualified for 90% of Jobs • http://www.careerreadinesscertificate.org/

  13. Benefits of a CRC • Portable credential for basic workplace skills • Business: Easy way to measure skills • Individuals: Easy way to demonstrate skills • Economic Development: Document the quality of workforce • Education, Workforce Development, Training Organizations, and Business: Speak a common language

  14. Based on ACT’s database of job profiles, we can estimate the types of jobs requiring various levels of CRC skills Data shows clearly that higher basic workplace skills leads to higher-paying jobs. Economic Value of the CRC Skills Median Pay $49,000 34,000 26,000 Level % of Jobs Min Levels Gold 90% 5 - 5 - 5 Silver 65% 4 - 4 - 4 Bronze 35% 3 - 3 - 3 Pay Ranges $23,000 - 141,000 14,000 - 74,000 14,000 - 37,000

  15. Statewide CRC Efforts Regional CRC usage Statewide in process Current Statewide CRC Revised

  16. The Good News: 34% are at Level 4 The Bad News: 14% are ≤ Level 3 WorkKeys Test Performance of U.S. Examinees-Reading for Information 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 <3 3 4 5 6

  17. The Good News: 25% are at Level 4 The Bad News: 27% are ≤ Level 3 WorkKeys Test Performance of U.S. Examinees-Applied Mathematics 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 <3 3 4 5 6

  18. Locating Information Requirement – Process Operator Level 7 Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 1995 2000 2005 2010

  19. WorkKeys Test Performance of U.S. Examinees-Locating Information (5/03-4/05) 50 45 40 35 2000 30 25 20 1995 15 today 10 5 0 <3 4 3 5 6

  20. There is a considerable need for tools to help improve basic workplace skills….

  21. KeyTrain: The Complete System WorkKeysSkillsCurriculum Pre-WorkKeysCurriculum CareerReadinessSkills Career Clusters ProfilesDatabase LearningManagementSystem

  22. Multiple Delivery Formats Web-Based CD-ROM SpanishLanguage Client-Server Workbooks ACT Centers

  23. KeyTrain Skill Areas • Reading for Information • Applied Mathematics • Locating Information • Applied Technology • Listening • Writing • Teamwork • Observation • Business Writing • Pre-WorkKeys Courses

  24. Intuitive, robust learning management system

  25. Effective, engaging Instructional design

  26. CAREER CLUSTERS • Cluster-specific assessment and instructional material • Path is chosen by student • All 16 US DOL Clusters • Sample jobs for each cluster


  28. CAREER INFORMATION • Interest Inventories – available online • ACT Occupational Database • Create Local Profile Database • Using these for career guidance

  29. KeyTrain Career Skills • KeyTrain Career Skills is an interactive set of 200 lessons • Field-tested curriculum • Skills identified by employers as those most needed by employees to be successful • Short true/false quiz at the end of each lesson • Major topic areas: • Work Habits, Communication Skills, Workplace Effectiveness, Business Etiquette, The Job Search

  30. KeyTrain Career Skills

  31. Job Profiles Database

  32. Occupational Profiles in Nursing Title/DOT Number AM AT L LI OB RI TW WR Nursing Aides, Orderlies and Attendants 31.1012.00 Number of Jobs Nurse, Assistant 355674014 Number of Jobs Nurse, General Duty 075364010 Number of Jobs Nurse, Licensed Practical 079374014 Number of Jobs Nurse, Supervisor 075167010 Number of Jobs Nurse, Registered 29-1111.00 Number of Jobs


  34. KEYTRAIN. RESULTS. For information on the results that KeyTrain achieves with various organizations, please call Thinking Media at 877-842-6205 or email info@keytrain.com.

  35. ACT-Compliant Curriculum • KeyTrain / Thinking Media is an ACT “Level I Publisher” and “Preferred Provider” of WorkKeys curriculum • KeyTrain has been reviewed and found to meet ACT’s standards for WorkKeys skills instruction – the first curriculum that met standards in all skill areas. ACT™ and WorkKeys® are trademarks of ACT, Inc. Thinking Media is not owned or controlled by ACT, Inc.; however, ACT, Inc. has reviewed these training materials and has determined that they meet ACT, Inc.’s standards for WorkKeys training curriculum.

  36. WorkKeys is a trademark of ACT, Inc. KeyTrain is a registered trademark of Thinking Media. Copyright 2007 by Thinking Media. All rights reserved.

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