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Version 07102003. for beginners. Spiritualism. Contact information : shanky_andy@hotmail.com or shanky_andy@yahoo.com. Preface.
Version 07102003 for beginners Spiritualism Contact information : shanky_andy@hotmail.com or shanky_andy@yahoo.com
Preface Before starting, I humbly prostrate to ðYvara (God), Who is the creator of all of us. I bow to the feet of sad-gUrU (unattached realized spiritual guide), who showed me the ultimate path of spiritualism. Words fail to express my gratitude towards great sad-gUrU, sages and seers of India. This presentation is an effort to reveal very basic concept of spiritualism to educated people. Facts presented in this presentation are mere reproduction of spiritual teaching of great sad-gUrU, which are based uponveda (ancient accumulated Holy wisdom of great sages and seers of India). In order to make the subject simple, at times the explanation in this material may suffer in depth. There may be some omissions and mistakes in this work, but I am sure that your suggestions will improve this work to a great extent. Kindly send in your suggestions at shanky_andy@hotmail.com or shanky_andy@yahoo.com Peace by means of peace.
Content • # Topic Page • Objective................................................................................ 04 • An Advise to the Audience................................................... 05 • Cause and Effect Theory...................................................... 06 • Cosmic Consciousness and Its Energy.............................. 10 • Separated Consciousness................................................... 13 • Axiomatic Truth..................................................................... 15 • Three Bodies.......................................................................... 22 • Law of karma......................................................................... 24 • Birth and Death Cycle........................................................... 26 • Four Levels of Consciousness............................................ 29 • Five Sheath Principal............................................................ 31 • Mind........................................................................................ 35 • Subtle energy points............................................................. 44 • Methodology.......................................................................... 48 • Religion and Spirituality....................................................... 60 • Six Verses to Liberation........................................................ 64 • Terminology........................................................................... 65
Objective Most of the us are at a position where we can neither accept nor reject God. How do we get answers for very basic fundamental questions such as Who is God? Is God a mere concept for physically and mentally weak people? Why so many miseries? What is the purpose of this life? Why death? What is death? What after death? Why is God so imperfect? Why God is creating problems for all of us? Who has made Nature? Is everything pre-destined? What is the role of free-will? What is religion and rituals? Every religious man has their own conviction, then who is right and who is wrong? What is the definition of right and wrong? Why blood-shed on the name of religion? How do we meditate and get peace? And most important question is that who is asking all these questions? Who I am? What is my origin and the final destination? In order to get the answers to these valid questions, one has to step out of own material self and start contemplating upon these questions. veda sheds the light on these questions and helps us to understand the ultimate reality. An important point which we need understand is that veda are not confined to any particular religion, rather vedaare generic knowledge on essential spirituality. veda contain various techniques and methodologies to realize Self and reveal Beyond.
An Advise to the Audience • Mirror of consciousness will not reveal anything if it is covered with the dust of wrong pseudo spiritualism and material logic, which is based upon five imperfect senses and relativity. • In spiritualism, logic is good to some extent, but after that it becomes a barrier. • Have a non-critical, unbiased and inventive mind of a Scientist. Prior to an invention, a Scientist doesn’t have any logic to prove his work, but even then he is fully dedicated and committed to his work, which eventually makes him successful. • Mind is clever and always tries to consolidate answers for it’s convenience. Have quest for knowledge and live with questions. Borrowed knowledge can serve the purpose to some extent. Answers are to be discovered by your own self. • Scriptures reveal themselves when read again and again. Read, understand, integrate and then implement. • Tons of reading is better than an ounce of practice. Theory is supplementary to practical. To quench the thirst, water is needed and not the theory of H2O. • Get rid of crunches of belief and realize the Truth yourself.
Cause and Effect Theory Theoretically, to understand a system, it is essential to decompose and then again reunite it’s components. Apparently, this makes the system a little more complex, but this process increases the depth of knowledge at an intellectual level, which makes the practical easy. Lets try to analyze an experiment, which is getting conducted in a laboratory. In this experiment, a scientist is transforming water vapors to water, and then water to ice. Through this experiment we will try to understand the various stages of transformation and relation between gross, subtle, cause and source.
Cause and Effect Theory Now this experiment has following four aspects - Source (Intelligence) • Ice is gross (sthUla). • Water is subtle (sUkSma) • Water vapors are the cause (kAraNa) of water and ice. • Scientist is the source, the intelligence behind the process. Cause (Water vapors) Based upon the above experiment, now we can establish the following facts – Understanding is from Gross to Source Manifestation is from Source to Gross • Cause is subtle and effect is gross. Effect is the gross manifestation of the cause. • Water vapors and ice are subtle water and gross water respectively. Substratum (H2O) is the same, and difference is in the forms and names only. • This transformation can happen both ways i.e. water vapors to ice and vice versa. • Scientist’s intelligence is the source behind this transformation and not involved in the actual transformation process. Subtle (Water) Gross (Ice)
Cause and Effect Theory • Each effect has a cause, as water vapors are the cause of water and ice. Similarly, “This” (we, Nature and beyond) are the effects of “That” (Cosmic Consciousness), and “That” is the cause of “This”. • Effects are different forms and names (Upadhi) of the same cause, as water and ice is the different form and name for water vapors. Similarly, “This” is the different forms and names of same “That”. If we drop the idea of forms and names, then “This” becomes “That’. • An effect cannot exist without its cause, as water and ice cannot exist without water vapors or H2O molecules. Similarly, “This” can not exist without “That”. If we take out “That” from “This”, “This” also vanishes. “This” is the effect of “That” and “That” is the source of “This”. If one drops of the relative perspective of “This” and “That”, then “This” is “That” and “That” is “This”. In other words, cause is subtler effect, and effect is grosser cause. Cause of causes is Cosmic Consciousness (ðYvara) and rest all are Its manifestations. In the infinite ocean of Cosmic Consciousness, innumerable waves (Self as a Separated Consciousness) emerge and then finally merge back.
Cause and Effect Theory AuM (~) is the sacred symbol and is the representation of Cosmic Consciousness and It’s manifestation i.e. creation.AuM is the combination of following sequence of root sounds - • A-kArAis the sound of “A” (as pronounced in up), which represents gross manifested form of Cosmic Consciousness. • U-kArAis the sound of “U” (as pronounced in put), which represents subtle manifestation of Cosmic Consciousness. • mA-kArA is the sound of “M” (as pronounced in mother), which represents cause of Cosmic Consciousness. • Sound of silence, the vibrations and pause after mA-kArArepresents the Source i.e. Cosmic Consciousness Itself. Sound of silence or emptiness is the substratum, which acts like a canvas on which painting with A-kArA, U-kArAand mA-kArA is made. 3 4 2 1
Cosmic Consciousness and Its Energy The whole Universe is infinite river of energy. Where energy is condensed, it becomes visible in the form of mass, as whirlpools are visible in a river. This energy is known as Nature (prakRti). Energy can convert itself into gross form, which is called mass and vise versa. Mass is gross energy and energy is subtle mass. In the scientific world, “Wave/Particle Duality of Light” is an interesting example, where minutest known substance, has two contradicting properties of wave and particle. Essentially this means that sometimes a wave acts like a particle and vise versa! From scientific perspective, this is illogical because, wave is a process of an energy whereas particle is a mass. Energy Conversion Mass
Cosmic Consciousness and Its Energy But Energy (prakRti) itself is not intelligent. Some Intelligent Principle behind the scene is controlling this Energy. This Intelligent Principle, the Universal Law behind the process is known as Cosmic Consciousness (ðYvara). That's why Cosmic Consciousness is Immortal, Formless, without Limbs, Action-less, All-pervading (thus Immovable), Unchanging, Second-less, Indivisible, Infinite, Eternal and without Attributes (nirguNa). Sustain Cosmic Consciousness has manifested Itself in It’s Energy (Nature), and from this perspective, Cosmic Consciousness is with attributes (saguN) also. It’s like same electricity is getting manifested in various electrical equipments such as bulb, fan etc. Nature’s cycle does create, sustain and absorb (to re-cycle and re-fresh) it’s creation. Cosmic Consciousness is the Source, and Nature is Its effect. Nature depends upon Cosmic Consciousness, but inseparable from Cosmic Consciousness, the way a nail is inseparable from it’s finger and Sun-light from Sun. Create ðYvara Absorb
Cosmic Consciousness and Its Energy • Nature has two powers – • Power to veil (AvarNa Yakti) : Nature is untrue existence and true appearance, thus called illusion (mAyA). For example your image in the mirror is there, but not real. • Power to distract (vikSepa Yakti) is of three types – a. Power to know (jJAna Yakti). b. Power to desire (IcchA Yakti). c. Power of doing action (kiryA Yakti). • You get the knowledge of an apple through the power-to-know (jJAna Yakti). Then a desire arises in the mind to possess that apple, which is the power-to-desire (IcchA Yakti). Then you exert to obtain that apple with the help of power-of-doing-an-action (kiryA Yakti). • Nature has trinity essences (triguNAtmik Yakti) – • sattva : Saint like tendencies such as sentient, goodness, light, purity etc. • rajas : King like tendencies such as kinetic, mutative, passion etc. • tamas: Negative tendencies such as static, inertia, ignorance, darkness, dullness etc. sattva rajas ðYvara tamas
Separated Consciousness Apparently, “Free will” Separates Individual Consciousness (Atman or Soul or Self) from Cosmic Consciousness. The Separated Consciousness has two natures – • Conditioning through Nature’s veil • Original form (svarUpa) sat-chitta-Ananda - a. sat is existence i.e. truth. b. chittais consciousness. c. Ananda is bliss. Cosmic Consciousness For example, while watching a movie, one gets associated (gets conditioned) with the false environment created by the movie. When one witnesses (Yakshi) that it's projector’s beam, which is making false impression on the inert screen (and not onto himself), he gets disassociated with the false environment and becomes established in his own self (svarUpa). Nature acts as a veil between Separated Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness. Environment outside and inside of a pot is the same. When pot (veil of Nature) is broken then the environment inside (Separated Consciousness) becomes one with the environment outside (Cosmic Consciousness) of the pot. Nature as veil Manifestation Understanding Separated Consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness, the Substratum Body Separated Consciousness All the objects, except Separated Consciousness, under Nature are temporary and thus unreal. Cosmic Consciousness is real, Nature is unreal, and apparent Separated Consciousness is Cosmic Consciousness only. Separated Consciousness is a fraction of Cosmic Consciousness only, and thus above and beyond Nature. yogA means union between Separated Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness. Separated Consciousness is ever pure and divine, but the veil of ignorance made of tamas, rajas and sattva makes the Separated Consciousness limited and finite. Veil Cosmic Consciousness Separated Consciousness sattva is superior to rajas, and rajas is better than tamas. Objective is to morph ourselves from tamas to rajas, rajas to sattva and then transcend sattva too, which is known as guNatIta. The sculpture (Separated Consciousness) already exist in the rock, only unnecessary rock (veil of Nature) is to be chipped off to get the sculpture out of the rock. “That” is already there, only veil between “This” and “That” is to be dropped. That’s why we always pray “Reveal Thyself”.
Axiomatic Truth • “That” is sat (Truth), the only nameless substance, one without second (non-dual), with no beginning or end. • Two aspects of Sat, are chitta and Ananda. The interplay of these two aspects of divinity causes creation. chittais love, attraction and Cosmic Consciousness. Anandais will, enjoyment and Nature. • The Cosmic Consciousness and Nature in its aspect of repulsion and attraction vibrates. This process emanates a sound known as Pranava (AuM). • praNava (AuM) manifests the idea of – a. Time (kAla). b. Space (AkaYa). c. Units (aNu). • These four ideas of praNava, time, space and unit lay down the foundation of creation, which together act as a veil reflecting the spiritual rays of the Cosmic Consciousness. sat Cosmic Consciousness chitta Ananda attraction & repulsion vibration emanates AuM sound \
Axiomatic Truth • This veil is composed of three essences (guNa) – • Then the state of equilibrium of the three essences gets disturbed. As a result energies get polarized and chain of deformation occurs. • As a consequence of deformation ofsattva, Self (Separated Consciousness) manifests, which is also known as mahtattva. • Self further gets deformed and manifests as false ego (ahaMkAra), which causes repulsion and separation of Self from Cosmic Consciousness. • The three essences, although distinguished by their distinctive features, are the conglomerates of the same three essences in differing proportions. This manifests five fundamental essences, called paJca-tattavai.e. sattva, sattva + rajas, rajas , rajas + tamas and tamas. • sattva : Saint like tendencies such as sentient, goodness, light, purity etc. • rajas : King like tendencies such as kinetic, mutative, passion etc. • tamas : Negative tendencies such as static, inertia, ignorance, darkness, dullness etc.
Axiomatic Truth • Five fundamental essences (paJca-tattava) consist casual body (kAraNaSharir), which is cause of subtle body (sUkSmaShariror lingadeha) and gross material body (sthUla Sharir). • From the sattva component, the five knowledge senses (jJanendriya) evolves – a. Ear (Yrautra). b. Skin (tvacha). c. Eye (ckShu). d. Tongue (jihvA). e. Nose (Yrautra). • rajas give rise to five subtle organs of action (karmendriya) –– a. Speech (vak). b. Hand (pAni). c. Feet (pAyu). d. Genital (upasth). e. Anus (pAyu).
Axiomatic Truth • rajas components manifest as five major prANa (subtle life force) – a. prANa– breathing. b. apAna- excretion of waste and urine. c. vayAna- circulation of blood. d. udAna- deglutition or swallowing of food. e. samAna- digestion of food. • From tamas components, five rudimentary principles of the elements (tanmAtra) are emerged – a. Sound (Yabda). b. Touch (sparSa). c. Form or color (rUpa). d. Taste (rasa). e. Smell (gandha). • Five rudimentary principles of elements further gets deformed and evolve themselves as five gross elements (paJca-mahabhuta) - a. from Sound to Space (Space). b. from Touch to Air (Space + Air). c. from Form to Fire (Space + Air + Fire). d. from Taste to Water (Space + Air + Fire + Water). e. from Smell to Earth (Space + Air + Fire + Water + Earth). Subtle to gross Subtle to gross
Axiomatic Truth • These five gross elements has a tendency to grossify (paJcnIkarna) i.e. split itself into half (50%), and rest of the half (50%) further gets divided into four equal parts (12.5%), and then gets unified with other four half (50%) gross elements. Below is grossification process for five gross elements – Space Air Fire Water Earth 1st Step : Split 50% 2nd Step : Split 50% in 4 parts i.e. 12.5% Grossification 3rd Step : 12.5% gets merges with other 50% 3rd step is the manifested form of Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Together these five gross elements constitute the gross material body.
Axiomatic Truth • Fine subtle body consist of following nineteen elements - a. Five organs of knowledge. b. Five organs of action. c. Five prANa. d. Inner subtle equipment (antaHkaraNa) - i. Emotional Mind (man). ii. Intellect (buddhi). iii. Chit is basic faculty through which mind operates i.e. combination of conscious, subconscious, unconscious, memory and more. iv. Ego (ahaMkAra). • With the three bodies - casual body, gross material body and subtle body, having been formed, the play of repulsion comes to a halt and attraction of the Cosmic Consciousness becomes evident. • An object has five aspects – • Name (nAma) • Form (rUpa) • sat (Asti) • chitta(bhati) • Ananda (priyA) • Thus whole macrocosm is within microcosm. Belongs to Nature and varies She (Nature) loves Him (Cosmic Consciousness) so much that She tries to capture Him, by constructing nine door temples (human bodies) and establishes Him in it. Substratum is the same
Axiomatic Truth sat Self chitta Ananda Gross body Subtle body \ Ego prANa Speech Sound Space Ear Chit apAna Hand Touch Air Skin Time Space Unit Intellect Feet Form Fire Eye vayAna rajas udAna Taste Water sattva tamas Tongue Genital Emotion Mind samAna Smell Earth Nose Anus sattva sattva + rajas rajas rajas + tamas tamas prANa from rajas Gross elements from tamas organs of action from rajas Rudimentary principle of the elements from tanmAtra Casual body Organs of knowledge from sattva Self & inner subtle equipment from sattva
Three Bodies • Three bodies are - • Gross material body is what we see and feel. • Subtle body drives gross material body. • Casual body is based on ignorance (avidyA) and is the cause of the gross material and subtle body. The shell of a Mango corresponds to gross material body. The pulp represents subtle body and seed corresponds to casual body. Binding elements for casual, gross material and subtle body are – 1 Casual body causes • Body (deha). • Action (karma). • Love (rAga). • Hate (dveSa). • Egoism (ahaMkAra). • Non-discrimination (Aviveka). • Ignorance (AjJana). Ego is the main binding element 3 Gross body 2 Subtle body drives
Three Bodies Gross material body has nine (and two hidden) gates – 1. Left ear. 2. Right ear. 3. Left eye. 4. Right eye. 5. Mouth. 6. Nose. 7. Navel. 8. Genital. 9. Anus. Gross material body goes under Five modifications – 1. Potential existence. 2. Born. 3. Grows. 4. Matures. 5. Decay. 6. Dies. Gross material body is made up of seven primary essences (saptadhAtu) – 1. Chyle. 2. Blood. 3. Flesh. 4. Fat. 5. Bone. 6. Marrow. 7. Semen. Fine subtle body consist of following nineteen elements – 1. Five organs of knowledge. 2. Five organs of action. 3. Five prANa (subtle life force). 4. Inner subtle equipment - a. Emotional Mind. b. Intellect. c. chitta. d. Ego.
Law of karma Because of karma (past and present mental and physical actions), Separated Consciousness becomes conditioned and goes through the purification process created by Nature. Types of karma are – • Negative. • Positive and negative. • Positive. • Neither positive nor negative : Only yogIcan achieve this type of karma. Common man does 1st and 2nd type of karma, where proportion of negativekarma are high. Categories of karma as can be explained via Bowman's analogy - • Accumulated (saJcita karma) : The bundle of arrows in the quiver. • Fructifying (prArabdha karma) : The arrow shot, which can not be recalled. • Current (kriyamAna karma) : The arrow, which is about to shoot from the bow.
Law of karma We have control over accumulated and current karma, provided we use fructifying karma correctly. River of “free will” can change it’s course in the pre-defined plan of karma. Accumulated karma in the latent form are called saMskAra, which is the subtle base of our manifested desires (vAsana). saMskArafurther gets strengthened by ignorance (avidyA), and because of ignorance one starts considering – • the short-lived as eternal. • the impure as pure. • the painful as pleasurable. • the non-Soul (body, mind etc.) as Soul. Result is worldly afflictions (kleSa). Pain and pleasure are two faces of the same coin, which is called Pain. Pleasure and pain are pain only. Because of this vicious circle, the Separated Consciousness becomes conditioned through five senses and as a result emotional mind overpowers and further traps the Self in karma. Freedom lies in, in controlling the mind and not getting controlled by mind.
Birth and Death Cycle Cosmic Consciousness • Death is separation of gross material body and subtle body. • Gross material body merges back into five gross elements – a. Space.b. Air. c. Fire. d. Water. e. Earth. • Subtle body – a. Five subtle senses merges into mind - i. Sound. ii. Touch. iii. Form or color. vi. Taste. v. Smell. b. Mind merges into prANa. c. prANa merges into Separated Consciousness. d. Separated Consciousness merges back into Cosmic Consciousness. Separated Consciousness Dismantler prANa Mind Sound Smell Touch Taste Form At the time of death, five subtle senses merges into mind, and mind into prANa , and prANa into Separated Consciousness, and Separated Consciousness into Cosmic Consciousness.
Birth and Death Cycle This is different from Liberation (mokSa). Here the shell of the small glass (ignorance) doesn’t let the water of small glass (Separated Consciousness) merge with the water of big glass (Cosmic Consciousness). Since separated Consciousness is covered with the veil of ignorance, it comes back to Nature to exhaust its accumulated karma. The subtle body along with Casual body transmigrates, and constructs new gross material gross material body and again starts watching the same old movie consisting of six modification i.e. potential existence, born, grows, matures, decay and dies. Ego is the binding element between three bodies. Casual body is the cause for subtle body and gross material body. Subtle body drives gross material body. Separated Consciousness, is separate from three bodies. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Separated Coconsciousness is responsible for fruits of it’s karma. Cosmic Consciousness is just the facilitator and dispenser of the results based upon karma.
Birth and Death Cycle • Cycle – • Death. • Transmigration and birth. a. at a higher level such as Angels. b. at the same level such as human. c. at a lower level such as animals. • Past subtle impressions (saMskAra). • Relation of senses with an object creates thought ripplesin the lake of mind (vRitti). • Desire. • Ego. • karma. • Result is pain. 1 Death 2 Transmigrationand birth 8 Result is pain 3 Past subtle impressions Nature’s vicious circle, the purification process 7 karma 4 Relation with an object 6 Ego 5 Desire
Four Levels of Consciousness • Four stages of consciousness are - • Wake (jAgrata) state, where ego gets identified with gross material body and karma comes into play, because "I" becomes doer and enjoyer. • Sleep (svapna) state, ego gets identified with casual body and subtle body. No doer and only enjoyer remains. • Deep sleep (suSupti) state, ego gets identified with casual body and there is neither a doer nor enjoyer. Maximum peace without senses and mind, with no concept of time, space and unit. • 4th satge(turiyA) stage means total absorption. It is whole and encompasses all the above three states. It is transcendental, non-dual and supreme bliss. These states are experienced by all of us in our normal day to day life. This stage is to be discovered in meditation. Each state exists, but negates other's experience and objects. Though deep sleep experience is without mind and senses, but joy of deep sleep is incomparable to sensual pleasure.
Four Levels of Consciousness AuM (~) is the sacred symbol and is the representation of Cosmic Consciousness and It’s manifestation i.e. creation.AuM is the combination of following sequence of root sounds - • A-kArAis the sound of “A” (as pronounced in up), which represents wake state. • U-kArAis the sound of “U” (as pronounced in put), which represents sleep state. • mA-kArA is the sound of “M” (as pronounced in mother), which represents deep sleep state. • Sound of silence, the vibrations and pause after mA-kArA represents the 4th stage. Sound of silence or emptiness is the substratum, on which the music of A-kArA, U-kArAand mA-kArA is made. 3 4 2 1
Cosmic Conciousness Five Sheaths Principal Our internal organs are covered with various layers made of skeleton, bio-magnetism, muscles and skin etc. Similarly, Separated Consciousness is covered with five sheaths (koYa). yogi transcend all these sheaths one by one. Food sheath Gross body Subtle life force sheath Mind sheath • Food sheath (annamaya koYa), is made up of the essence of food, and finally it returns to food i.e. earth or matter. It belongs to gross material body. • Subtle life force sheath (prANamay koYa) is made of prANa and the five organs of action. This sheath controls hunger, thirst, heat and cold. The gross subtle life force does the functions of breathing, digestion, excretion, circulation etc., and subtle life force generates thoughts. Subtle body Intellectual sheath Bliss sheath Casual body Self
Five Sheaths Principal • A. Main category of prANa – • prANa is Yellow in color, located at chest and controls breathing. • apAna is Orange in color, located at anus and controls excretion of waste. • vayAna is Rose in color, located in entire body and controls circulation of blood. • udAna is Violet Blue in color, located at throat and controls swallowing of food. It takes the Separated Consciousness to rest in Cosmic Consciousness during deep sleep state. It separates the subtle body from the gross material body at the time of death. • samAnais Green in color, located at navel and controls digestion of food. • B. Five sub categories of prANa – • nAgacontrols belching and hiccough and vomiting. • kUrma controls closing and opening of eyelids. • kRkaracontrols hunger. • devadatta controls yawning. • dhanaMjayanourishes the body, decomposition of the body after death and ejection of the child from the womb.
Five Sheaths Principal • Themind sheath (manomay koYa) consists of the emotional mind, the subconscious (chitta) and the the sense organs of knowledge. This sheath controls thinking and doubting, anger, lust, exhilaration, depression and delusion. • The intellectual sheath (vijJAnamaya koYa) consist of the intellectual and the ego working with the help of the five sense organs of knowledge. Discrimination and decision or determination, agency of doer-ship and enjoyer-ship are the functions of this sheath. • The bliss sheath (Anandamaya koYa) gives bliss during deep sleep state and at the time of experiencing the effect of a sattva deeds. It is a modification of Nature and consists of the thought ripple in the lake of mind (vRitti) – • The joy you experience when you look at an object you like (priyA). • The great joy you feel when you possess the object you like (mod). • The greatest joy you experience after enjoyment of the object you like (pramoda). You get the knowledge of an apple through power-to-know of the intellectual sheath. Then a desire arises in the mind to possess apple, which is power-of-desire of mind sheath. Then you exert to obtain apple with the help of power-of- doing-action of Subtle Life Force sheath.
Five Sheaths Principal • Sheath and bodies relation – • Gross material body has food sheath. • Subtle body has prANa sheath, mind sheath, intellectual sheath. • Casual body has bliss sheath. • Relation between sheaths and levels of Consciousness - • All the five sheaths function during the wake state. • prANa sheath, mind sheath, intellectual sheath and bliss sheath function during sleep state. Intellectual sheath and bliss sheath function partially. • Bliss sheath functions during deep sleep state. • Six waves in the ocean of this World are – • Birth and death for the food sheath. • Hunger and thirst for prANa sheath. • Grief and delusion for the mind sheath. Separated Consciousness is after bliss sheath. And beyond Separated Consciousness is the Cosmic Consciousness – the Source.
Mind When we (subject) perceive an object (or an idea), we first evolve that object with in ourselves. Then as per our conditioning, we categories the object as good or bad (duality), which gives us pain or apparent pleasure. Let’s explode the transaction between an object and subject. Objects are made of five gross elements viz Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. These objects are perceived by five senses i.e. Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell respectively. For example we are look at a menu in a restaurant, our senses (eyes) passes on the perceived menu items to the mind, which is divided into three components - • Lower mind (man) : Lower mind is directly connected with five senses and controls choices, emotions and feelings etc. Polluted memory and intellect is known as lower mind. Flipping through various food menu items is an activity carried out by lower mind. • Intelligence (buddhi) : Lower mind passes on the menu choices to intelligence, which sits between lower mind and chitta. Intelligence controls discrimination, decision, thought and rationality etc. The final selection of a menu item is made by intelligence. • chitta : chitta is the basic faculty through which mind operates i.e. combination of conscious, subconscious, unconscious, memory and more. Chit controls wisdom (viveka). Mind And final action is carried out by ego, and selected item is ordered from the menu.
Mind And behind this gross and subtle equipments (body with senses, lower mind, intelligence and chitta), Separated Consciousness acts as a source of energy, the way electricity is the life for various inert electrical equipments. Relation with an object activates similar accumulated bubble of past subtle impression (saMskAra) in the lake of mind. Bubble of accumulated past subtle impression surface up and burst at the surface of lake of mind, and create thought ripples, which are known as vRitti. Because of thought ripples in the lake of mind, one gets identified with the multiplicity of the thought waves, which is created by link list of thoughts and mind becomes distracted. Thoughts take multitudes of shapes very similar to your own distorted reflection in a vibrating surface of the water and thus one can not see the base (Separated Consciousness) in the lake of mind. These thought ripples are linear (one after and another) and naturally controlled by practice (abhyAsa) and non-attachment (vairAgya).
Mind Body with 5 senses Separated Consciousness Lower Mind Intelligence Chit Mind Space Sound Air Touch Objects made of5 great elements Fire Form Water Taste Earth Smell tamas rajas sattva tamas+rajas Rajjas+sattva Placement of Ego? Body and Mind growth pattern 1-7 years 7-14 14-21 21-28 28-35 years Gross Effect Science Material Inertness Subtle Cause Astrology Spirit Consciousness Realization Manifestation
Mind Body and Separated Consciousness are two complimentary (not opposite) ends, and mind lies in between. Body and Separated Consciousness is governed by tamas and sattva respectively. Grip of law of karma is stronger on tamas and weak on sattva. Ego can be placed at either end. A materialistic and spiritual person will keep his ego at body and chitta (and Beyond) respectively. While doing a creative (scientists and artists) activity, one's ego is at chitta. But it’s different from spiritualism because still the energy is being used on external material world. Energy has a tendency to drain out through five senses. If we try to block out one channel, water flows to rest of the available channels. That’s why blind people possesses extra-ordinary smelling and hearing powers. Ever since only a small percentage of mind is used on the external material world and therefore mind has become atrophied. Mind is thought, and thought is time. No thought means no-mind and thus timelessness, which leads to an experience beyond five senses. For example deep sleep experience is without mind and senses. From spiritual perspective, spiritualism is rational teaching to an irrational mind. Our knowledge (base of the logic) is based upon five imperfect senses and relativity. Thus spiritualism is beyond five senses and logic.
Mind • Defects of mind are – • Impurities : Removed by self-less service, kindness and mantara. • Distraction : Distractions are of following four types, and can be controlled by surrender (upAsanA) and yogA – • Mad or distracted (kSipta), scattered in 3D. • Foolish or dull (mUdh), scattered in 2D. • Contemplative or less distracted (vikSipta), line. • Concentrated (ekAgra), pointed on a dot. • Absorbed (niruddha), such as vacuum and emptiness. • Veil of ignorance : Ignorance can be removed by study vedaand Self. Regulated texts of vedAnta (essence of veda) are UpaniShad(YrutI), brahmansUtra (nyaya) and bhagavad gItA (samritI). vedAntic contemplation is threefold – • Listen from sad-gUrU (Yravana). • Meditate on Yravana (manann). • Practice on manann (nidhyAsana) : Theory is meant to be practiced. And finally, practice too automatically gets dropped and it starts happening automatically. 3D Achieved with human efforts 2D Line Dot Vacuum
Mind What are veda? Truth was directly revealed to ancient Sages and Sears in their deep meditation. Since then this wisdom of Truth was passed on verbally from gUrUto YhiYhyA (disciple). In that yuga (era), people were highly spiritual and thus were able to retain this complex wisdom. At the beginning ofKkali-yuga(name of an era), about 5,099 years ago (at the time of mAhAbhArta), keeping in view the future decline in the spirituality and limitation of human mind in the next yuga (era), great Sages, bagwAna vyAsa, created physical books, which are known as veda. vedAntic literature is the most ancient writings in the world and consists of – • YrutI (heard) : YrutI are primary scripture and considered to be the divine in origin. Now YrutI scriptures include four veda (rig, yajura, sAma and atharva) and each veda consists of three main parts - • Philosophical sections, considered as “Head” of veda and also known as UpaniShad (jJAna kAnda). • Considered as “Heart” of veda (upAsanA kAnda). • Deals with actions and known as “Legs” of veda (karma kAnda). Rituals belong to this portion of veda. Legs without head and heart becomes meaningless. • samritI (remembered) : samritI is of human origin and were written to explain the coded YrutI. samritI represents the portion of the veda that was authored by various Sages and Seers.
Mind brahmansUtra (nyaya) gives resolution to the apparently conflicting statements in UpaniShadand bhagavad gItA. bhagavad gItA is cream of veda and tells us – • Energy of equanimity. • Wisdom of non-doer ship. • Natural functioning of guNa. • Sacrifice all motives.
Mind • Conflict between being and becoming – • Past is domain of mind. • Present is the point of existence and life. • Be in the present activity (i.e. mindfulness) and don’t let the mind flip around in past and future. Past and future are false and are extended present only. • Objective is not to enjoy the present activity, but to train the mind to live in present, which can be helpful in Meditation. • Future is domain of mind. Past Present Future Being Becoming Point of existence Observe yourself and control following six demons – • Passion (kAma). • Anger (krodha). • Greed (lobha). • Confusion (Moh). • Pride (moha). • Jealousy (mAtsarya).
Mind While morphing the mind (from tamasto rajas, rajasto sattvaand sattvato guNatIta), yogi’s mind (sAdhaka), object of achievement (sAdhaya) and methodology (sAdhana) appear to be the same, but they are not. Subject and object are two different things, and thus mind cannot change itself. Entity who is witnessing (Yakshi) mind, is the Separated Conciseness. The correct hierarchy can be explained by Chariot’s analogy- • Objects are grass. • Body is Chariot. • Five senses are horses attached to the Chariot. • Separated Consciousness is the Charioteer (controller). • Mind acts as reins. • Cosmic Consciousness is the aim. 4 guNatIta 3 sattva Human efforts 1 tamas 2 rajas
Subtle Energy Points • anAhata is located in heart. It's represented by lotus with 12 petals. Its element is Air. Focus of bhakti (surrender) yogA. • maNipUraka is located at navel. It's represented by lotus with 10 petals. Its element is Fire. Focus of karam(action)yogA. • svAdhiSTAna is located at reproductive organs. It's represented by lotus with 6 petals. Its element is Water. • sahasrAra is located at crown of the head and represents Cosmic Consciousness. It's represented by lotus with 1000 petals. Focus of jJAna yogA. • AjJA is located at 3rd eye (between the eyebrows). It controls nervous system. It's represented by lotus with 2 petals. Focus of rAja yogA. • viYuddhi is located on throat. It's represented by lotus with 16 petals. Its element is Space.
Subtle Energy Points • mUlAdhArais located at perineum i.e. between Anus and Genital organ. It's represented by lotus with 4 petals. Its element is Earth. kuNDalini, three and a half coiled up subtle dormant energy resides at mUlAdhAra. Vibrations of AuM starts at mUlAdhAraand goes up to sahasrAra chakra. prANa flows through the subtle energy channels (nAdI). Three main subtle energy channels are – • piGgalA : Exhales and brings prANa down. Its attributes are Rajjas, Sun, hot, negative and mantra is raM. • idA : Inhales and brings prANa up. Its attributes are tamas, Moon, cold, positive and mantra is huM. • suSumnA : For common man it is inactive. Its attributes are sattva. To awaken the dormant kuNDalini, yogiestablish prANa in suSumnA. kuNDaliniat mUlAdhAraawakens and goes up through major subtle energy channel (suSumnA) and unites with Consciousness in sahasrAra chakra i.e. localized divine Energy (Yakti) unites with Source of Energy (Yiva). This happening reveals knowledge by knowing which all knowledge becomes known.
Subtle Energy Points sahasrAra AjJA viYuddhi anAhata maNipUraka svAdhiSTAna mUlAdhAra suSumnA idA piGgalA kuNDalini
Subtle Energy Points • Seven Worlds (loka) are – • satyaloka. • tapoloka. • janaloka. • mahAloka, which is also known as 10th door (AuM). • suvarloka. • bhuvarloka. • bhUloka is gross material body, which contains seven subtle energy centers. satyaloka tapoloka janaloka mahAloka suvarloka bhuvarloka bhUloka
Methodology There are four paths to realize Cosmic Consciousness and they go hand in hand and can be followed simultaneously - • Wisdom (jJAna) yogA: Gain wisdom and realize Cosmic Consciousness. Wisdom yogA is two folds – • Indirect wisdom from outside (parokSa) such as understanding the theory of H2O at intellectual level. • Direct intuitive experience from inside (AparokSa) such as drinking water and experiencing it directly. This gets embedded in our saMskAra. • Surrender (bhakti) yogA: When total surrender (not devotion, but unity) happens and one looses his own existence to the Cosmic Consciousness. For example when a mother is cooking food, she always has her children in the background. This state is called bhAva, in which mother looses her existence in her child. Mother's love for her children is from her heart (which is illogical) and not from mind (which is logical). Mother will even risk her own life to save her child. • Action (karma) yogA: Serve others, assuming others as Cosmic Consciousness, without getting attached to the results. • Royal (rAja) yogA: Physic path, which gives power to fry the seeds of accumulated past subtle impressions. Fried seeds can never become a tree and bear fruits.
Methodology • Four main goals of the life – • Liberation (mokSa) is self-realization and re-unification. • Religion (dharma) is the rightful duty. • Meaning (artha) is the rightful way to attain material wealth. • Work (karma) is the rightful way to desire. • Why do we need yogA– • To have positive attitude and better health. • To have happiness, peace and bliss. • To be more creative and productive. • To reduce dependencies. • To increase acceptance. • To cultivate Universal love and harmony. • To gain higher wisdom. • To realize the physic abilities (for spiritual practice only). • To realize of Self and re-unite with Cosmic Consciousness.
Methodology yogA sUtra of pataJjali (also known as aSHAGga yogAor rAja yogA) is divine science of mind based upon sound philosophy and deep psychology. Content are – • 1st Chapter is known assamAdhi(solution) pAda (step) has 51 sUtra i.e. verses containing clues to higher subtle wisdom. • 2nd Chapter is known assAdhana(spiritual practice)pAda has 55 verses. • 3rd Chapter is known asvibUti (sacred ashes, the outcome)pAda has 55 verses. • 4th Chapter is known askaivalya (final stage, Liberation)pAda has 34 verses. • Why yogA sUtra of pataJjali ? • Practical. • Authentic. • Scientific. • Well defined and compact. • Independent of religion. • Generic and Universally acceptable. Delicate plant of spirituality corresponds to samAdhi. sAdhanaacts as a fence and comes after samAdhi. vibUti is the fruit of the plant of spirituality and kaivalya represents the final enjoyment of the taste of fruit.