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Uncover the mysteries and events in spiritual history, from biblical prophecies to the writings of Swedenborg, exploring the concept of the afterlife and spiritual beings. Delve into the influence of figures like Jesus and the spiritual insights shared by Swedenborg, shedding light on the unseen realm where the physical meets the spiritual. Discover the profound connection between the physical body and the spiritual essence, and how spiritual experiences transcend the boundaries of the physical world.
Someglimpseson the History ofSpiritualism Introduction v. 4.4
Short Vocabulary:CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy Textbook CIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoH CP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground Korea DP = Divine Principle LSA = Lord of Second Advent OT = Old TestamentNT = New Testament CT = Completed Testament TF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung Moon TM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon UC = Unification Church See also extended Vocabulary: http://www.slideshare.net/bdp003/vocabulary-uc
Physical World Spiritual World
Physical Mind Spiritual Mind • Hearing • Seing • Touching • Smelling • Tasting • Hearing • Seing • Touching • Smelling • Tasting Physical Body Spiritual Body ”Second Minds” Two people in one Mind is the internal nature and body is the external form. Mind and body are two correlative aspects of a human being; hence, the body may be understood as a second mind. /EDP
SpiritualLow Vibration: Evil spirit World Good Paradise KoH True Love & God
”Writing on the Wall” Rembrandts ”Belshazzars feast” Painted c. 1635-38, Bible: Daniel Ch5
Now the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him. And Saul’s servants said to him, “Behold now, an evil spirit from God is tormenting you. Let our Lord now command your servants, who are before you, to seek out a man(David)who is skillful in playing the lyre: and when the evil spirit from God is upon you, he will play it, and you will be well.” /Bible 1 Samuel 16:14-16
The Bible1 Sam. 28:10-11 “Bring up the ghost of Samuel,” he (King Saul) answered. 12 When the woman saw Samuel, she screamed. Then she turned to Saul and said, “You’ve tricked me! You’re the king!”
Prophecy of Messiah from Bethlehem But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. /Micah 5:2
The BibleMatthew 14:22-33 • Levitation – Jesus walking on water
The BibleMatthew 17:1-7 • Elijah - Jesus – MosesMount of Transfiguration
NT – Spirits In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. /John 14:2
NT – Spirits • A group of Jews was travelling from town to town • casting out evil spirits. • They tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus in • their incantation, saying, • "I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul • preaches, to come out!“ • /Acts 19:13
The BibleMark. 5:1-20 13 And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.
In the year 2009, anthropologists across the world came together to find out which event had had the greatest influence since the onset of human history and publicized their finding. According to their research, of the twenty events and figures that influenced humankind the most, the birth and life of Jesus was ranked in first place.
Dante Alighieri, escritor fiorentino, author of La Divina Comedia 1261-1321Description of Spiritual World
Millions of spiritual Creatures walk the EarthUnseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep. /John Milton 1667: Paradise Lost
Spiritual light - Swedenborg “A Columbus of Spirit World”
Swedenborg When the human body is worn out, it dies. But when the heart stopped beating and lungs stopped heaving, his/her inner self continues immediately his/her life in another existence. He/she is now a spirit and no one on this earth can with their bodily eyes see him/her.
Swedenborg He/she has, however, in her new existence left a body that on the dot corresponds to the body he/she had on earthbut in other for us unimaginable substance on the nature of Swedenborg himself is uncertain. He/she sees and hears and feels. He/she has the stomach, liver, kidneys, and even bladder and she hungers and thirsts.
Swedenborg If the dead shall become alive first on the Day of Judgment? Were, are they then after death, asks Swedenborg. “Is Adam and Eve and all with them hovering in Space? What could be more wailing, lamenting and more difficult than such a wait? Can not their destiny be compared with prisoners, bound with chains and fetter?
Swedenborg If man had such a lot after death were it not better to be born a donkey than a Human? Is not the body eaten by worms, rats and fish? ? And could a skeleton, dried out by the sun or decay into dust be introduced in a new body?“ (T § 693) Swedenborg's suggestion about a new life immediately after death is a classy counteroffer. Epic of the Afterlife: a Literary Approach to Swedenborg /Olof Lagercrantz
Heaven and HellDescription of Spiritual World • ALL men (Good/Bad)100% survives physical death • We create our down destiny in spiritual world • = Absolute Spiritual Laws are at work • “You reap Good/Bad what you sow Good/Bad!” • 3 levels of Spir. World Heaven – Medium – Hell • “…man takes with him all his memory and nothing can be hidden in the world so that it does not become manifest after death, and this in many people's presence” Emanuel Swedenborg1688 - 1772
Swedenborg offers this general commentary on the sexual organs in the Universal Human: But I have not been allowed to know the identity and nature of the communities that belong to the specific organs of generation.
Swedenborg offers this general commentary on the sexual organs in the Universal Human: But I have not been allowed to know the identity and nature of the communities that belong to the specific organs of generation. They are actually too inward for anyone in a lower sphere to understand. They relate to uses of those organs that are deeply hidden and far removed from knowledge. The reason is providential—to prevent things that are intrinsically most heavenly from damage by foul thoughts, which involve lewdness, promiscuity, and adultery. /Emanuel Swedenborg, Arcana Coelestia
Wilson van Dusen M.D.: Present day psychosis always involves some degree of self pride (spiritual madness) but the hallucinated aspect looks most like what Swedenborg described under the general headings of obsessions (to be caught in false ideas) and possession to have alien spirits acting into one's thought, feelings, or even into one's own bodily acts.
He indicates that normally there is a barrier between these spiritual entities and man's own consciousness. He also makes quite clear that if this barrier of awareness were penetrated the man would be in grave danger for his mental health and even for his life.
In my dialogues with (mental) patients I learned of two orders of experience, borrowing from the voices themselves, called the higher and the lower order. Lower order voices are as though one is dealing with drunken bums at a bar who like to tease and torment just for the fun of it. They will suggest lewd acts and then scold the patient for considering them. They find a weak point of conscience and work on it interteasing him for three years over a ten-cent debt he had already paid.
They call the patient every conceivable name, suggest every lewd act, steal memories or ideas right out of consciousness, threaten death, and work on the patient's credibility in every way. For instance they will brag that they will produce some disaster on the morrow and then claim honor for one in the daily paper. They suggest foolish acts (such as: Raise your right hand in the air and stay that way) and tease if he does it and threaten him if he doesn't. The lower order can work for a long time to possess some part of the patient's body.
The higher orderis much more likely to be symbolic, religious, supportive, genuinely instructive, and communicate directly with the inner feelings of the patient. I've learned to help the patient approach the higher order because of its great power to broaden the individual's values.
Swedenborg indicates that good spirits have some degree of control over the evil ones. Higher order hallucinations have made the same comment — that they can control lower order ones, but it is seldom to the degree the patient would desire. In some respects they overcome the evil insofar as the patient identifies with them.
A discovery four years ago helped me to get a relatively rich and consistent picture of the patients' experience. Though I noticed similarities with Swedenborg's description of the relationships of man to spirits it was only three years after all the major findings on hallucinations had been made that the striking similarity between what Twentieth-Century patients describe and Swedenborg's Eighteenth-Century accountsbecame apparent to me. Google for the booklet! Job —"With Dreams upon my bed thou scarest me and affrightest me with Visions."
Ann Lee 1736 –1784 leader of the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing, or Shakers. Convinced (Spirit World inspired)that sin had begun with Adam and Eve's sex act in the Garden of Eden, Ann Lee insisted that sexual relations were the root of all sin. Men and women would achieve salvation only by overcoming this fleshly desire.
Compare sexual interpretationwith Sun Myung Moons Divine Principle: The Spiritual Fall and the Physical Fall God created human beings with two components: the spirit self and the physical self. The human Fall likewise took place in two dimensions: in the spiritual and in the physical.The fall which took place through the sexual relationship between the angel and Eve was the Spiritual fall, while the premature teenage fall which occurred through the sexual relationship between Eve and Adam was the Physical fall. Ann Lee
Jakob Lorber 1800 – 1864 A Christian mystic and visionary from the Duchy of Styria, who promoted liberal Universalism. On 15 March 1840 he began hearing an 'inner voice' from the region of his heart and thereafter transcribed what it said. “New Revelation” 10,000 pages in print. The New “Gospel of John” contains 2000 pages claimed directly from Jesus.
Can you imagine a more frustrating experience than the one God had? Here is God who among all the peoples in the world chose the Jews to become "His own people" because they were the only ones who in the old days had kept the belief in One God.
He made a covenant with them (Abraham), freed them from slavery in Egypt, gave them a unique law, gave them a beautiful land, educated them, blessed them and forgave them their many sins.But when He finally comes to visit them in human form in Jesus to bring them eternal life they reject Him and kill His body. Compare: Divine Principle Mission of Jesus
Maria Valtorta 1897-1961 With her unique gifts of inspiration and literary genius, she is the greatest writer since Saint John the Evangelist. Jesus nicknamed her "Little John". She is the most widely read Italian author in many languages throughout the world.
Jesus on Marriage: Nothing is healthier or holier than two people who sincerely love one another and unite to perpetuate the human race and give souls to Heaven. The dignity of a man and a woman who become parents is second only to God's.
1965-1972 Helen Schucman, Ph.D., was a clinical and research psychologist. A Course in Miracles was "scribed" by Dr. Schucman between 1965 and 1972 through a process of inner dictation. She experienced the process as one of a distinct and clear dictation from an inner voice, which earlier had identified itself to her as Jesus.
Time is under MY (Jesus) direction, but Timelessness belongs to God alone. In time, we exist for and with each other.In Timelessness, we coexist with God. The Crucifixion did NOT establish the Atonement. The Resurrection did. This is a point which many very sincere Christians have misunderstood.
Swedish medium Anna Berg had her spiritual awakening 1994 and have since channeled books from spiritual world about Jesus, Maria and Mary Magdalena.
Sun Myung Moon: All men and women alive on earth became Satan’s live poisonous snakesThe male sexual organ is a poisonous snake that spurts poison at the female. The day you lose your purity, your whole clan will be ruined.That is why the snake was used as a metaphor. Do you have a sexual organ or not? An angry poisonous snake is waiting with open mouth, but would you put your hands in there? Would you insert your love organ into it? /SMM (272-37, 1995.8.30)
2006 If Jesus had married and shared his love with a woman who loved him more than he could ever love, would the devil be able to pull away the children they bore? God would protect them.Christians will say all kinds of things and raise a big fuss. What do you think would have happened if a pure Jesus, as a good man, welcomed a good woman and had a family that God could protect?
2006 If children of goodness had been born then, the world would already be unified within two millennia; it would have become one tribe. That wouldn’t even have taken seven centuries. /SMM 245-45, 1993.2.28Source: (link) Book Eleven- The Root of the Universe
Barricade on the rue Soufflot, an 1848 painting by Horace Vernet. Revolutions of 1848 -Spring of Nations
1848 21 March, Birth of modern materialism • - ”Communist Manifest” Karl Marx London
1848 21 March, Birth of modern materialism • - ”Communist Manifest” Karl Marx London • 1848 (40 days later) Birth of modern Spiritualism • - Fox sisters Hydesville USA