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State of Louisiana

State of Louisiana. Executive Budget Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget March 16, 2007 Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Governor. REVENUES. General Fund Available Compared to EOB Freeze on 12/1/06. STATE GENERAL FUND Fiscal Year 2006 Surplus $ 827

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State of Louisiana

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  1. State of Louisiana Executive Budget Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget March 16, 2007 Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Governor


  3. General Fund AvailableCompared to EOB Freeze on 12/1/06 STATE GENERAL FUND Fiscal Year 2006 Surplus $ 827 Fiscal Year 2007 Excess General Fund $1,222 Fiscal Year 2008 Increased General Fund $1,292 Available General Fund for Fiscal Years 2006-2007 & 2007-2008 $3,341 (in millions)

  4. General Fund Revenue • In December and February, the REC recognized continued strength in general fund revenue for FY07 and FY08 • The strength was mainly due to: • Robust economic activity generated by recovery and rebuilding efforts • An extended period of high oil prices

  5. Taxes, Licenses and Fees $ Million SFY * current forecast

  6. West Texas Intermediate Oil Price $/barrel SFY * current forecast

  7. State General Fund Revenue $ Million SFY * current forecast

  8. Trust Fund Balances $ Billion FY 2004-05 $3.4 Billion FY 2005-06 $3.7 Billion FY 2006-07 $3.8 Billion Projected to 6/30/07


  10. FY 06-07 Budgeted vs. FY 07-08 Recommended(In $ Millions, Exclusive of Double Counts and Inclusive of Contingencies)

  11. FY 07-08 State General Fund Expenditures, by Functional Area

  12. FY 07-08 Total Expenditures,by Functional Area

  13. MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES Pay Raise and Supplemental Pay

  14. Recommended Salary Pay Increases

  15. MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES Higher Education

  16. Major Changes • Higher Education Funding • $98.1M to fully fund the formula at 100% Formula Funding • $16.9M to provide 3% Flexible Funding for formula institutions currently at the 100% formula level and non-formula institutions

  17. Major Changes • Higher Education Initiatives • $30M for a faculty pay increase • $27.4M for a state worker pay increase • $33.2M for mandated costs • $12.5M in recurring funds for Library and Scientific Acquisitions

  18. Major Changes • Higher Education Initiatives • $10M for hurricane-affected campuses to assist with faculty recruitment and retention and to recover research and operation capacity • $2M for the Community and Technical College Development Pool for accreditation and new program development needs • $13M for workforce development including the Pathways to Construction Employment Initiative and Nursing and Allied Health Professionals

  19. Major Changes • Higher Education Initiatives • Financial Aid Initiatives • $15M for need-based scholarships and grants • $3m for the Dual Enrollment Initiative • $4.5 million for student loan guarantees is continued for the Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOSFA)

  20. Major Changes • Higher Education Initiatives • Targeted Investments • $3.2M for the Louisiana Immersive Technologies Enterprise (LITE) • $3M for Research at Pennington • $1M for the ULM School of Pharmacy


  22. PreK-12 Education Louisiana is recognized nationally as an educational leader in venues such as Education Week. • Louisiana ranks 1st in Education Accountability and Standards for the third year • 1st in Improving Teacher Quality • 6th in Equity of funding

  23. PreK-12 Education 91% of Louisiana teachers met state standards and were certified last year, up from 10-year low of 84% during Fiscal Year 2001-2002. Louisiana’s ACT average composite score for all students increased to 20.1 in 2006 from 19.8 in 2005.

  24. Major Changes K-12 Education

  25. Major Changes • PreK-12 Education • The Governor committed to providing “at risk” children the opportunity to participate in early childhood education • $30 Million additional General Fund for LA4 Early Childhood Education in public schools • $112.2 Million total funding for LA4, including General Fund and 8(g) block grants for public schools • $8.5 Million in TANF funding maintained for Private PreK

  26. Major Changes • PreK-12 Education • $13.0 Million increased funding for High School Redesign • $1.4 Million additional State General Fund is recommended for Type 2 Charter Schools providing for additional students; total funding is now $24.8 Million for (8) existing Type 2 charter schools

  27. Major Changes • PreK-12 Education • $4.8 Million additional General Fund provided for Summer School Remediation • $1.0 Million additional General Fund provided for a New Orleans initiative to attract matching foundation funds to increase the number of principals.


  29. Major ChangesMedical Vendor Payments(Total Funds) • Private Provider Services • $401 Million increase • Public Provider Medicaid • $76 Million increase • Uncompensated Care Costs payments • $17 Million increase

  30. Major ChangesPrivate Providers Program(changes from existing operating budget) • Increase of $401 Million in the Private Providers Program for: • Health Care Redesign Initiatives -$198M • New and/or expanded programs - $191M Total ($53M State) • 100 Emergency Waivers - $7M Total ($2M State) • Direct service workers pay increase - $113M Total ($32M SGF) • 750 New Waivers - $18M Total ($5M SGF) • Annualize Programs started in FY07 - $64M Total ($14M SGF) • Mandated Increases - $3M Total ($1M SGF)

  31. Major ChangesMedicaid & UCC Payments(changes from existing operating budget) • Increase of $76 Million in the Public Providers Program • Increased Title XIX funding HCSD - $50M Total ($14M SGF) OCDD - $24M Total ($7M SGF) • Increase of $17 Million in the Uncompensated Care Costs Program • Maintains current year UCC for the Community, Rural and High-Medicaid Hospitals • HCSD and LSU-S/EAC - $28M ($5M SGF) • Approximately $44M under the $1B DSH Cap

  32. Other Major Changes (changes from existing operating budget) • Non-recur Federal Katrina Waiver $292M • Increase funding in: • Office of Mental Health, Human Service Districts and Authorities ($24M SGF – Supervised and Independent Living for Mental Health patients) • Office of Addictive Disorders ($8M SGF – 20 hospital-based detoxification beds and 30 bed Co-occurring unit)

  33. MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES Families and Children

  34. Major Changes • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families • Approximately $73.6 million in federal TANF funding is recommended to continue existing TANF initiatives. • New initiatives include: • General Education Development (GED), $500K • Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAGS), $500K • Head Start, $5M • Nurse Family Partnership, $2M

  35. After School Education Enhancement Private Pre-K Truancy Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAGS) GED Microenterprise Teen Pregnancy Prevention CASA Drug Courts Substance Abuse Treatment Substance Abuse EITC Alternatives to Abortion Community Response CPI/Family Services Fatherhood Initiative Domestic Violence Freedom Schools Homeless Head Start Nurse Family Partnership Early Childhood Supports TANF InitiativesFunded in FY 07/08

  36. Major Changes • Social Services: • $11.4M SGF to serve eligible clients with disabilities in Louisiana Rehabilitation Services • $8.4M SGF to offset the impact of the Deficit Reduction Act which decreases Title IV-E administrative and maintenance cost received for the foster care program • An increase of 50 positions and $1.3M SGF to address understaffing, heavy caseloads, excessive overtime and turnover in the foster care program

  37. Major Changes • Juvenile Justice: • Overall budget increase of $28.8M or 19% from EOB along with 81 positions • $4.6M increase in State General Fund and 72 positions for Bridge City for implementation of the LAMOD model. • $9.0M total funding recommended for the new Acadiana Correctional Center for Youth (ACCY). $5.9M in State General Fund (SGF) and 87 positions transferred from Jetson Correctional Center for Youth to ACCY, along with an additional $3.0M in SGF for this effort

  38. Major Changes • Juvenile Justice • $657K to provide mental health beds to the mentally ill and mentally challenged delinquents. • Provides an additional $3.0 Million for medical, dental and mental health services for the youth. • Provides an additional $4.3 Million for a pay raise for Correctional Security Officers, Youthcare Workers, and Probation and Parole Officers.

  39. Juvenile Justice Transitioning to community-based services.

  40. MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES Economic Development

  41. Major Changes • Economic Development • $6M SGF continues for the Economic Development Regional Awards and Matching Grant Program • $10M continues for Rapid Response Fund • $5.5M continues for advertising, promotion and marketing • $20M Capital Outlay for NASA equipment acquisitions and manufacturing facility modifications • $1M for transportation drayage due to MRGO closure • $7.3M to continue LaSwift bus service in DOTD

  42. Major Changes • Culture, Recreation & Tourism • $2.5M for additional sporting events: • 2008 NBA All-Star Game • 2008 NCAA Women’s Basketball Regional Final • $1.2M continues for the Essence Festival • $1.5M additional state aid to local public libraries • $1.1M additional state aid to New Orleans City Park • $1M to aid State Museums in the rebuilding of exhibits impacted by the hurricanes • $1M to expand international cultural relations, including World Cultural Economic Forum in N.O. in the Fall of 2007 • $4.6M additional cultural and tourism enhancements to aid tourism industry recovery

  43. MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES Public Safety and Corrections

  44. Major Changes • Public Safety Services: • $2.4M for a pay increase for State Troopers and DPS Commissioned Officers • $3.5M of total funding for the Uniform Construction Code Council (UCCC) to assist local governments in implementing the state’s new uniform building code • $4.6M of total funding in State Police for fleet replacement of 482 vehicles • $34.8M increase in State General Fund to allow Transportation Trust Funds to remain with the Department of Transportation and Development

  45. Major Changes • Public Safety Services: • $5.9M to fund a 50-member cadet class and increase the number of State Troopers on the road by 50 • 7 positions and $1.1M of funding will allow the State Fire Marshal to avoid delays in plan review and inspections, which could impact Louisiana’s rebuilding efforts and jeopardize public safety • Governor’s Office: • $11.5M provides for addressing Interoperability issues statewide, which brings the total investment to $20.3M since FY 2006-2007

  46. Major Changes • Corrections Services: • Provides $9.8M and 259 positions for the operation of a 273-bed skilled nursing/geriatric health care unit at Elayn Hunt Correctional Center • Provides $3.9M for 60 Probation and Parole Officers to provide supervision to sex and violent offenders • Provides $2M for the Correction’s Substance Abuse Program to expand counseling efforts • $1M and 20 positions provided for J. Levy Dabadie Correctional Center to expand the facility by an additional 80 beds

  47. Major Changes • District Attorneys and Assistant District Attorney: • $3.5M provided for a pay increase for the Assistant District Attorneys • Enabling Legislation - Act 790 of the 2006 Regular Legislative Session • Effective July 1, 2006 - annual salary of each assistant district attorney grew from $30,000 to $35,000 • Effective July 1, 2007 - annual salary of each assistant district attorney will grow from $35,000 to $40,000

  48. Major Changes • Supplemental Pay: • Supplemental Pay to eligible law enforcement personnel will increase from $300 per month to $425 per month ($1,500 annual pay raise) • The $28M increase will provide: • $12M additional funding for Deputy Sheriffs • $9M additional funding for Municipal Police • $7M additional funding for Local Firefighters

  49. Major Changes • Local Housing of State Adult Offenders • $33.8M additional for housing state offenders in parish and local facilities • $6.6M increase to fund a $1 increase in the per diem rate of both Local Housing of Adult Offenders and the Adult Work Release Program

  50. MAJOR BUDGET CHANGES Infrastructure

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