HEART ATTACKS Risk Factors & Preventive Measures As per a study conducted by AIIMS and ICMR, India’s younger population (under the age of 30) are at a greater risk of suffering from heart ailments. In order to prevent a heart attack, it is important to know the risk factors which cause it. Risk Factors High levels of cholesterol and fat in the body could lead to plaque formation in the arteries, which in turn increases the chance of heart attack. Higher blood pressure levels, associated with obesity and smoking, may damage coronary arteries leading to heart attacks. Regular intake of tobacco rich items such as cigarettes can result in blood clotting & plaque formation in the arteries. Daily alcohol consumption and overeating can elevate stress that can lead to increased risk of heart attacks. When heart related diseases are a part of the family medical history, then there are higher chances of a person in the same lineage to suffer from a heart attack. Preventive Measures Mitigate the habit of smoking & drinking alcohol. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Exercise daily to ensure a healthy body. Keep your blood cholesterol to optimum levels. Reduce or eliminate stressful activities. Alchemist Hospital www.alchemisthospitals.com Sector 21, Panchkula, Haryana, India Phone: 0172-4500000