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Advanced Cryo NYC is a full service cold therapy center in the heart of New York City. We are proud to be among the leaders of the industry.
CryoHealthCryotherapyFacial With temperatures still peaking in the 40's it's always nice when you get a moment to cooloff. Whether that means staying in your car with the air con at full blast, or drinkingyour fifth ice latte of the morning. So naturally when I had the opportunity to try out afacial where I would quite literally freeze my face, I threw all caution to the wind. The treatment is administered by the folks at Cryo Health, who've been operating just overa year now. They specialize in cryotherapy treatments, which they say are all the rave forcelebrities like David Beckham and Christiano Ronaldo. There are a number of treatmentsthat you can get which can target your face, a specific body part, or your entire body.Not feeling courageous enough to get my whole body frozen, I opted for the Beauty AngelProfessional (BAP) using Enhanced Light Technology (ELT) treatment followed by a CRYO GlowFacial. Yeap, that's a mouthful allright. The facial started as most regular ones do with a simple cleansing of my skin and a mildorganic face scrub, followed by an anti-aging face mask. While the mask was on, a special(and massive) device was wheeled over and positioned over my face, which looked like twolarge flashlights made up of smaller LEDs. I was instructed to keep my eyes shut whilespecial dark goggles were placed over them, and the ELT device was turned on. At first thelight was just barely visible through the goggles, even though my eyes were shut. Butafter warming itself up, the machine cranked up the brightness to insane levels-- the samecan be experienced if you were to look at the sun directly with your eyes closed. Thesensation wasn't uncomfortable at all, and there's no heat emanating from the bulbs, butthe intense light helps to rejuvenate the skin and stimulate collagen production.
After this was over it was time to break out the big guns-- the cryotherapy. Now when Isay that your face gets frozen, I mean that quite literally. After a light moisturizer isapplied to your face, a jet of air with a temperature of -140 C is gently moved aroundparts of your face. After the first minute or so it's quite cooling and relaxing, but asparts of your skin and face start to get colder, it becomes just a little bituncomfortable to bear. Thankfully the air is never held in one place for too long, andafter a few minutes it's all over and done with. The sensation post-cryotherapy is akin towearing a face mask-- your skin is cold but taught, and even after your face has warmed upyour skin will retain its tightness for a good number of hours. Regular treatments alsohelps to smoothen the skin and reduce fine lines (if you're paranoid about those kind ofthings). TheAnti-AgingBenefitsoftheHot-IceCryo-Facials The Hot-Ice Cryo-Facial is a Cryogenic treatment, in which a controlled beam of vaporisedliquid nitrogen is used to freeze the skin of the face, scalp, and neck area. The Hot-IceCryo-Facial is truly one of a kind and is
so relaxing and pleasant that our clients oftenreport how relaxed and refreshed they feel after their treatment. Firstly, by focusing exclusively on the face with local Cryo-Wand, the surface of the faceis enhanced immediately as the cold temperatures during a Cryo-Facial close the pores onthe skin, and in the process tightens the skin. Also the surface temperature on the skindrops to around minus 7 to 8 degrees Celsius, in order to get back to the righttemperature, a lot of blood and oxygen goes to the face, with more oxygen than normalgoing to the surface of the face, this triggers an increased production of collagen,resulting in smoother, tighter, more even skin tone, reducing visible signs of aging. Itwill improve the appearance of scars and fine wrinkles and will increase the skin'selasticity. Collagen is activated to produce more cells, causing skin to become more elastic overrepeated use. Your pores will appear much smaller and any inflammation and "puffiness" in the face iseliminated. With repeated applications, the collagen benefit becomes more apparent as theskin's actual elasticity is returned to an earlier, younger time in the life of the skin.
Each treatment features both a Detoxing facial massage as well as a scalp and necknitrogen massage, leaving you rejuvenated and firm from scalp to chest. The skin becomestighter, more even-toned, and blood circulation is improved. Additionally, the coldtriggers hair follicles to produce hair on your scalp, eye lashes and eyebrows making yourlashes and locks stronger and longer. During the Cryotherapy treatment the skin vessels and capillaries undergo a period ofvasoconstriction (constriction of blood vessels) followed by vasodilatation (dilation ofblood vessels) upon finishing the session. These causes Toxins stored in the layers of theskin to be broken down and flushed away. The intense cold (-180) activates collagenproduction in the deeper layers of the skin, leaving your skin firm and tight. Afterseveral treatments clients have noticed the skin becoming smoother and more even tonedwith regained elasticity and improved overall "youthful" feeling. An increase of the skinselasticity has also be seen in repeated sessions, which that Cryotherapy anti-agingbenefits.
The anti-inflammatory properties of cryotherapy are also used to treat chronic skinconditions such as psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema. With repeated applicationsCryotherapy will assist in reducing the affected areas, relieving discomfort and during atreatment regime will even heal the area. TheCryoFacial Step1-DoubleCleanse Adoublecleansesystemisusedtoensurethat alltracesofimpurities areremoved.Onceallmakeupisremovedandporesarecleansed,the skinwillreadilyabsorbthepowerfulinfusionofingredients. Step2-CRYOFacialmachine Themachineblows outcoldairconcentrating ononeareaoftheface anddécolletageat atime.Thereasonforfocusing ononeareafora certainamountof timeistohavetheoppositeeffectofvesseldilation. Instead,thecoldtemperatureencouragesthebloodflowandcirculation withintheskin.Italsotriggerstheskinrepairfunction,tostimulatecell regrowthandrenewal. Step3-CRYOEnergisingFacialSerumandCRYOhydrogel Thecombinationoftheseproductscreatefastactingresults toreawaken theskincells.Theskincanloseitsglowdue tostress,pollution,sun damageandotherlifestylefactors.Thefreshandcoolingingredients transformadullcomplexionintoanenergisedandresurfacedversion.
Asyoucanseefromthe abovebeforeandafterphoto,HarleySt.team memberDavidexperiencedachangeinskintexturefromhistreatment. Theskinlookssmoother,andtheporeslookslightlysmaller.Overall,his skinlookedmoredewy,healthier,andbrighter. https://www.advancedcryonyc.com/health-and-wellness-cryo-facial