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What is LED Lighting?<br><br>A diode is an electrical component or gadget that has two electrodes (an anode and a cathode) through which electricity travels in only one direction (in through the anode and out through the cathode). Semi-conductive materials like silicon or selenium are used to make diodes, which conduct electricity in some situations but not in others (e.g., at certain voltages, current levels, or light intensities).<br>To Learn more please visit: https://www.clarolights.in/learn-about-led-lighting/<br>
BenefitsofLED Lighting LEDlightingoffersnumerousadvantages, including,longlifespan, andlowmaintenance.Additionally,LEDs areenvironmentallyfriendly,emittingless heatandreducingcarbonemissions.Their compactsizeanddurabilitymakethem idealfordiversesettings,fromresidential tocommercialandindustrialapplications.
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